I was kinda busy the weekend this came out, so I forgot to post in this thread.
Overall, I was very satisfied with T3, and I was totally and completely expecting it to suck hard. It did not, and I liked it. With that said, I do have a few criticisms:
The TX (Kristanna Loken) was not scary enough. Yeah, she kills with no remorse, etc. but she\'s not nearly as scary as the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) from T2. She walks slower than he did, she seems reluctant to run after people, she takes longer to reassemble herself after having a building dropped on her, she breaks down (????), and she dies more easily than T-1000 did. Why did Skynet sent this piece of crap back for such an important mission? The way T-1000 used all manner of blade weapons to pierce and impale people just made him WAY WAY more scary in my book. All this makes T3 a bit less thrilling than T2.
I\'m not against the small doses of humor that are present in this film. I know some of you hated it, but I don\'t care. I didn\'t mind it because I never really took any of it seriously to begin with. The non-happy ending pleased me even more, since I wasn\'t expecting it. Anyway, regarding the humor, the only thing I disliked was the way they depended so heavily on one-liners from the previous films, instead of developing new material themselves. I noticed several scenes that would have been perfect for new interesting dialog, but they were ignored. Instead they fell back on the same old "I\'ll be back" and "Asta la vista, baby..." I guess I should have expected that.
Where did Claire Danes learn to fire an AK-47? Did her daddy the Air Force Colonel take her out to the firing range when she was a little girl? Did she take breaks from her job as a veterenarian to train on soviet block weapons out in the desert? Ehhh ... ok.

The warbots that the TX activates with her nanites in the military base near the end of the film were REALLY stupid looking. I found it hard to take them seriously. They should have hired the guy who designed the warbots from the Robocop movies instead. Now those were scary. Even ED-209 would have been scarier than these stupid chrome plated disasters.