"Police said officers tried three times to stop the man, who was 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed about 300 pounds. They were finally able to restrain him after using the Taser gun, but he died on the way to an area hospital."
"It was when he was in the ambulance on his way to Sutter Hospital to get (the Taser) probes removed when he coded, his heart stopped," Sacramento Police Department spokesman Justin Risely said.
^^^just so no one is confused, this is not related to that woman being taserd story....even tho this guy was 6" 2 and weighed 300 lbs i ithink it\'s a given that they might have over used the taser, thing is, is that this guy was resisting as well, and sounds like he was terrorizin\' people on the block. they also stated that he was part of a gang, so he was probably a f**kin idiot anyway....