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Author Topic: GT3 KILLER (HAHAHAHAHA)  (Read 2565 times)

Offline kirath
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Gt3 Killer(hahahahahaha)
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2001, 02:14:39 PM »
Originally posted by politiepet
I have only one thing to say about the graphics of the xbox (so far), as of now, the pics we\'ve seen have this pc look all over it, I said this before and no, I can\'t explain what I mean by that, but untill that is solved, to me the xbox has not good graphics.

to all the people that are going to disagree with me: I am not so stupid as to say the xbox will not have better graphics than ps2, but as of yet xbox fails to impress me even the slightest bit.

I do understand what you are saying, and its not so much that is PC graphics, but much that its MIcrocrap Graphics...  MS graphics always have a certain look to them...  I understand you..  :D
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