Can we please drop this bullshit? No one is saying "having faith" is a bad thing, but I certainly don\'t want my VP to be someone who doesn\'t believe in science and simple facts (aka when the dinosaurs walked the fucking earth). This whole bullshit about "faith is bad", is just your way to spin the whole thing. Then again, I wouldn\'t elect any one who did not support stem cell research, so call me a weirdo. That\'s an important topic to me.
I like the fact that some of you actually believe Palin was selected for any other reason than she is a hot older mother. McCain himself said in a speech that a Governor or Mayor was simply not ready to be in charge or deal with international problems. ( . But what did he select? A Governor with NO INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE. A former mayor of an extremely small town. What great experience does she have that entitles her to this? None. And had she not been selected by McCain, no one would care about her still. I look at it this way, the VP should be someone who could be elected for President themselves. Obama has that shot, Biden has that shot, McCain has that shot, fuck, Clinton would of had that shot. Would Palin? Not a chance in hell. Why? Because she hasn\'t done anything and doesn\'t have the needed experience to take over if something does happen.
I don\'t care who you vote for . I don\'t think any of them are truly qualified, but please dig your head out of the sand. Palin is a clueless bimbo who doesn\'t need to be near the Oval Office.
The best part tho\'? This goes for the Demos / Repubs both. No matter who would of been selected, this outcome would of been the same. Just on a different scale. The Repubs would support the choice and the Democrats would be trying to dismantle it. And vice versa. You\'re just all to blind to see past your loyality to a select party.
And as for Matt Damon. Get over it. He has the right to voice his opinion. The only difference is, people (no matter how few) may listen to his. He also has the ability to be on TV or YouTube and do this. Where as if you submit a video, well, no one will give a flying rats ass. Kind of like you posting on this message board.