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Author Topic: WOW Now That is very impressive for Microsoft to achieve this in so little time.  (Read 1911 times)

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Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

That isn\'t limited to Xbox fanboys. There has been plenty of threads listing every game in development for the PS2 and how everyone should be excited.

oh, I understand that, its just that the XBox fanboys IMO are the worse now because the thing isnt even out yet, and most of the people can only see graphics and not gameplay (other than the people that went to E3)...
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I would rather have 12 solid games over 100 games any day.  :D

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well i could care less about if there is a bunch of crappy games each month as long as there are good ones too

i mean no one is forcing you to buy the bad ones

i mean if you get one good game every three months then what will you do once you are tired of that game - just sit there and look at it like i did with my 64 - that sucks - why limit yourself to that when you could at least have lots of games bad and good to choose from
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Originally posted by SonyFan
I believe both ways. Quantity is definately a good thing because it gives the gamer a choice over the specific type of game they want to play. It\'s nice to know that if you want to play a "Survival Horror" game, you have a wide array of scenarios and themes to choose from. If they aren\'t all AAA, I don\'t care. As long as they\'re decent games, I can accept that as a price I pay for having the asthetic portion of my gaming tastes delivered.

However, a console needs a strong backing of AAA titles to be considered good in my mind. What good is buying a game for 50 bucks if you only play through it once or twice? A game should keep you comming back for more, long after the original purchase. All the crap games don\'t bother me, since I could care less about them. Do I mind that Army Men is successful? No, because someone.. somewhere.. enjoys them. (As unthinkable as that may seem)

Really, the PSX has over 1000 titles released for it. If even only 20% of those games fall under the AAA or Good catergory.. then I\'ve made a good purchase, since that offers me around 200 games (Usually covering all genres) to choose from.. which is more than I can afford to buy for any one system in a generation.

It takes both Quality AND Quantity to make a good console IMO.

Well said, that`s exactly my opinion.
There are many gamers that have a preference for a certain genre and they will probably rather buy a game they like than a obviously better one from a different genre.
Well that is sad for some of that great games cause they deserve a bigger success , but that`s just how it is.

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Originally posted by IronFist

Not me.  I would rather have the huge selection of games that I can choose from instead of being hand fed a game every three months.  I support the quantity over quality idea.  That was one of the main problems with the N64.  There were just not enough games.

Yeah you have a point there. But a lot times when there is a lot of quantity there is maybe onle 1 or 2 games that are worth the purchase. I mean look at ps2 now. I just wish for once we could get quality and quantity.

oh, I understand that, its just that the XBox fanboys IMO are the worse now because the thing isnt even out yet, and most of the people can only see graphics and not gameplay (other than the people that went to E3

Now isn\'t this the pot calling the kettle black. And second of all this thread only was to say look at something that was once called vaporware, and mocked for having no titles. And now they have managed to snag up so many. Obvisouly you must be the fanboy if all you could do is come in here and try and start up a flame over something that has nothing to do with this post. And third all we have on xbox games now is graphics. The freakin games are not even completed yet so how can you even come in here and discuss gameplay in games that are not even done. I mean the games are all in the pre-stages. I mean that is very stupid to bring up gamplay when the games are still in pre-stages and not even completed.  And last I don\'t know what planet you live on, because gameplay is not the most improtant thing in the majority of playstion games that is why 80% of them are crap.
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When was Max Payne... or AvP2 confirmed for XB? I don\'t think that list is 100% accurate....
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Originally posted by EThugg
When was Max Payne... or AvP2 confirmed for XB? I don\'t think that list is 100% accurate....

As for max payne I think it is supose to be heading to xbox some time in 2002. Although they are not saying much about it now.
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Offline Claypool 2001
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Originally posted by XBOX

Now isn\'t this the pot calling the kettle black. And second of all this thread only was to say look at something that was once called vaporware, and mocked for having no titles. And now they have managed to snag up so many. Obvisouly you must be the fanboy if all you could do is come in here and try and start up a flame over something that has nothing to do with this post. And third all we have on xbox games now is graphics. The freakin games are not even completed yet so how can you even come in here and discuss gameplay in games that are not even done. I mean the games are all in the pre-stages. I mean that is very stupid to bring up gamplay when the games are still in pre-stages and not even completed.  And last I don\'t know what planet you live on, because gameplay is not the most improtant thing in the majority of playstion games that is why 80% of them are crap.

How was I starting a flame war again? And I agree with you about the early stages of development and such 100%. SOME people think that every game with awsome graphics will be a AAA title, which isnt always the case. How am I a fanboy? I never said anything bad about the Xbox in any way shape or form. I never mentioned any console superiority. I was talking about the fanboys dude! and you know its true, just go over to MSXBOX and see for yourself! thats all they talk about.
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Originally posted by EThugg
When was Max Payne... or AvP2 confirmed for XB? I don\'t think that list is 100% accurate....
MP has only been confirmed for PC and PS2 at this point. I think they would be foolish not to port it to Xbox, but as of right now it\'s not official.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Originally posted by Samwise
MP has only been confirmed for PC and PS2 at this point. I think they would be foolish not to port it to Xbox, but as of right now it\'s not official.

Exactly. While chances are good, I want a speculation free line up list. So I know exactly what\'s confirmed.
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Originally posted by Claypool 2001

How was I starting a flame war again? And I agree with you about the early stages of development and such 100%. SOME people think that every game with awsome graphics will be a AAA title, which isnt always the case. How am I a fanboy? I never said anything bad about the Xbox in any way shape or form. I never mentioned any console superiority. I was talking about the fanboys dude! and you know its true, just go over to MSXBOX and see for yourself! thats all they talk about.

LOL.....Ok maybe I misunderstood you, but come on all fanboys are just alike no matter if they are xbox, gamecube or ps2. So we can\'t rag on some fanboys in one forum, because their are fanboy in every forum. I.e psx2central:D
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Originally posted by XBOX

So we can\'t rag on some fanboys in one forum, because their are fanboy in every forum.  

this is also true
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That is a questionable link.  I don\'t see a list of 290 games anywhere.  All I see is a number and a list of games that can be no more than 100.


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