Hmmm, didn\'t keep up with Japan? I did and found something very interesting. VF2 stayed at the TOP of the Japanese arcade charts for over a year. Tekken wasn\'t even listed in the Top 10.
I am gladly accepting information I havent known before:)
But as a general Tekken was more accepted worldwide.In japan VF was rightfully IMO listed in the TOP10 as it is a great game.
Make up your mind. Does Tekken have a wide variety or clones?
a variety of \'clones\'.Notice the
\' The answer is obvious. CLONES!!! Let\'s do the math.
Sub-Bosses: Good idea, lame execution. What\'s with all the similar moves? Renaming a character and re-drawing him, all of a sudden, you count that as a new character? Yes, they do have some different moves. But it still shows Namco\'s laziness and/or cheap tactic to show their "variety".
I have to admit.Namco was lazy with some sub-bosses.But there were also many that differed a lot ffom others.Bruce,Lee(Not to be confused with Bruce Lee:D),GunRyu,Baek/Jun(In some arcades Sub boss was Jun and in some Baek) were very different from main characters.
p-Jack and Jack were very very similar though as well as NIna and Anna.
But Kuma although he has some of Jacks moves he plays differently.
Take Tekken 3. 2 new characters, a whole load of clones. Please don\'t tell me Bryan, Ogre, Julia, Gun Jack, Jin, and Forest are "new". Same fighters, new names, new look. Yes, those are new moves. But that\'s to be expected from a sequel. Why couldn\'t Namco just call them Bruce, Mr. What The Hell Am I/Flashy Moves All Combined Into One #1 & #2, Michelle, Jack, Jun/Kazuya, and Law? I think Ogre is the lamest boss in the history of fighters. I don\'t think he has any moves not taken from another fighter, except maybe one or two.
Hey you cant put Tekken3 and Tekken2 in the same category.Bryan,Julia, Gun Jack, Jin, and Law were never ment to be new characters.
They just playied a role in Tekken\'e story thats why they were different.
Namco did a great job with them though.They ve made them so much evolved they playied very different from Tekken2.Epsecially Bryan and Jin.
Howarang,Xiaoyou,Eddy were completely new.
Comparing VF3 to Tekken3 Namco evolved characters and their controls much more than what Sega did with VF3.
Dural stills many moves from the main characters too.Its not just Ogre.
Ogre\'s moves are mostly taken from Tekken2.So Ogre is a mixed Tekken2 fighter that plays differently from other Tekken3 characters.
All complains like clones,similar moves,unbalanced power moves etc were very fixed in TTT.Which I dont take as a Tekken3 with a tag mode.There was an article from an interview with namco here at PS2xcentral about TTT.Its very interesting and highlights the differences of previous tekkens and TTT.
Don\'t think I don\'t like Tekken. I actually enjoy it a lot more than VF.
I enjoy both a lot:)