*yawn* Haven\'t you realized yet that your not on the same intelligence level with me?
Originally posted by raslant
Jumpman nice try but mgs2 isn\'t coming to gamecube
Um...you might of missed this part.
"I see it as a trade-off. PS2 gets MGS2, a game which you\'lll be bored with within 2-3 months, and GameCube gets Perfect Dark 2, a game that you\'ll get bored with...wait I\'ve played Goldeneye every day till PD came out and now I play that everyday! I like that trade. "
In case you still don\'t understand then I shall tell you what I\'m trying to say directly: I don\'t care if MGS2 isn\'t coming to NGC.
Don\'t blame me hideo said the machine is too kiddy(Something I been saying about nintendo since day 1
Then who am I supposed to blame? Goldneye solf over SEVEN MILLION copies, that\'s more than his MGS game sold and they\'re both targeted at the same age group. That alone proves that the machine is not too kiddy for MGS2.
IMO the less 3rd parties the worst off the system is.
That\'s fine, you can have your own twisted, insane, and extremely uneducated opinion if you want. I can\'t change how you
Ah, you edited your post, more food for me.
Yeah jumpman you wouldn\'t be calling hideo names if mgs2 was coming to gamecube would you?
Obviously I wouldn\'t you gimp!

That\'s like saying, "OMG! Your bleeding!", after someone gets shot!
It\'s his reason for not bringing MGS2 to NGC that ubsets me. I honestly don\'t care if MGS2 comes to NGC or not because the MGS was too short and didn\'t have enough replay value for me so I wouldn\'t purchase it if it did come out for NGC, but does he have to be a moron about not bringing it?
Its okay for you to let alittle steam off cause nintendo\'s not getting no big 3rd party games.
God your an idiot. Ok, what third parties am I missing if I were to limit myself to Nintendo only? Square? Woop di doo. Konami? *yawn* Namco? Got them. Sega? Got ALL of them.
Do you know what\'s funny? For N64 I mainly bought 1st or second party games. I only had about...1 or 2 third party game yet I was completely satisfied with the system. Point- Nintendo\'s first and 2nd parties alone are enough for me to buy their systems.