the ps1 was a guaranteed success.
it had a niche that wasnt available in the gaming world
it made gaming "cool"
the SNES and genesis didnt offer that
the ps1 changed the opinion that consoles and videogames were for kids
what did the 3DO and XBOX offer? speed and power. revlolutionary? i dont know
i give microsoft credit for taking a chance. they are risking alot on this venture.
will it succeed? well, that all depends. it certainly wont lead the nextgen race, but it will hold its own.
even i cant deny the speed and power that it brings to the gaming world.
lol el asesino
yer right, i find these argument funny when they occur. its like "gang up on mm day" i somehow encourage it. i get people upset without actually insulting anything. i state open ended arguments that stir the crowd up
maybe i should let clyde out of the cage to state his theories