I should have read your post a little closer before ranting.

My apologies.
Still, many stories have been told about the student "uprising" have shown that, at least the young people don\'t like what is happening and want change in their government. Since the young people are pretty much the future of Iran, IMO, it is simply a matter of time before the ruling mullahs are gone. Note, where the confusing probably came from, I consider public protesting, public condemnation, and others as "uprising" in a nation where such things WILL get you either arrested or even killed (ust not a widespread, government changing uprising). Matter of semantics, and maybe proper word usage. Again, my apologies for not making myself clear.
Oh, and the closet thing to gauging public sentament of the way the general people of Iran thinks is in the "elections" that they have. In the last few elections, the "reformers" (those who promise a more friendly USA policy and more rights to the people [including women]) have been winning elections to legislature and prime minister. A big blow to the ruling clerics. Or, at least when it comes to the public opinion of them (so, even the Iranian people as a whole are tired of the "conservatives" [which in Iran, are the Fundamentalist Mullahs. Though I think the media uses that term to subvertly stab at our own conservatives. But hey, I\'m just a perinoid right wing extremist right?

]). The obvious problem of course is, the clerics can\'t be voted out, and have veto power over what ever the prime minister wants to do or the legislature (making them the TRUE power of Iran). True democracy in Iran this is not, even with these "elections". The only way this can change is a TRUE revolution.
And I seriously doubt, outside of Saddam\'s hometown (where he has CONSIDERABLE support since, these are the people he took care the most with the billions he recieved from the oil funds when he was in power [not to mention his family is there]) that Iraqis as a whole support Saddam. Especially the Kurds. BUT, to say that he has NO support outside of Tirkrit ([edit]originally said Barsa. Lesson here, NEVER write after New Years) is just as stupid as saying he is supported by everyone there. Propaganda or otherwise.