I like the Final Fantasy Series very much I have 7,8,9,anothology,and tactics. BUT 7,8,9 stories are screwed in the ass. No offense to anyone but a sorceror trying to merge 2 worlds...ummm no. and Evil power cooperation trying to rule the world through fear. Jesus christ I mean Shinra even went to war I mean what the crap. hehe and Zidane\'s people are vessels and...man this is twisted...but overall I like to the bad guy\'s ass with my Knights of the round,or my Lion Heart limit, errr....or my absolute 9 or whatever it\'s called(FF9 limits sucks except for Zidane)...they all havr their drawbacks Tactics needs more Useful job classes. along with a little longer story. Final Fantasy 6(also 3 on Super nintendo) is my personal Favorite and I see nothing wrong with it except the graphics and maybe the story. and they all need a BETTER freaking ending even 6 no more esper IT\'S NOT FAIR poor espers