I think what he\'s saying is that if the comedy was spread out evenly instead of one joke practically on top of another, he would have taken the film just that much more seriously. I mean, he\'s right that this film is dealing with the apocalypse and the death of half the world\'s population thanks to some machines and it should be taken seriously, but we\'re all laughing the entire time. I know I didn\'t feel a sense of danger for any of the characters with the exception of the few people who were wiped out in the beginning and the extras in the military base, but I didn\'t really care about any of them because we didn\'t know anything about them.
The point is, it\'s very serious content and the movie, with every line of dialogue that contains humor, destroys that feeling. The ending had no real impact on me because I was expecting another one liner from someone. "Oh no, we\'re in a bomb shelter. We blew it." or something. However, I\'m sure plenty of the elements that made the movie longer and spread out the comedy evenly were left on the cutting room floor and I think it would have been a far better film if it hadn\'t and I\'m sure L-I-C would agree with that.