So, now they\'re saying that the phenomena was probably ball lightning...
link But that seems fishy to me, as ball lightning encounters have generally been
extremely rare in the past, and close to the ground. Plus, as I\'ve understood the phenomena of ball lightning in the past, it is not invisible to the naked eye.. the fact that it showed up on infra-red (had heat) should mean its at least a bit visible, no? Hmmm... time to do some ball lightning reading...
linkYeah.. ball lightning, according to this research, is, in general:
1) small, visible, and multi-colored.
2) low to the ground, generally under 10 feet.
3) can bounce, have interior structure...
4) not so rare
Which leads me to three theories, and these three theories get to cover all the bases, so really, I\'m just saying I dunno:
1) It was ball lightning, and so little is understood about it that it has different properties during formation at altitude.
2) It was alien spacecraft.
3) It was something else... (maybe ball lightning, being so wierd, is actually tiny aliens in extra-dimensional craft!)