Has anyone seen these at the stores? Its the ones that look like this;

R4nd0m stayed over and we picked one up- LMFAO some of that shit is hilarious.
"Saddam broke his pact with the devil"
"Man sues rope company - after rope breaks in suicide attempt"
"CIA breeding Giant Killer Flies for war with terrorism"\'\'Stink man: He stinks so bad he almost kills coworkers, but because of a disorder he cant be fired under disabilty acts"
(The picture of the guy is the same one they used for the editor, :rolleyes: pathetic)
http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/This is the funniest shit ever, I always get a kick out of the covers when buying groceries. It says somewhere in their to send 18 dollars to the
The U.S. Government for something, and the address is of the company

Some recent online articles;
Saddam caught in gay porn filmBatboy, my personal favorite, really funnyDo they mean this as a joke? My grandma thinks this is real and calls up telling us some of this stuff, we say "yeah".

Its hiliarious.
What do you guys think? Is it meant as a joke? Favorite articles? Thoughts?
edit: (some more great articles, dont even need to read the whole thing to laugh ur ass off)
Starving North Koreans hunt Werewolves for foodOld grannys in old folk home run prostitution businessVideo, Your kid acting up? Purchase one of these!