Well this is going to be a fairly lopsided thread. After all, graphically the SNES blew the Genesis out of the water. Considering the hardware though, I\'d say that Hardwired was one of the best looking 16bit games. It proved that the Genesis could do Rotating Sprites, Mode 7 like effects, and several of the SNES\'s top features.. albiet not nearly as well. AND, the opening movie was simply GORGEOUS. I can\'t find screenshots, and I really don\'t even know if the game was ever released for commercial sale. If my puter wasn\'t so screwed up, I\'d take some myself. Oh well, the ROM can be found on several emulation websites, so a quick Google search should bring it right up.
BTW: That blew when Aliz died. She was one of the coolest Phantasy Star characters ever. (Even her nickname was cool... "The Eight Stroke Warrior" Heh heh) After Zio killed her I almost didn\'t want to contiune the game, but I figured if it was this good already.. then the rest of the game wouldn\'t dissapoint. And it didn\'t. PS4 is still one of the best RPG\'s I\'ve ever played. (Plus the Macro system kicks ass!!)