A friend of mine bought a AMD Thunderbird 1200 Mhz with 256 mb ram and a Geforce 2 card. 19" monitor
He payed 1700 $ for it.
I went over to him 25/5 and played some starcraft in a LAN. One of the guys there had Black and white with him, we installed it on my friends 1200 Mhz TB. In the setup we choosed high detail, shadows and everything else, we used the resolution 1200x1024 32 colour.
The game lag hard, I guess we got about 10-15 fps.
Jesus the charachters looks really bad, just look at the feets and hands, looks like FFVII charachters.
If this game had been on the PS2/xbox or the GC nobody would have said that the game looked good.
I havent played the game a lot, but the onces that had says that the game is great. I don´t doubt that, but it does not look good. (IMO)
Maybe I´m a console fan but IMO B&W does not look good.