Well, the model you see is still vertex weight mapped, oldschool, and basic at that becuz i\'m still learning it.
Cinema4D however has it\'s own method called Claude Bonet (they came up with that name by combining Bones with Monet) becuz it can be used to manually paint weight maps onto the bones.
As for shader materials ; all is basic C4D shader materials, except for the face. I used my own photographs for that.
It was quite tricky to make it seem seamlessly which i did in Photoshop. I still need to learn UVW unwrapping
Anyway, I flatmapped the textures onto the face selection tags (front of face, neck and ears) and then I selected Generate UVW maps.
The nightvision goggles, the combat knife on the lower leg and the radio on the back are excluded from bone deformation by using a Stop tag.
Kaydara\'s Motion Builder is popular for rigging characters though.