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Author Topic: I want to share this to you all.....  (Read 906 times)

Offline Bossieman
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I want to share this to you all.....
« on: June 09, 2003, 11:19:13 AM »
People, I just want to tell you all that  am still live and kicking.
I have not posted much lately. As you all now by now, I am working on a new theory in physics and it has taken all my time, and I mean ALL my time.
A major problem has been solved, and by solving the problem the answer to why the electron isnt falling into the proton in a hydrogenatom comes up clear. Is that beutiful or what? :smokin:

And the theory is just telling us more.

Many thousands of years ago:
"We observe that the apple falls down to Earth"-Science create gravity to explain this.Gravity always attracts objects, never seperates to objects. Newton and Einstein creates the maths to describe the gravity.

The modern physics begins:
"We observe that 2 protons repulse eachother and that a electron and a proton attracts eachother and 2 electrons repulse eachother"-Science creates the electromagnetic force to explain this observed phenomena.

Eddwin Hubble observes that galaxies seperates
"Galaxies seperates, they dont attract eachother"- Science has problem solving this, according to gravitylaws, the galaxies should attract eachother not seperates.
Science solves this problem by saying: Universe is expanding, that is why the galaxies doesnt come closer to eachother.

This is the science today.

Well just think about it, does it make sence, is this a good explaination?
Well I dont think so.
I can solve them all by using the theory I have been working on.
Read on to find out about an alternative explaination.

Protons creates positive space(They are build of more positive space than negative space=netto positive space), 2 protons will create space between them making us see the 2 protons seperates.
The same thing for the sun, the sun is also netto positive space.
This means that the proton and stars are creators of positive space. 2 stars or 2 protons will  create space between them and we observe this as seperation.
This is the reason to why we see the galaxies seperates, this is the reason why we have never seen 2 stars collide.
The Earth is netto negative space="Eating positive space"
When we observe that the Earth doesnt fall into the Sun the reason is that the Sun creates space and the Earth is canceling out space making the distance constant.
Here on Earth objects falls down because the Earth is canceling out the space between the object and the surface.
the main concept here is that we can explain things in a different way and still get the same result.
It is just another way of explaining things.
In our theory we have to create space between 2 objects to be able to seperate them, if we cant create space between them we cant seperate them.
If the netto result is positive space objects seperates, if the netto result is negative space the objects will attract eachother and if the netto result is zero the distant becomes constant.
It is so logical and beutiful. It makes sence if we just open up our minds.

Just wanted to share this to you all, I feel good.
Any questions?

Offline GmanJoe

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« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2003, 11:31:19 AM »
I think I\'m an electron and girls are protons. :p Girls do create a positive force within me. Two girls will create space between them for me, yeah. Pay attention, kids. It\'s so logical, it\'s beautiful. :p
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
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« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2003, 11:37:06 AM »
I failed physical science.

So this really makes my brain hurt.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline juslight
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« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2003, 12:04:10 PM »
so, are we going to burn up in the sun or not?

Offline shockwaves
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« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2003, 12:50:21 PM »
Something about the whole theory just seems a little off to me.  I\'m not sure how to really explain it.  Let me think for a minute, and I\'ll try to add what it is...

One question though: are you trying to relate solar systems and galaxies to atoms in the forms they take, with a positive center and smaller negative forms revolving around them?  Aren\'t there some inconsistancies there if that is what you\'re aiming for?  I mean, it\'s not like the movements of electrons in an atom are the same as the movements of planets around a star.

Also, does momentum factor into the reason that planets don\'t collide into the star they orbit, as conventional physics states?  If it doesn\'t, and it\'s just a matter of space cancelling out, how are elliptical orbits explained?  I mean, you say that there is zero net space, or whatever the units are, between a planet and the star, wouldn\'t the orbit be circular?  Or are the planets actually fluctuating between positive and negative space, with the momentum they build up while one of the forces acts on them causing them to constantly move closer in and then further away around a central zero distance, causing elliptical orbits?

Also, we have measured that larger planets like Jupiter for example have higher gravitational forces.  Does this meant the sun exerts a different space force on that planet from what it does on earth?  It would have to if both are going to have a net space force of zero.  However, on earth we observe that the same space force is acting on any object, regardless of mass.  Because of that it wouldn\'t make sense for Jupiter to have a larger space force acting on it.  If anything, it would make sense for a smaller one to be acting on it, since it\'s further from the sun.  We observe on earth that the further from the surface you get, the lower the gravitational (space) force is.  Logically, if things were to follow what we see on earth, the positive force exerted on Jupiter by the sun would be less than that exerted on the Earth, but Jupiter would be pulling away with a greater force.  This would mean that either the Earth should fall into the sun, which isn\'t happening or Jupiter should fall away from the sun, which also isn\'t happening.  I just don\'t see how it all fits consistantly.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2003, 01:03:54 PM by shockwaves »

Offline Bossieman
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« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2003, 11:52:00 PM »
mean, it\'s not like the movements of electrons in an atom are the same as the movements of planets around a star.

No that is not what I mean, what I mean is that it is the same mechanism that prevents the electron to fall into the proton that prevents the Earth to fall into the Sun.
The Earth is very different from a electron and the Sun is very different from  proton, but it is the same mechanism that works in this 2 different systems.

Also, does momentum factor into the reason that planets don\'t collide into the star they orbit, as conventional physics states?

No, momentum does not exist in our theory, momentum is just something humans observe as a result of the constant amount of positive and negative space.

how are elliptical orbits explained?

The reason we have elliptical orbits is that the Sun doesnt create a perfect amount of positive space, the production of space in the sun variates with time making the distance change over time making elliptical orbits.
There is a other factor here, you can actually squeze the space like a ballon. This is also a reason for elliptical orbits.

Also, we have measured that larger planets like Jupiter for example have higher gravitational forces. Does this meant the sun exerts a different space force on that planet from what it does on earth?

Yes this is true, Jupiter is also creating space but very little compared to the Sun(Jupiter was almost like a star billion of years ago it has colled down a lot since then). This means that the Sun-Jupiter system actually seperates from eachother billion of years ago. This is the solution to why the observed planets around other stars are extremely closed to the star(in most cases). There is a very big problem in astrophysics to explain why Jupitersize planets around other stars are in many cases very close to the star. In todays models of the creation of planetsystem Jupiterplanets should be far away from the planet.
Today scientist cant explain this phenomena, they think that jupiterlike planets "walkes" closer and closer to the star as time goes. But they cant explain why they stop and not fall into the star. In our theory this problem is easilly solved. In the beginnig of the planetsystem both the star and this Jupiterlike planets are creating space. (There has been fussin reaction in jupiter when it was young). This causes the 2 objects to seperates. After some million years the Jupiterlike planets becomes netto negaitiv space(when fussion reactions stop) making the planet "eat" its way closer to the star. The planet will stop when the balance between creating and canceling out space are equal, this is the reason the planets doesnt fall into the motherstars.

Also, we have measured that larger planets like Jupiter for example have higher gravitational forces. Does this meant the sun exerts a different space force on that planet from what it does on earth?

Yes, Jupiter and Earth is very different. The creation of space from the sun is been canceled out faster by Earth than Jupiter. The reason for this is that Jupiter is more like a star than a planet.
It depends on how the planets are build.

Lets say you could take the Earth and place it somewhere arouns plutos orbit. Would the Earth just fall into the Sun? If you use todays physics the Earth would start orbiting the Sun at some unknown distance because of coservation of momentum.
In our theory the Earth will eat its way closer to the Sun and stop where creation and canceling of space is equal.
Its the same result just another explaination.

I hope I have answered your questions.

Offline fastson
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« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2003, 01:01:15 AM »
Sounds very interesting.
Keep making us proud Bossieman :)

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I want to share this to you all.....
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2003, 07:06:52 AM »
/me reads the first 5 lines of the thread and falls into a coma
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

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« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2003, 07:57:18 AM »
E=mc squared

Offline videoholic

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I want to share this to you all.....
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2003, 10:49:12 AM »
I like reading bossieman\'s theory posts because it makes me realize I\'m not as smart as everyone says I am.  I\'m pretty close though.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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