1- Even faston doesn\'t deserve to be called names like that, and...
2-mm, your logic with Xbox is totally flawed. I don\'t know how someone who became a mod can be so dumb. Why?
a-The average gamer is in there 20\'s. Mommies and Daddies don\'t usually buy 20 yo\'s systems.
b-Parents were easily swayed by the Sony name and marketing (PSone, pre-pokemon had the same child userbase as N64). If the marketing is done right, MS could sway plenty of parents.... not that MS even wants that. They made it clear, they\'re after Sony\'s more mature market.
c-How long PS2\'s been out is irrelevant. At the end of XB\'s lifespan, they could very well have sold as many units as Sony had. Successful consoles have a pretty equal lifespan. Unless XB does crash and burn, PS2 will fade out before XB simply because it\'s life cycle is over.
d-To declare a system will crash and burn 6 months pre-launch, pre-media exposure is quite uncalled for, and negligent.