mean, it\'s not like the movements of electrons in an atom are the same as the movements of planets around a star.
No that is not what I mean, what I mean is that it is the same mechanism that prevents the electron to fall into the proton that prevents the Earth to fall into the Sun.
The Earth is very different from a electron and the Sun is very different from proton, but it is the same mechanism that works in this 2 different systems.
Also, does momentum factor into the reason that planets don\'t collide into the star they orbit, as conventional physics states?
No, momentum does not exist in our theory, momentum is just something humans observe as a result of the constant amount of positive and negative space.
how are elliptical orbits explained?
The reason we have elliptical orbits is that the Sun doesnt create a perfect amount of positive space, the production of space in the sun variates with time making the distance change over time making elliptical orbits.
There is a other factor here, you can actually squeze the space like a ballon. This is also a reason for elliptical orbits.
Also, we have measured that larger planets like Jupiter for example have higher gravitational forces. Does this meant the sun exerts a different space force on that planet from what it does on earth?
Yes this is true, Jupiter is also creating space but very little compared to the Sun(Jupiter was almost like a star billion of years ago it has colled down a lot since then). This means that the Sun-Jupiter system actually seperates from eachother billion of years ago. This is the solution to why the observed planets around other stars are extremely closed to the star(in most cases). There is a very big problem in astrophysics to explain why Jupitersize planets around other stars are in many cases very close to the star. In todays models of the creation of planetsystem Jupiterplanets should be far away from the planet.
Today scientist cant explain this phenomena, they think that jupiterlike planets "walkes" closer and closer to the star as time goes. But they cant explain why they stop and not fall into the star. In our theory this problem is easilly solved. In the beginnig of the planetsystem both the star and this Jupiterlike planets are creating space. (There has been fussin reaction in jupiter when it was young). This causes the 2 objects to seperates. After some million years the Jupiterlike planets becomes netto negaitiv space(when fussion reactions stop) making the planet "eat" its way closer to the star. The planet will stop when the balance between creating and canceling out space are equal, this is the reason the planets doesnt fall into the motherstars.
Also, we have measured that larger planets like Jupiter for example have higher gravitational forces. Does this meant the sun exerts a different space force on that planet from what it does on earth?
Yes, Jupiter and Earth is very different. The creation of space from the sun is been canceled out faster by Earth than Jupiter. The reason for this is that Jupiter is more like a star than a planet.
It depends on how the planets are build.
Lets say you could take the Earth and place it somewhere arouns plutos orbit. Would the Earth just fall into the Sun? If you use todays physics the Earth would start orbiting the Sun at some unknown distance because of coservation of momentum.
In our theory the Earth will eat its way closer to the Sun and stop where creation and canceling of space is equal.
Its the same result just another explaination.
I hope I have answered your questions.