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Are Americans not sensitive enough to war?

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Author Topic: Do Americans understand what war is?  (Read 2307 times)

Offline clowd
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2003, 06:10:41 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

Whoaooo that sounds so whacked up it could have come from the Patriot storyline at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2.

whacked up?  before calling something "whacked up" ask the author of the post what they meant

"America is showing its true colors"

America is showing that it still has colonialism and greedy ways

"200 years of corruption"

From the pilliaging of the indians to slavery to hiroshima to all it\'s chemical tests to it\'s killing sanctions

"they won\'t change"

They have done these things for 200 years.  They won\'t change

"That is why my heart looks down upon this government, and any government for that matter. I shall go back to my neutral state of mind. When somebody asks me "Do you see what is going on over in Iraq?"
I will say "It\'s sad." and nothing more. "

I have never had faith in any government.  I look down on their greedy ways.  I want to be neutral so I don\'t get angry over the injustices and say things I regret.  So I will simply say "It is sad."  and not get involved with these arguments.  But you guys still bring up the most rediculous things!  Things like Saddam without WMDs is a threat to the world.  I\'m trying to stay out of these arguments...

"Because I know much worst then this will happen in the coming months, years, so if I let this get to me, how will I be able to take what is coming? "

So many people have died or are dying in Iraq because of greed or whatever the unjust reasons is.  It is like a knife through my heart.  But I must strengthen myself.  Because worst wars and injustices will occur in the future.  So,  if this hurts me so much,  how will I be able to take what is going to happen?


You are the type that makes me sad and regretful of calling all Americans racist and evil for following their government no matter what.  

You have the humility of a child,  which is why stubborness or nationalism does not block your view of seeing things the way they are.  You see the American government do things you know are not right,  but America is the country that gives more freedom then anyone.  So alot of people are afraid to question it.  I know you and alot of Americans are torn.  I never got real patriotic with America so the effect isn\'t too tough on me.

I too have child like humility,  and it is the only way to see things clearly.

Offline mm
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2003, 06:59:39 PM »

clowd, you ignorant bastard

WHO started the slave trade?
WHO propagated it\'s duration?
WHO profited most from it\'s existance?
WHO willingly provided the slaves?
WHO sacrificed thier own people and children for money?

oh yeah, not america
grrrrr, i refuse to read the rest of yer post
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Offline GigaShadow
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2003, 07:14:42 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq

What don\'t I have a clue about?

Do you? Who the **** is going to run Iraq? Tell me that. Who is going to set up the government for the Iraqi people? Tell me that.

I didn\'t say I\'ve ever seen a mutilated body. I asked if you have? You seem so sure that you don\'t have to live through a war in order to understand the terrors of a war. Because you never have. I\'ts easy to say, "It\'s a War, people will die". Because you are not one of them.

I don\'t like Bush for that very reason. Also he is a Republican. Also because he decided to make this war happen, and lots of other things. So Bush can GTH, and you can too.

Iraqis are going to run Iraq or don\'t you watch the news?  The fighting isn\'t even over completely and you claim you know what is going to happen :rolleyes:

I have served in the military - or don\'t you completely read my posts?  I am not even going to address the body issue.

Me go to hell?  Why would I want to go to Mexico? ;)
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline GigaShadow
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2003, 07:31:05 PM »
Colonial ways???? WTF??? The Phillipines is the closest thing you could try stick to America as colonialism.  America was a colony before it was even a country and the last time I checked the US didn\'t have any colonies in the Middle East or Africa unlike some of our European friends had during the last century.

Take a look at any colonial map of Africa prior to and after WWI and you won\'t find any mention of the USA.  It was the French, Belgians, British, Germans among others.  One only need look at one nation for both Central and South America (well maybe 2 - Portugal did colonize Brazil).  Learn some history clowd and then come back and make valid accusations.

Oh looky, I found a map of Colonial Africa for you Clowd:

\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2003, 07:42:47 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow

Iraqis are going to run Iraq or don\'t you watch the news?  The fighting isn\'t even over completely and you claim you know what is going to happen :rolleyes:

I have served in the military - or don\'t you completely read my posts?  I am not even going to address the body issue.

Me go to hell?  Why would I want to go to Mexico? ;)

Yes I watch the news, the people aren\'t going to set up their own government. US officials are. Are they going to vote and select one that the people want? Probably not because it will take too much time. I do watch the news, and I know they already sent some guy that was supposed to put up this "new" government for Iraq. The point is he is a US official. Not an Iraqi citizen.

Yep, so anyways have you ever been to Mexico?


Thank you very much. I do have the humility of a kid, also I probably watched too many movies. But thats ok though!!
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline mm
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2003, 07:43:11 PM »
don\'t bother giga

clowd is like a horse with blinders
tunnel vision
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2003, 07:52:48 PM »
I like how Clowd hears some leftist stuff and try to act like he\'s an authority on the material. But mm just mentioned what gives him away: he also likes to be selective with his facts. Sometimes he goes further and makes assumptions that aren\'t true. Clowd, I nomimate you for the "Biggest Douche In Psx2Central" award.

Offline Luke
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2003, 08:52:15 AM »
Clowd you still never answered my question.

You talk alot of shit about "whats going to happen next".

when I ask you what your talking about all you say is "You will see".

You do realize that just makes it look even more like you have no idea what your talking about right?

I know, I know, your gonna post something after me with a whole lotta words that really don\'t say much except for "I\'m smart and I know whats going on"

You guy\'s wanna know the truth?

well... None of us really have ANY clue as to whats really going on. Think about what you hear on the news, or read in the newspaper and then realize that there is probably sooooo much stuff being kept from us that we can ramble and ramble and ramble on and if someone were to come in here and read this shit and ACTUALLY KNOW what\'s going on they would laugh and say we have no clue what were talking about... It\'s still good fun though.

Clowd... As much as you THINK you know what\'s going on, you don\'t. But that holds true to everybody.

Give me something other than "I\'ll kick all your asses"


"you will see"

Maybe then I\'ll take you a little more seriously... Then again maybe not.

Man, nevermind... I don\'t even care anymore.

Too much coffee this morning.

Offline cloud345
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2003, 12:11:15 PM »
whacked up? before calling something "whacked up" ask the author of the post what they meant

"America is showing its true colors"

America is showing that it still has colonialism and greedy ways

"200 years of corruption"

From the pilliaging of the indians to slavery to hiroshima to all it\'s chemical tests to it\'s killing sanctions

"they won\'t change"

They have done these things for 200 years. They won\'t change

  What are you talking about? How are we being greedy by liberating a whole nation? By giving people the freedom to live a happy life were being greedy? And how are we showing colonialism? Are we taking Iraq and making it part of us? No, we getting rid of a government who is run by a lunatic. They\'re going to keep the land.

  200 years of corruption......how can you say that? Sure we took land from indians but back when we did this nobody thought this was wrong! If you think that would happen in this day and age your crazy. It\'s the same thing with slavery, when there was slavery it wasnt wrong.

 Clowd, the past is the past, your arguing about the present.
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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2003, 12:21:59 PM »
and don\'t act like america was the only country to ever use slaves

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Do Americans understand what war is?
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2003, 12:35:55 PM »
Clowd\'s being owned by a 12 year old.. Nice......
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