I believe both ways. Quantity is definately a good thing because it gives the gamer a choice over the specific type of game they want to play. It\'s nice to know that if you want to play a "Survival Horror" game, you have a wide array of scenarios and themes to choose from. If they aren\'t all AAA, I don\'t care. As long as they\'re decent games, I can accept that as a price I pay for having the asthetic portion of my gaming tastes delivered.
However, a console needs a strong backing of AAA titles to be considered good in my mind. What good is buying a game for 50 bucks if you only play through it once or twice? A game should keep you comming back for more, long after the original purchase. All the crap games don\'t bother me, since I could care less about them. Do I mind that Army Men is successful? No, because someone.. somewhere.. enjoys them. (As unthinkable as that may seem)
Really, the PSX has over 1000 titles released for it. If even only 20% of those games fall under the AAA or Good catergory.. then I\'ve made a good purchase, since that offers me around 200 games (Usually covering all genres) to choose from.. which is more than I can afford to buy for any one system in a generation.
It takes both Quality AND Quantity to make a good console IMO.