You know Q Branch took me in for a Full medical the other day, and the thing is that they coulden\'t understand the reason for my High Blood pressure, that was until i showed them this section of our forum.
Geeeeeesssssss i should realy stop looking at this side of things, every second post is LOOK Here is a X box Game !
Look at what it can Do ?
Now i might get banned for this next statement but seeing that this is a PS2 site can we please have a little more on the PLAYSTATION 2 ?
right i know that this isthe Console Debating section but that dose now give everyone the licence to start a flame war between Titles on the PS2 and X box !
please can we have a little more common sence to this side of the forum.
and save this forum and MY HEALTH !
Now On to DOA3
yeah it looks Great on the X box but i am still sticking to my PS2 !
this is one title that will be apparing on the PS2 , and i can afford to wait seeing that i will have my fill of fighting games , what with DOA2, Tekken Tag and VF4.
But if you are thinking of getting a X box then get this if you love your fighing games