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Author Topic: Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!  (Read 3300 times)

Offline NVIDIA256
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« on: June 23, 2001, 02:24:45 PM »
Mainichi: What are you feelings on Microsoft and Nintendo?

Okamoto-san: The PlayStation 2 and Xbox are closely related in terms of performance, so we\'re most conscious of Microsoft and their plans. Considering the level of completion of software for GameCube however, we\'re watching both Nintendo and Microsoft closely. We want the PlayStation 2 to be the center of entertainment in the living room, whereas the Xbox feels like an extension of the PC.

One reason I admire the XBOX team is that they don\'t just go around trash-talking about the other developers, they just let the XBOX hardware and software do the trash-talking, and believe me, that\'s some harsh words my friend. This is exactly the reason ive second thoughted buying a PS2, for that reason alone, and the fact that it is underpowered, and Xbox has better games (That I like), They should really get off their high horse and stop thinking they are the gods of gaming, just because they won the last generation hands down, they are going to have to work their asses off this time around, because Microsoft and Nintendo is going to have some kickass marketing, Hardware and Games where Sony only had like one commercial, PS9, I mean WTF, I could have thought of that.

Also sony says Closely related in performance what a pile of bullShlt!!!

Offline 182Ways
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2001, 02:33:24 PM »

Why do you care what one company says about another?  Does it affect your life in some drastic way?  I doubt it.  Shut up, quit your whining, and play the damn games.  It\'s the smart thing to do.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2001, 02:41:09 PM »
Why do you care what one company says about another? Does it affect your life in some drastic way? I doubt it.

One could ask the same to you, MR I need an attitude check. Does it effect your life in a drastic way what NVIDIA says???

Shut up, quit your whining, and play the damn games

I\'d guess your IQ is that of a elephant, if you actually took the time to read the thread, instead of shooting off your fanboy mouth. He said he doesn\'t own a ps2 so how can he shut up and play his so called non existent games??

You need to back off, you have no right to attack a member like this, just because your a Sony whore

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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2001, 02:50:12 PM »
One could ask the same to you, MR I need an attitude check.

I\'d guess your IQ is that of a elephant, if you actually took the time to read the thread, instead of shooting off your fanboy mouth. He said he doesn\'t own a ps2 so how can he shut up and play his so called non existent games??

You need to back off, you have no right to attack a member like this, just because your a Sony whore


Offline 182Ways
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2001, 02:54:02 PM »

Am I supposed to be offended by your words, OgodlyThing?  LOL!  Nice try, kid, but calling me a "fanboy" or a "Sony whore," just because I don\'t worship Microsoft and their Xbox isn\'t the way to get  your point across.  

:laughing:  Thanks for spicing up my day, though!

Offline Deadly Hamster
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2001, 02:58:51 PM »
, and
                         Xbox has better games (That I like)

I assume youv played the xbox games.

I admire the XBOX team is that they don\'t just go around trash-talking about the other developers

well i guess a giant robot destroying a ps2 isnt talking , its showing , whats the diffrence?

whereas the Xbox feels like an extension of the PC
this was said by the develeper guy.

well i dont understand how something attached to the tv is gonna be like a computer extension....

and you guys are right im not bashing xbox or anything i just wanted to make some points.
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Offline Deadly Hamster
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2001, 03:01:05 PM »
im sorry 128ways , but your wrong , all they were doing was posting news and just caus it wasnt something good about sony doesnt mean they cant post it , they didnt ***** when we made fun of bill gates did they???
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2001, 03:20:27 PM »
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
they didnt ***** when we made fun of bill gates did they???

Why yes they did. Long and loud

The original post is an overreaction to begin with.

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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2001, 03:24:45 PM »
his opinion was an overreaction?
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2001, 03:28:52 PM »
Yes, IMO, quite noticeably

Offline Deadly Hamster
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2001, 03:30:38 PM »
well your opinion is overacting about his opinion....
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
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Offline Heretic
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2001, 03:32:39 PM »


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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2001, 03:37:41 PM »
Originally posted by NVIDIA256
Also sony says Closely related in performance what a pile of bullShlt!!!

This statement is far from valid.

Unless you\'re talking about the differnces in CPUs

I rest my case

Offline EmperorRob
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2001, 03:43:21 PM »
I like Hubcaps
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

Offline IronFist
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Sony Bashes XBOX again!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2001, 03:56:37 PM »
LOL.  Another great thread in the Console Debating forum. :)

Originally posted by NVIDIA256
...they just let the XBOX hardware and software do the trash-talking

You forgot to mention all of the Xbox fanboys.

...Microsoft and Nintendo is going to have some kickass marketing, Hardware and Games where Sony only had like one commercial, PS9, I mean WTF, I could have thought of that.

Because it was the most hyped system ever, and it was hard to get your hands on one all the way into 2001, they didn\'t need anything better.  Why would they waste their money on advertising when they don\'t need to?
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