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Author Topic: What is sony doing with the hard drive  (Read 787 times)

Offline QuDDus
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What is sony doing with the hard drive
« on: June 19, 2001, 04:27:49 PM »
http://ps2.ign.com reported that sony plans to update the ps2 hard drive ever. It will be a fixed price.

I mean what are they doing? So what if you do decide to shell out all the cash for the HDD next year they would just release higher one.

I have to say this sucks. I mean add-ons don\'t sell anyways. And the price for such a high amount of shortage and adapter should be around $150. Then they are gonna keep raising it higher and higher.

I see no point unless they are trying to make ps2 more into a low in pc instead of just a video game console.

Anyone else got any ideas?
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