Originally posted by Ricco
I\'m sorry but I gotta disagree, PC\'s game wise are underated not over rated. They were the first to have online games and will always have the best. PC\'s will also always be light years ahead of consoles power wise, my pc went out of date 3 years ago and power wise mune blows the ps2 out of the water.
BTW AMD processors rule.
Maybe so. But there is a few things you have to take into consideration.
Consoles do not have to deal with patches or hardware conflicts. Console gamers do not have the paitence to buy a game and then have to go and download a patch for it work.
The genres in the PC area seems to be limited. I am in no way saying PC gaming sucks--it doesn\'t. But you just don\'t see Soul Calibur, Capcom VS SNK, Resident Evil: Code Veronica and other games on the PC, now do you? On the flip side, console gamers don\'t see games like Tribes 2 and such . But, with broadband access and HD add-ons, we will see these.
Another factor is cost. Using the GeForce3 as an example, it is priced at around $600 bucks. That is $600 dollars just for a video card and if your CPU is below the 1ghz mark, before you noticed a big difference. Also, as mentioned before, the games need to be wrote in DirecX8 to take full advantage of the GeForce3. Despite all this, there is no denying that the GeForce3 can produce some awesome graphics.
I see computer games and console games as two different \'relationships\'.
The console game offers instant gradification and fun in the family room. It also offers the no hassle, instant play, along with a cheap price. You get your friends over and have a few bouts of Tekken Tag Tourament, then you turn it off. It is just that. A gaming console. It does nothing else (unless you count PS2 DVD playback).
Computer games are much more complicated. The non-online games are real-time strat. games, that offer long term play. Then you have the choice to go online and meet new people, establish new "relationships" and in some games even form a "clan". Something, for the most part, that hasn\'t been achieved on the console area. Online gaming to the consoles is still too new, and this level of interaction won\'t be reached for quite awhile, in my humble opinion.
In the end, it can be summed up by one phrase.
"Different strokes, for different folk."