This forum isn\'t here to bash other consoles or to engage in ignorant pissing matches. It\'s to debate and share information on other systems. If you don\'t want to do either, then don\'t bother posting.
Interesting maybe you should listen to your own advise.
if all you\'re going to do is talk big and then call people names when they ask you to put your money where you mouth is
Talk big about what??? if so than may i sugesst you put your mouth where the money is too, huh...that what i thought and calling you names, well let\'s think about this why would I do that????TAKE A LOOK -----
"and you should be keeping your mouth shut if you cannot back up your convictions."And you wonder Why i got aggresive and called you a Moron, if you talk **** to me, then I will throw it back at you. Do I come and here and call you names, and trash you for no reason, NOPE!!!!. Instead it was you who chose to take that path, next time talk to me with respeact as I will do the same. I don\'t ever bash people without them doing it first, it\'s just not my nature.
By not being able to explain your own beliefs, the rest of us are forced to conclude that you only believe what you do because in your mind, the Xbox is "infallable
Who said I can\'t explain my own beliefs, not me.. It seems you are putting words into my mouth and you wonder why I called you illiterate, you obviously jumped to conclusions. I will explain it one more time you, I Felt that are little debate in the beginning was getting nowhere, So I suggested that you listen to DOCWIZ\'s side of the issue, as I said, he has a fresherand more understand perspective on the matter than I , but that doesn’t mean I don\'t know what I’m talking about and that is where you assumed and jumped to the conclusion that I knew nothing about the issue.