hmm, this is quite a tough one.
My favorite series are:
The Ender Series - Orson Scott Card.
Fantabulous in every way. I didn\'t really like Speaker for the Dead (the 2nd), but the others make up for it in SPADES!
The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
The Jack Ryan Series - Tom Clancy.
Hunt for the Red October, Clear and Present Danger, Patriot games, and the new one, are EXCELLENT titles, vedry well written.
The Tripod Trilogy - cant remember
Great books that I read when i was a kid. About an alien force that comes down and takes over the Earth basically. HIGHLY recommended. even today they are well written. Includes:
When the Tripods Came, a prequel released WAY after the initial 3.
The City of Gold and Lead, The White Mountains, and The Pool of FIre.
The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
truly a visionary, C.S. Lewis writes an excellent gropu of books here, but don\'t be fooled into thinking the newer books are in the correct order, they are NOT! Get the older series and read them like they are supposed to be read! the new group has the order mixed up!
Read them All and become enlightened!!
other favorites:
Timeline - Michael Crichton.
Sphere - M. Crichton
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Stand (Authors definitive edition 1200 some pages) - Stephen King
Vertical Run - Joseph R. Garber
The White Indian Boy - a true story if I remember as a kid, I read this. Great book!
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Airframe - Michael Chricton
Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
Slaughterhouse Five - K. Vonnegut
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Book of Mormon - various authors
The Bible - see above.
There are millions of others that I have read in my shotr lifetime, sadly I cannot recall many of them.
But if someone can answer me this and give me the name of this book, which for the life of me I cannot remember, you will receive a game in the mail, no joke.
It goes something like this:
It is about a young teenager who is set in the UK around the early 80\'s probably. Their is a widespread disease across the world and nearly all the population dies. He has a sister or a little girl who he finds, and later she dies from the sickness. He also meets a guy who goes around collecting gold and fancy cars, I think which is supposed to represent how he has not realized the meaning of life. In another part, the teenager finds a house which has alot of canned food in it and uses it.
any help would be GREATLY appreciated!! Please, please, please help me, that is about all I can remember!
Eric Jacob