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Author Topic: Oh what’s that sound .. why its Mr Blair signing away UK sovereignty  (Read 863 times)

Offline ooseven
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Could Mr Blair be a Bigger ARSE ?  I mean he’s only signing away British sovereignty.

Well I suppose he must think his on a role…

First lying about WMD
Then destabilising the Middle East.

Well now he’s on to betraying all the sacrifices that where fought so hard for in 2 World Wars.

What’s for a encore Tony… Setting fire to a couple of Hospitals ?


The controversial European Union constitution will be "good for Britain and good for Europe", Tony Blair has insisted.

He said that the existing text of the draft treaty was "not perfect" but said that after further negotiations it would result in a more effective EU which promoted "the national and the patriotic interest".

 Mr Blair\'s comments came in a foreword to the Government\'s White Paper giving the UK\'s formal response to the draft treaty drawn up by Valery Giscard d\'Estaing\'s European Convention.

 The plans have been criticised by the Conservatives as effectively the creation of a federal United States of Europe - and they have demanded a referendum be held on the issue.

Shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram declared, in the House of Commons: "This is not so much a White Paper but a white flag."

Mr Blair dismissed the arguments for a referendum, insisting the treaty would not alter the "fundamental constitutional relationship" between Britain and the EU and would not create a "federal superstate".    


So NO referendum on THE most Important constitutional decision in the history of the nation…What where you thinking when you said that... where you smoking crack again ?

Phrase most used by Tony Blair when he’s practising his speech in front of the mirror.

“Give me the Presidency of Europe and I’ll give you Britain”

Tony Blair = Out on His Arse Very Very Soon :laughing:
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline Green Meanie
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Oh what’s that sound .. why its Mr Blair signing away UK sovereignty
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2003, 11:59:35 PM »
Which side you you stand on ooseven, red, blue or SNP?

I\'ve never voted (they\'re all much of a muchness) but will even vote for IDS to get rid of blair in the next round of generals.

Offline ooseven
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Oh what’s that sound .. why its Mr Blair signing away UK sovereignty
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2003, 12:18:45 AM »
Originally posted by Green Meanie
Which side you you stand on ooseven, red, blue or SNP?

Depends on who has the best policy at the time.

But over the past 3 or 4 years i have been using my vote as a protest vote.
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Offline Green Meanie
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Oh what’s that sound .. why its Mr Blair signing away UK sovereignty
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2003, 05:58:57 AM »
Protest Vote?

Was that a Monster Raving Loony vote or Lib Dems?

Offline Simchoy
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Oh what’s that sound .. why its Mr Blair signing away UK sovereignty
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2003, 12:29:35 AM »
Now THIS is one thing I\'m against Blair on (well, on a lot of things I\'m against him with. Only the Iraq thing was I ever for him). Even the Sweds now appear to be rejecting the Euro (and in turn, rejecting the European Union). Hope the Brits do the same (not only do you have that soverignty issue, you have those oh so economically powerful nations like France and Germany controlling your money. :rolleyes: ).
Opinions are not important.

Offline Green Meanie
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Oh what’s that sound .. why its Mr Blair signing away UK sovereignty
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2003, 08:27:25 AM »
I just get VERY pissed off that we always seem to be at the front of the queue to pick up bills, insane new laws and insults from other European countries and last in the queue for nice things like a health service or transport system etc etc.....

As soon as we link to Europe properly we\'ll (as one of the richer nations in the \'union\') be carrying other countries not doing so well. It pisses me off, before all else I think the government should pull their noses out of each others arses and ****ing do something about it.

Seriously, they wonder where all the nut-jobs come from, I\'d take pleasure in seeing westminster bombed at the moment.

There\'s no point protest voting as the people you pass your vote to never get any better and never look any more likely to win next time around. If you don\'t bother voting then people moan about low voter turnout for a couple of days and forget about it.

I\'ve had enough of this shit.


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