My buddy got Halo wars and I agree with your assessment. It felt like an action game a lot of the time. Or like an arcade mode of an RTS game. Still had fun with it tho.
Anyways after I got to EB to pick of DoWII I had a change of heart and got Empire Total War instead. Even with the limited features of the demo it was still too much fun to pass up. DoWII will be my next purchase because i\'m still really interested in that game. From what i\'ve read they said the campaign mode plays like an action RPG with RTS but the multiplayer mode is very strategic and tactical so that still sounds like fun to me.
The 1v1 online battles in Empire however can apparently take days to weeks sometimes to finish :O seems like a crazy version of Risk, never played that either tho. The will be my first time owning a game from this franchise so i\'ll probably stick to the single player campaign for a few weeks till I get the hang of it. Now i\'m gonna install this thing and help the yanks fend off the red coats

EDIT: 3 hours later and 70% done install >_< been reading that there are apparently some really crippling bugs in this game at the moment. This game apparently kicks the ass of a lot of PCs. Luckily mine is a beast so hopefully I don\'t have the same problems. *crosses fingers*