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Author Topic: Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?  (Read 6768 times)

Offline 8-P
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« on: December 09, 2000, 11:14:18 AM »
Nintendo disserves some love, doesn\'t it?  I mean the most basic and non thought out argument that I usually hear why people dislike Nintendo is because it\'s a "Toy" and it is trying to appeal to the younger generation.  Well, whatever.  I don\'t think that argument stands hard, but in some peoples mind it can\'t be broken.  But this isn\'t what the topic is about… well ok; maybe it is a little bit.

Now for everybody that has to have "mature" titles on their system, you can\'t jump to conclusions saying that Nintendo won\'t have them, because right now we don\'t know what is coming out.  Lets look at some of the Launch Titles that are Rumored to be coming out for the GAMECUBE!  <-- I even like the name.

Now before you all think that I am some kid that has to relay on his Mommy and Daddy for income. I\'m not, I am not going to give you my age, but I will tell you that I am married, have served time in the Military and work at a big computer corporation for over 2 years.  So in my opinion, Nintendo focusing on the younger generation is a bunch of crap, that is just the media talking.  Anyway, back to the subject.

"Mature" Launch Titles (Rumored)
  • Resident Evil: 0
  • Metroid
  • Perfect Dark 2
  • Rouge Squadron
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Conkers BFD
  • Too Human
  • Thornado[/b]
I am sure that people are going to say that they don\'t like the titles that are coming out or they hate POKEMON (which cannot be used as an argument, because you have Digimon), but all I am saying is that Nintendo does have games for people of all ages.  And the media just spit that all "Childish" crap out there and people just ate it up.  I think that Nintendo is focusing on everybody, the young and the old.

Even though I do wish that Nintendo had games like GT, they are doing just fine with their new machine in the game Department.  I know that this is PS2 forum and I know I am not going to change anybody\'s mind, not trying to do that.  Just want everybody to see where I stand.  And how I think that when people argue that Nintendo is too childish, it wasn\'t a probably with the SNES or the beginning of the N64.  So I don\'t even see it as a real argument, just something that people need to hate Nintendo with.

Thank you and that is all.  Go on with your day. :p

And if you guys would like, so you know that I know that Nintendo has it faults, I can list them.  But is if you guys really care.

[Edited by 8-P on 12-09-2000 at 03:33 PM]
8-P = :p
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2000, 12:14:25 PM »
You should add Too Human and Thornado to that list, and take off Eternal Drakness and BFD, becuase there most likely still coming out for the N64.

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2000, 12:30:45 PM »
Originally posted by Underwhelming Force
You should add Too Human and Thornado to that list, and take off Eternal Drakness and BFD, becuase there most likely still coming out for the N64.  

Dang it, how could I forget Thornado and Too Human... Thank you UF!  And for the other two, I said rumor and it\'s rumored right now that they will goto the NGC so they will stay on the list.  But thanks for the other too, I will add them right now.
8-P = :p
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2000, 11:37:59 PM »
Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?

No thanks.
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2000, 11:55:35 PM »
I don\'t LOVE any corporation.
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2000, 04:34:25 AM »
But it\'s the reputation that leaves the mark! Like bible says; you\'ll have to pay for your fathers sins.

Well, I just hope people will realize that nintendo is not a childish console; not a toy even if it looks like so ( the new GC really does... oh that isn\'t going to help Nintendo! )

Because many people base their decision to buy a console on its reputation. So PS2 will sell like hot bread because PS1 did as well.

Sega has had bad name here ( in Finland ) after Saturn, so it didn\'t sell. Now we\'ll see in about a year will Nintendo get the same fate... N64 didn\'t success so well here.

Just ppl should realize that they should forget the past and think about the future in console-business. nintendo has made mistakes, but its trying to correct them.

BTW this is my 666th post... SPOOKY! ;)
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Just Admit it...
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2000, 09:28:50 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist
Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?

No thanks. [/B]

Come on IronFist, not even a little?  You can do it, I won\'t tell anybody.  Just admit your true feelings.
8-P = :p
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2000, 11:01:47 PM »
Come on IronFist, not even a little? You can do it, I won\'t tell anybody. Just admit your true feelings.

I have already admited my true feelings in other threads.  I am not impressed with what I have seen from Nintendo in the N64 or the NGC.  Every time I admit my true feelings I get called a fanboy and other things.  I would prefer not to this time.
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Offline Darth Joyda
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2000, 05:08:30 AM »
8-P, you may quess what was going to happen to this thread.. here just isn\'t anyone who really loves nintendo.

I did love, yes. I was a huge Nintendo fan ( if I\'ve ever been a fan of a certain console, I then was ) when I was little... But I grew up a little.

So, games like Mario etc. didn\'t impress me anymore. Snes was old. But now I think I\'m a retard just because I sold my dear old snes with so many good memories.

I think this is a warm story for all the nintendo fans out there. But this is not Nintendo forum so I quess this is writed in vain. Without success. But I don\'t mind.

I\'m not a nintendo-fanboy anymore. So no bashing, please.

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2000, 09:08:40 AM »
I loved Nintendo\'s hardware and games... when I was 7 years old that is :p Well long after that too actually. I still enjoy the occasional go of Mario Party with friends or the old Castlevanias on SNES. But... I really don\'t have any love to share for them. It\'s all used up on SmallLady :)
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What does Growing up have to do with anything?
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2000, 09:26:27 AM »
That is the worst argument I hear with people that dislike Nintendo.  "I grew up, I am just to old for it."  If that is the only argument that you have against Nintendo, then I guess people are just scrapping the bottom of the barrel to look for things.

I understand why people where upset with the N64, but their were games on the N64 that beat out any PS game.  You can call me a liar or a Fanboy or even a kid.  I don\'t care, but people have to look deeper then the name of a console.  And right now, that is all that is happening.  Look at the 8 titles I just named off.  Metroid and Eternal Darkness, I know I wouldn\'t let my kids play.

Like I said, I am not trying t convince people to change their minds about the PS2.  But half of you people in this forum are too judgemental of Nintendo and to stubborn to admit that they will be coming out with a sweet machine that will cater to everybody.

If you hate Mario because you are too grown up for it, and your not going to buy a NGC because it.  Then you will be missing out on someground breaking games that Nintendo always seems to have with thier systems.  But if you guys are just too grown up for the machine make sure you keep watching the media to see what else they can tell you to make that machine sound better.
8-P = :p
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2000, 11:28:54 AM »
I\'m a Sega fan and think Sega is the number #1 developer out there.  But I look forward to the next incarnation of Mario.  The only platformers I can play anymore are Mario and Rayman 2.  Is Mario kiddie?  Yes - so are all platformers.  It\'s the nature of the genre.  But the games are damn addictive.  Other than that, I\'ve enjoyed Mario Tennis, Rare\'s FPS, and AKI\'s wrestling titles.

I don\'t think you outgrow the games.  

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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2000, 11:36:34 AM »
Well, for me growing up meant that Snes -games that I once owned lasted for years. I had imagination. I was little. But now Snes is a little too old.

Oh and N64. I just can\'t stand those pastel colours anymore. Starfox, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie etc. were for youngsters. For one, they were too easy, for two, they had too "happy" colors. You gotta admit it. This is probably the lamest answer possible, but so it is in my personal experience.

I\'m not saying nintendo is pure cr4p, because it certainly isn\'t! But I\'ve played too many Mario\'s to stand even one more. I\'ve grown old for Mario. I have seen my god-son\'s reaction. He\'s crazy about N64. He likes Yoshis Story, Mario 64, Starfox, Banjo Kazooie etc., but he has completed almost them all!

I hope GC can offer a little more than this.

Sorry 8-p. But nintendo has magic. Towards younger ppl.
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« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2000, 03:02:19 PM »
Like bible says; you\'ll have to pay for your fathers sins.

Bah, the bible says a lot of things. St00pid Christianity.

I have already admited my true feelings in other threads. I am not impressed with what I have seen from Nintendo in the N64 or the NGC. Every time I admit my true feelings I get called a fanboy and other things. I would prefer not to this time.

Heh, I remember you used to call NGC "lamepube"... at least you\'ve quit that bullsh!t. Altering of console\'s names; what idiocy.

Many of you don\'t give Nintendo enough respect; you know who you are. I know I\'ll get "You don\'t give PS2 enough respect, either" in return, but oh well. Nintendo is a great company, and while you may dislike N64, Nintendo seems to be doing many things better and differently. Things that, had they done them with N64, this forum wouldn\'t exist right now. :)

I could see you being unimpressed with what Nintendo has shown for NGC as of yet; they haven\'t shown much. What they have shown, in terms of launch titles, we still don\'t know much more than a technical demo and the title of the game and what franchise it follows.

I think many of you will eat your words once E3 comes about, and you see what Nintendo has to offer with NGC. Of course, I may end up eating these words, so perhaps I shouldn\'t speak.

I\'m not saying nintendo is pure cr4p, because it certainly isn\'t! But I\'ve played too many Mario\'s to stand even one more. I\'ve grown old for Mario. I have seen my god-son\'s reaction. He\'s crazy about N64. He likes Yoshis Story, Mario 64, Starfox, Banjo Kazooie etc., but he has completed almost them all!

I hope GC can offer a little more than this.

Very true on the N64. I can see where people are coming from when they say PSX is a more mature console; it does have many more games ranking out of the N64\'s general range. But, judging from what is becomign of the launch (PD2, Metroid, RE:0), I think this may be changing for the better.

Metroid and Eternal Darkness, I know I wouldn\'t let my kids play.

Eternal Darkness? I could most certainly see that. But Metroid... while it will be more of a mature game, I don\'t see how it is that much more violent and such...

We don\'t know much on the game as of yet, though. Of course, judging from the SNES versions of the game, it would be too complex for him anyhow. :)

And about Eternal Darkness... I highly doubt it will end up on NGC.

First and foremost, Silicon Knights hasn\'t made a agme since Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain... most people don\'t know who the hell they are. They need to make a name for themselves beofre NGC\'s release, what better way to do it than release the bloodiest, goriest game ever to grace the N64?

Secondly, Silicon Knights still needs time to finish off Too Human... if they were to bring Eternal Darkness to NGC launch, it wouldn\'t give them enough time to have Too Human ready at the same time. And I think it would be better to have a 4 disc action/RPG at launch than it would be to have a horror-type game, really. Besides, RE:0 already has that genre covered. :)
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then the piano lid comes down
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Who\'s up for giving Nintendo some love?
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2000, 01:19:13 PM »
Well, for me growing up meant that Snes -games that I once owned lasted for years. I had imagination. I was little. But now Snes is a little too old.

Oh and N64. I just can\'t stand those pastel colours anymore. Starfox, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie etc. were for youngsters. For one, they were too easy, for two, they had too "happy" colors. You gotta admit it. This is probably the lamest answer possible, but so it is in my personal experience.

I\'m not saying nintendo is pure cr4p, because it certainly isn\'t! But I\'ve played too many Mario\'s to stand even one more. I\'ve grown old for Mario. I have seen my god-son\'s reaction. He\'s crazy about N64. He likes Yoshis Story, Mario 64, Starfox, Banjo Kazooie etc., but he has completed almost them all!

I hope GC can offer a little more than this.

Sorry 8-p. But nintendo has magic. Towards younger ppl.


Well first let me say that I am sorry that you can\'t go back and play your SNES games because you lack imagination now and you are too grown up for it.  You are missing out of some awesome memories.  I still go back and play Super Mario Brothers 1-3, Super Mario Land, Zelda, Metroid, and Contra.  I mean, even though these are on old systems, they are still fun to pull out once in awhile and start playing again.

There are more games then just Starfox, Mario 64, and Banjo Kazooie.  But I understand what you are saying that you don\'t like the colors of those.  They are easy, but FUN.  But I don\'t have to admit that there are "happy" colors, but it looks like to me all they were doing was just making Mario.

So what you are saying that since your god-son gets excited over the N64 it\'s automatically childish?  Oh, I guess that my 23 year-old teacher friend, 28 year-old cop, 32 year-old Army buddy, myself being 25 all like sitting down and playing Mario Kart, well I guess that just makes us childish.  But according to you, this should make Nintendo a game machine made for the older generation.  Which I know it\'s not, so don\'t need to try and prove me wrong.  I know that the games are colorful, but so what.  I don\'t understand why people hate color so much.  If you hated color so much, just buy a N64 then get a Black & White TV.  That should take all the color out of it and maybe you can enjoy the game.  Maybe if you turn down the sound and blast NIN, maybe that should take people complaints about the music in it.  And turn off your lights to where the TV is at and that should give you a creepy atmosphere.  There you go, all problems solved with the N64.  Just sit back and enjoy the games.

Eternal Darkness? I could most certainly see that. But Metroid... while it will be more of a mature game, I don\'t see how it is that much more violent and such...

We don\'t know much on the game as of yet, though. Of course, judging from the SNES versions of the game, it would be too complex for him anyhow


Well that is just personal opinion.  I will play both of them, but I will have to watch what my kids play very closely, when they finally get old enough to play that is. :D

And about Eternal Darkness... I highly doubt it will end up on NGC.

First and foremost, Silicon Knights hasn\'t made a agme since Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain... most people don\'t know who the hell they are. They need to make a name for themselves beofre NGC\'s release, what better way to do it than release the bloodiest, goriest game ever to grace the N64?

Secondly, Silicon Knights still needs time to finish off Too Human... if they were to bring Eternal Darkness to NGC launch, it wouldn\'t give them enough time to have Too Human ready at the same time. And I think it would be better to have a 4 disc action/RPG at launch than it would be to have a horror-type game, really. Besides, RE:0 already has that genre covered.


That is just why I said rumored.  Because right now it is rumored that it will appear on the NGC.  I just said rumored, rumored was the word.  I don\'t know if it will show up there or not, but it is rumored.  It has been pushed back enough, that by the time that it comes out for the N64, sales might be better for it on the NGC.  But it\'s just a rumor.

And like you said, we don\'t know what Silicon Knights is capable of, but we do know why Nintendo brought them on as a second party.  For the mean reason to make games that will attract the older generation.  Retro isn\'t going to have a game on the N64, they are going to make their release on the NGC, hopefully with Metroid.  Even though SK doesn\'t have a name right now, they would be doing alright if they released their first game on the NGC.

And now for the LOVE OF NINTENDO that is growing.  Come guys, you know you feel it.  You know that you are starting to show more interest towards Nintendo.  Ddaryl and IronFist… the bandwagon is getting full, but I will always keep a seat ready for you two when you finally admit that Nintendo is making a comeback.

Don\'t call it a comeback… Nintendo gonna knock you out, Nintendo gonna knock you out.[/I]
8-P = :p
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