Most of my work mates aren\'t into pcs, or have very little knowledge. But this place called Computer World. are full of knobs. These guys are total morons. Here\'s a few examples of their stupidity and i kidd you not.
My brother and I went into Cworld awhile ago to get a Liteon cdrom, Its not worth the hassle of going through wholesalers when Cworld can get certain items and resale at pretty much wholesale costs, anyway we went in there because Newell wanted a standard liteon 52x cdrom.
He ordered it and they bought out a 52xW 32xRW 52xR burner. He payed for a 52x cdrom and walked out with the burner. Now whats even more amazing is it had to go through at least 3 to 4 people before it got out the door, The guy who did the ordering, The guy who did the pick, the guy who brang down the order and the payment chick that clears it for sale. Thats a lot of dumbshits.
Another time I went into there looking for 1 stick of pc3200 DDR kingston Value mem. I rang before going and they told me it was in stock, which it wasn\'t. Then the guy tells me to try a Transcend stick instead.
I told him that the memory SPD (timings) were different from kingstons (i also wanted to change the mem timings anyway) and said it wouldn\'t work with my current kingston chip. He told me it would work fine blah blah blah.
So i told him i would give it a go, if it doesn\'t work i\'ll bring it back. He agreed and i took it home. Tested it with memtest and what do i get. Shitloads of memory errors. No matter what timings i used, Spd, lose, tight, aggressive etc nothing worked. So i took it back and ended up getting 2x 256 pc3200 kingston value mem chips instead.
Didn\'t bother me because my motherboard only supports 3 mem dimms. Bank 0 being dimm 1 and bank 1 being dimm 2 and 3. So to use dual channel i could only fill 2 with the 512meg anyway. If i added another 512 it wouldn\'t work right. When i was at the counter about to pay for the mem sticks i watched a dood go down stairs with a trolley carrying a poor guys pc (non built) that guy refused to pay for it. I don\'t blame him.