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Originally posted by Ginko Because it\'s a transition. The transition from 2d to 3d changed the way we played games.Allard\'s proposing that going into the next generation we will see another transition, that the HD era will be something that changes the way we play games.Though if you want to compare then look beyond the obvious jump from a 2d to 3d world, and liken the transitions to how they change gaming. What happens when you let the player get more involved, when developers make their games with that in mind? Do you change the way games are made and played? Yes.SHIFT
Originally posted by Unicron! Yeah.Probably the shift from digital to analog control has correlation with 2D to 3D too because they are both a shift.Aham.
HD is NOT like the leap from 2D to 3D.3D created a whole new way to play video games. High Def will continue the pretty graphics thing that\'s been going on for years. Hopefully you have an HD tv to enjoy it. Most people don\'t.Ghey.-Dan