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Author Topic: Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?  (Read 6773 times)

Offline Ktulu
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2000, 12:14:39 PM »
being a fan of a company is stupid, they could always screw up with a game

No... being a fan of a CONSOLE MAKER is stupid.  Scratch that - ASININE.  It\'s about the dumbest thing you can do.  Why is being a fan of a Developer stupid?  They\'re the ones that make the games.  I mean, hell, it\'s like being a Schwarzenegger fan.  Sure he\'ll pick some lame movies here and there... but more often than not he\'ll put out stuff you like.  Same with Metallica fans.  Now and then you\'ll get a dumb song, but for the most part they make the stuff you enjoy.   Hell, I could even say it about sports teams.  All teams have their off days.  The key thing is: being a fan of the person/people THAT MAKE THE PRODUCT.  The same is true with developers - they make the product.  Being a fan of a developer is no different than being a fan of a sports team, a band, or even an actor.

No, being a fan of a developer is not stupid.  Being a fan of a game - that\'s stupid.  Look at Twisted Metal 2 versus 3.  Being a fan of a console maker, that\'s just inexcusable.  Those jackasses have nothing whatsoever to do with games.  

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2000, 12:32:05 PM »
No, being a fan of a developer is not stupid. Being a fan of a game - that\'s stupid. Look at Twisted Metal 2 versus 3. Being a fan of a console maker, that\'s just inexcusable. Those jackasses have nothing whatsoever to do with games.

First off you are not stupid if you are a fan of anything. Seceondly a lot of the stuff you say like being a fan of a console maker is stupid because they hae little to do with games is very stupid. Even Sony has a lot to do with the games that go on it\'s system, and Nintendo & Sega make games them selves.

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2000, 12:59:38 PM »
Sony just tries to woo the guys who make the games... just like a record label tries to get talent.  But they don\'t actually make the games.  Same with Sega/Nintendo.  They have inhouse developers.  People can be such pricks about these consoles.  "Dreamcast will die", "XBox will kill PS2", "Gamecube will be all kiddy" blah blah blah.  Console fans suck because they are the ones draining the fun out of gaming.

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Blinded by the Sony Light...
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2000, 03:50:33 PM »
Why should I name Zelda OoT and Mario 64 & all that stuff. To me, those weren\'t games of any years.

I\'m just saying that different people have difference opinions.

That is fine that you guys don’t like it.  But not to sound like a ****, but your opinion doesn’t matter when it comes to deciding the [/b]Game of the Year[/b].  The awards are picked by a certain group of people and these groups of people are supposed to know a lot about video games.  It’s their opinions that counts, not ours.  When it comes to awards, everything is an opinion.  Like or not.  To stray away from the gaming examples, but staying in the entertainment field.  I don’t think that Shakespeare in Love should have gotten Best Picture, I think the award should have gone to Saving Private Ryan.  But like I said, my opinion doesn’t count either. No matter how you look at it Mario, Zelda, & GoldenEye all got these awards.

being a fan of a company is stupid

No... being a fan of a CONSOLE MAKER is stupid.

I guess if that is how you want to look at it, that’s fine.  But like some other said, it’s not stupid.  Right now Sony is depending on their fans to make the PS2 the best selling machine out of all the next generation machines.  I guess that is just stupid of Sony right?  

Like Ktulu said, it’s the same as sports.  I mean, who here likes sports?  If you do, do you have a favorite team?  I do, I guess I am just ruining the game because I am routing for one specific team to make it to the World Cup, Super Bowl, Championship, etc…  It doesn’t matter if my team fails me, I will still route for them every time they play.

In my opinion, Nintendo makes a dependable machine and makes awesome games.  So why would I waste my hard earned money on a machine that isn’t going to be dependable?  And Nintendo are developers of games, so I got a company that makes a good machine and good games.  So call me a fan all you want.  But I am not stupid for spending my money wisely.

Who here is going to buy all 4 machines?  I know that you will get the most out of the gaming experience, but what is the point of competition if everybody did that?  Everybody has a favorite of something.

Being a fan of a console maker, that\'s just inexcusable. Those jackasses have nothing whatsoever to do with games.
Console fans suck because they are the ones draining the fun out of gaming.


I don’t know if you have ever heard of Zelda & Mario.  Or how about their creator Miyamoto?  I am trying to think of who makes these games and who Miyamoto works for, oh… that’s right Nintendo.  So I guess Nintendo has a lot to do with the games that are on the market.

I don’t believe you actually think like this.  Console fans are what make this market do so well.  Competition is what is all about.  It is what makes the world turn.  Actually I know it isn’t, it’s just a saying.

There is my two cents.  I am out of here until you guys tear me apart.  Later… and Joyda, keep up the good posting.
8-P = :p
Nothing More & Nothing Less

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2000, 07:28:18 PM »
In my opinion, Nintendo makes a dependable machine and makes awesome games. So why would I waste my hard earned money on a machine that isn’t going to be dependable? And Nintendo are developers of games, so I got a company that makes a good machine and good games. So call me a fan all you want. But I am not stupid for spending my money wisely.

Well said :-P.That is exactly how I feel too.I know I will be satsfied with whatever they put out because I\'ve always have been.Some say the N64 was a disapointment,well I never did.Even though Nintendo lacked some developers,I still managed to buy 15 games(basically from first and second parties only)and be extremely satisfied with each one. There is no doubt in my mind that I will be satisfied with NGC.Its supposed to be a lot better than the N64 was, and I liked N64.How could I not love NGC when I\'ll my favorite game will have 100 times more space then last generation??? \'Nuff said about that.

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Resident Evil: 0
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Ive updated your list.Its quite impressive,isn\'t it?


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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2000, 07:36:21 PM »
Ah, yes. Scratch out "game maker" and put in "console maker", and my point will be somewhat better put.

Ah, screw my whole premise, I was tired or soemthign when I said that...

or just bored...

I\'ll put what I meant in more... comprehensible :) terms later... :)
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then the piano lid comes down
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Re: Blinded by the Sony Light...
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2000, 01:32:39 AM »
Originally posted by 8-P

That is fine that you guys don’t like it.  But not to sound like a ****, but your opinion doesn’t matter when it comes to deciding the
Game of the Year[/b].  The awards are picked by a certain group of people and these groups of people are supposed to know a lot about video games.  It’s their opinions that counts, not ours.  When it comes to awards, everything is an opinion.  Like or not.  To stray away from the gaming examples, but staying in the entertainment field.  I don’t think that Shakespeare in Love should have gotten Best Picture, I think the award should have gone to Saving Private Ryan.  But like I said, my opinion doesn’t count either. No matter how you look at it Mario, Zelda, & GoldenEye all got these awards.



Yes, it is all about opinions, and previously, we were talking about personal opinions and blarblarblar. It is the fact that people have different opinions that makes your rants utterly invalid. In my life, it\'s my opinions that count. Game of the year awards are worthless, reviews are worthless too, everything, but the genuine enjoyment one can get from a game. This "board of people that know a crapload of videogames" has no effect on my life whatsoever. The feeling of superiority when completing a perfect race in wipE\'out"... that is what matters. Leave us alone and let us play the games we like, thank you very much :)

Oh yeah... and what the hell was that "blinded by the Sony light" supposed to mean? Sheesh... this is getting silly :)
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2000, 05:20:56 AM »
I\'m a fan of Miyamato and Nintendo the developers.  But I\'m really sick and tired of these damn wars.  Like I said, they are sucking the fun out of gaming.  Pure, plain, and simple.  When I see Nintendo vs Sony vs Sega vs Microsoft arguments (all of which are asinine), I see NOTHING about the developers.  NOTHING about Miyamato.  NOTHING about Suzuki; NOTHING about Kojima.  And if somebody does happen to mention Miyamato, one of the other console fan jackasses just responds with "oh, his games are just kiddy".  Nice, real nice.  Mention Kojima\'s latest, and you get a lame ass "Metal Gear\'s poly counts aren\'t high enough; the colors are bland" (bland on a warship - gee, go figure).  Then they get back to their stupid little polygon and megahertz arguments.

Consoles suck.  They are the great evil that are dividing gamers.  GAMERS.  I love games, but I can only discuss certain titles in certain forums.  For gods sake, we are split because of these hunks of trash.  If I want to discuss Mario Tennis, I have to go to a Nintendo forum.  Otherwise I get some jackass console fan telling me that it\'s kiddy, it\'s blurry, it\'s washed out, and that my N64 is outdated.  WTF?  And god forbid I start talking about Madden around a Sega crowd.  It\'s bullsh**.  GAMERS who can\'t discuss GAMES made by DEVELOPERS unless we\'re in the "proper forum".  Console fans suck, and console makers do NOT deserve that kind of loyalty and adoration.  It\'s the developers that capture our hearts and imaginations.  Console makers only purpose is to split gamers into little cults that bicker with one another.  I despise consoles because of the monsters they create.

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2000, 06:34:56 PM »
I believe Nintendo revolutionized the video game industry and they do deserve some respect.  If it hadn\'t of been for the NES I dont think things would be the way they are today.  At least not for me anyway.  The NES was my first glimpse of video games and I fell in love.  The SNES was the best of its time too (I had the Genesis during that time) But the N64 left me kind of disappointed.  Games are so few and far between.  There are great games out there, dont get me wrong, I still play Goldeneye, but there are so many better games for PSX (I bought 2 playstations after I got my N64).  I\'m still looking forward to the GC, I will have to look at it when it is closer to launch.  I really dont see me picking it up at launch though.  

Also did anyone else have trouble with their N64 controlers, or was it just me.  All 5 of mine are completely destroyed now.  The joystick\'s have all been worn down.  They are just cheap in my experience.
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #39 on: December 24, 2000, 01:58:56 PM »
Good sentence, Hawke. It wraps the whole console-war.

"In MY Life my OPINIONS count"

This is exactly the truth. 100 Prosent truth.

Human nature is a complex thing. Deciding can be hard. Sometimes we all need a little backup. But eventually we\'ll have to make our own OPINION; this means a DECISION. Whether is it buying, voting, selecting, eating; anything! Life is full of little decisions.

These days I ignore all flame-wars and console-wars. They don\'t count. It\'s you who count.

But I\'m wasting space and time now because i\'ve said this all before.

Repeating... Sorry
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Offline 8-P
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« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2000, 06:13:35 AM »
Obviously you guys took that a little bit more to heart then I wanted it to go.  It was said that Zelda, Mario, and Goldeneye weren\'t that great to somebody.  Fine, your opinion counts all right people.  But all I am saying is that those games got Game of the Year and you guys can think anything you want about them, but your opinion doesn\'t matter here.  Those games already got Game of the Year, so you can hate those games, but it\'s not going to change anything.  It\'s always going to be on paper that these games were the best of the times.  Reviews, Previews, & Awards might suck, but a lot of people read them and take their advice.  I am not saying that you opinion doesn\'t matter ever.  Jeez, settle down.  Talking about people being super sensitive.  All I was trying to point out that even though Nintendo didn\'t come out with a TON of games, they came out with quality games.

I am not trying to start a FLAME WAR is am just trying to figure out why so many people have such hatred towards Nintendo.  My little comment about Blinded by the Sony Light... was just to see if anybody paid attention to my topic header.  I guess somebody did, and I apologize for the little comment.

console makers do NOT deserve that kind of loyalty and adoration. It\'s the developers that capture our hearts and imaginations.

I am sorry you feel like that.  It\'s not loyalty for me; it\'s the quality of the machine.  And I feel that Nintendo is making a machine that I know I can depend on.  I just had a really bad experience with the original PS and I don\'t feel like spending all of that money on a machine that will break down on me.  But that was my personal experience.  And until I know for a fact the Sony has decided to put a little more effort into their machines, I will stick with the console that has given me a good track record.  

Couldn\'t agree with you more the developers comment, it\'s true.  But you need a machine to run those games on and it will never happen that there will just be one machine, for the main reason that it\'s against the law.  But I have seen the same things with games that you are describing with console fans.  I have seen people just flat out worship developing companies.  No matter how bad a game might be, Square, Rare, EA, Konami, Capcom, etc… And I have seen it happen with games, FF is one example.  No matter how you look at it, you are always going to have fans of something, let it be Consoles, Companies, or Games.  It\'s always going to happen.  
8-P = :p
Nothing More & Nothing Less


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