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Author Topic: Hideo Kojima bashes GC  (Read 4588 times)

Offline Black Samurai
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2001, 06:01:10 PM »
Disney has one of the oldest and most respected movie studios in the business and when they wanted to start making more "adult" movies they made Touchstone Pictures. It is a Disney company but it handles their "mature" releases. I think Nintendo should do something along these lines. They aren\'t going to make a mature game because they don\'t want to lose their family friendly image, which IMO is good business-wise for Nintendo.
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2001, 06:20:15 PM »
Damn that article is old. I read that way back in October or November. Ah well, I guess some people just aren\'t that quick.
So, what do you think it will take to convince Hideo Kojima to bring titles like Metal Gear Solid: SoL to the GameCube?

Didn\'t he explained why in that part you posted? You must have a very short attention span. j/k ;)

Do you think we will ever see games like MGS: SoL and Silent Hill 2 on Nintendo\'s next system?

I don\'t think we will, I know we will. In fact, two titles instantly came to mind when you said that: Perfect Dark 2 and Eternal Darkness.

I see it as a trade-off. PS2 gets MGS2, a game which you\'lll be bored with within 2-3 months, and GameCube gets Perfect Dark 2, a game that you\'ll get bored with...wait I\'ve played Goldeneye every day till PD came out and now I play that everyday!  I like that trade. :)

Here\'s another one: PS2 gets Silent Hill 2, a game that will last around 10-15 hours like the original. And GameCube gets Eternal Darkness, a game which will last 40-45 hours long(yeah, it\'s a survival horor too)! Another great trade IMO of course.

*note* I\'m not saying MGS2 or SH:2 will be bad games, I\'m just saying I\'m looking forward to ET and PD2 a lot more. :p

Damn that Hideo is a gimp, doesn\'t he realize yet that Goldeneye out-sold his precious MGS and they both target the same age group? GET A CLUE! There are Nintendo fans who are willing to pay money for more adult oriented games! BAH!

Even if the NGC sells very well, he will not develope MGS for it because most people would not even be old enough to buy it

Look above and repeat that statement if you still believe it.

But this just \'proves\' once again...you want the best games, you get a PS2

Or....you can do what I do get more than one console!

That was merely your opinion BTW, not fact...

Amen to that brother!

Damn white people...

*yawn* That was easier than I thought it would be.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2001, 06:32:06 PM »
"Or....you can do what I do get more than one console!

That was merely your opinion BTW, not fact... "  ~~ Jumpman

i know it is opinion, hence why i said  "proven" with air quotes (or whateva they are called)

and most people cant get more than one console

Offline rastalant
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2001, 06:38:48 PM »
Jumpman nice try but mgs2 isn\'t coming to gamecube.  Don\'t blame me hideo said the machine is too kiddy(Something I been saying about nintendo since day 1).  IMO the less 3rd parties the worst off the system is.  Yeah jumpman you wouldn\'t be calling hideo names if mgs2 was coming to gamecube would you?  Its okay for you to let alittle steam off cause nintendo\'s not getting no big 3rd party games.
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2001, 06:51:06 PM »
*yawn* Haven\'t you realized yet that your not on the same intelligence level with me?

Originally posted by raslant
Jumpman nice try but mgs2 isn\'t coming to gamecube

Um...you might of missed this part.

"I see it as a trade-off. PS2 gets MGS2, a game which you\'lll be bored with within 2-3 months, and GameCube gets Perfect Dark 2, a game that you\'ll get bored with...wait I\'ve played Goldeneye every day till PD came out and now I play that everyday! I like that trade. "

In case you still don\'t understand then I shall tell you what I\'m trying to say directly: I don\'t care if MGS2 isn\'t coming to NGC.

Don\'t blame me hideo said the machine is too kiddy(Something I been saying about nintendo since day 1

Then who am I supposed to blame? Goldneye solf over SEVEN MILLION copies, that\'s more than his MGS game sold and they\'re both targeted at the same age group. That alone proves that the machine is not too kiddy for MGS2.

IMO the less 3rd parties the worst off the system is.

That\'s fine, you can have your own twisted, insane, and extremely uneducated opinion if you want. I can\'t change how you think.

Ah, you edited your post, more food for me.

Yeah jumpman you wouldn\'t be calling hideo names if mgs2 was coming to gamecube would you?

Obviously I wouldn\'t you gimp! :laughing: That\'s like saying, "OMG! Your bleeding!", after someone gets shot! :laughing:

It\'s his reason for not bringing MGS2 to NGC that ubsets me. I honestly don\'t care if MGS2 comes to NGC or not because the MGS was too short and didn\'t have enough replay value for me so I wouldn\'t purchase it if it did come out for NGC, but does he have to be a moron about not bringing it?

Its okay for you to let alittle steam off cause nintendo\'s not getting no big 3rd party games.

God your an idiot. Ok, what third parties am I missing if I were to limit myself to Nintendo only? Square? Woop di doo. Konami? *yawn* Namco? Got them. Sega? Got ALL of them.

Do you know what\'s funny? For  N64 I mainly bought 1st or second party games. I only had about...1 or 2 third party game yet I was completely satisfied with the system. Point- Nintendo\'s first and 2nd parties alone are enough for me to buy their systems.

Offline Toxical
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2001, 06:57:23 PM »
"When I pick hardware to do a game, I don\'t look at the specs of the machine. I don\'t really care about that stuff. I don\'t care about how good the system is, because all consoles right now are at about the same level of power. I look at the audience that it has. Releasing a Metal Gear game on a Nintendo console would be ridiculous. I don\'t know about GameCube, but [their] machines [until now] have been for younger kids." - Hideo Kojima

So, what do you think it will take to convince Hideo Kojima to bring titles like Metal Gear Solid: SoL to the GameCube? Do you think we will ever see games like MGS: SoL and Silent Hill 2 on Nintendo\'s next system?

That ain\'t bashing :D
that is just him stating his Opinion. :D

Offline ElAsesino
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2001, 07:09:51 PM »
It\'s simple to solve this problem.  Since Nintendo wants to keep that "Family Friendly" image, they HAVE to have their 2nd parties make a decent amount of mature games.  Of course, Capcom doesn\'t see Nintendo\'s audience the same way since they are releasing RE:0 and released RE:2 for N64.

Mature games can sell well on GC.  The only thing that Hideo is doing is trying to get the sure deal.  He doesn\'t want to take any risks (in his mind) with the GC.  His opinion won\'t change until the mature games on GC do well.

So far, all the major mature games are:

Eternal Darkness
Too Human
Perfect Dark
Resident Evil 0
Raven Blade

If these sell well, then I forsee a version of Silent Hill and MGS for GC, but if they don\'t sell well, then I doubt we\'ll see those on GC.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2001, 07:26:54 PM »
In that sense Gohan, Nintendo does have their own little "mature" company... it\'s called Rare.  I don\'t think HK is fooled by that though as his above comments state.
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Offline Kimahri
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2001, 09:25:09 PM »
Originally posted by Toxical
"When I pick hardware to do a game, I don\'t look at the specs of the machine. I don\'t really care about that stuff. I don\'t care about how good the system is, because all consoles right now are at about the same level of power. I look at the audience that it has. Releasing a Metal Gear game on a Nintendo console would be ridiculous. I don\'t know about GameCube, but [their] machines [until now] have been for younger kids." - Hideo Kojima

So, what do you think it will take to convince Hideo Kojima to bring titles like Metal Gear Solid: SoL to the GameCube? Do you think we will ever see games like MGS: SoL and Silent Hill 2 on Nintendo\'s next system?

That ain\'t bashing :D
that is just him stating his Opinion. :D

exactly u cant say he was bashing them , those were just his thoughts on the subject.. and even then he states a good point.

Offline Sublimesjg
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2001, 10:13:32 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

Then who am I supposed to blame? Goldneye solf over SEVEN MILLION copies, that\'s more than his MGS game sold and they\'re both targeted at the same age group. That alone proves that the machine is not too kiddy for MGS2.


well lets think about that for a second

ok thought about - there were not exactly a big selection of N64 games - thats true when comapred to PSOne - ok i am sorry but i am not sure how many N64s were sold - i forgot the number so sue me ;)

but anyway that number was high and when there is a slim selection of games for the console  - well you everyone buys the good ones and since there were not a lot of games to buy like say PSOne then you are able to buy all the hit games for the system - say Goldeneye/Mario/Zelda/Perfect Dark/etc etc etc.
therefore its kinda like everyone that owns an N64 has a lot of the same great titles hence thats the reason many of the games sold so many - and hell Goldeneye is just a lot of fun

sorry that was kinda confusing even for myself - hate when you try to say something and it comes out all jumbled
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2001, 02:46:02 AM »
I can see that many devs are seeing GC as a console marketted at the younger audience (14 and below). However those are the developers, I see GC as family system, the both from the best worlds (mature and kiddie). It certainly is less kiddie than n64 was with more mature games coming out for it. The only thing kiddie baout gamecube its extremly ugly design (this is My opinion) Admit it, it looks like a fisherprice toy???! Who would be a pink GC, even die hards like jumpman wouldn\'t?? Right?

I\'m sticking to ps2 and xbox/pc and will probably pick up an old DC along the line
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2001, 06:51:05 AM »
You guys are stupid!!! Dumb fanboy Cube haters!!! GameCube is getting Metal Gear Solid 2: SoL!!!

It\'s called Metal Gear Solid 2: Sh!t outa Luck !!!
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

Offline rastalant
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2001, 07:21:50 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
*yawn* Haven\'t you realized yet that your not on the same intelligence level with me?

Your right I\'m WAY above your inteilligence level.

Um...you might of missed this part.

"I see it as a trade-off. PS2 gets MGS2, a game which you\'lll be bored with within 2-3 months, and GameCube gets Perfect Dark 2, a game that you\'ll get bored with...wait I\'ve played Goldeneye every day till PD came out and now I play that everyday! I like that trade. "

In case you still don\'t understand then I shall tell you what I\'m trying to say directly: I don\'t care if MGS2 isn\'t coming to NGC.

Okay just cause its not coming to gamecube you don\'t care about mgs2.  

Then who am I supposed to blame? Goldneye solf over SEVEN MILLION copies, that\'s more than his MGS game sold and they\'re both targeted at the same age group. That alone proves that the machine is not too kiddy for MGS2.

That\'s fine, you can have your own twisted, insane, and extremely uneducated opinion if you want. I can\'t change how you think.

Heck I have a twisted, insane opinion.  Your the one that like n64.  Nuff said.

Ah, you edited your post, more food for me.

Obviously I wouldn\'t you gimp! :laughing: That\'s like saying, "OMG! Your bleeding!", after someone gets shot! :laughing:

It\'s his reason for not bringing MGS2 to NGC that ubsets me. I honestly don\'t care if MGS2 comes to NGC or not because the MGS was too short and didn\'t have enough replay value for me so I wouldn\'t purchase it if it did come out for NGC, but does he have to be a moron about not bringing it?

Okay thats fine you got your opinion about mgs2 but that problem my most wanted game this year excepted for tekken 4.  Hideo just said the nintendo doesn\'t have the right audinece for his games.  What\'s so bad about that.  Strange how xbox can get silent hill 2 and mgsx while nintendo just gets kiddy games.
God your an idiot. Ok, what third parties am I missing if I were to limit myself to Nintendo only? Square? Woop di doo. Konami? *yawn* Namco? Got them. Sega? Got ALL of them.

Sure you nintendo fanboys can live off one game a year.  But I can\'t I need games to come out on consisted base.  Oh yeah something n64 lack was rpg, fighting games, shooters, and only one surivial horror(re2).

Do you know what\'s funny? For  N64 I mainly bought 1st or second party games. I only had about...1 or 2 third party game yet I was completely satisfied with the system. Point- Nintendo\'s first and 2nd parties alone are enough for me to buy their systems.

You brought first and 2nd party game cause you didn\'t have a choice.  There were not any 3rd party games!!!!!!!!!The few there were sucked!!!!!!!!  That\'s fine that the system satisfied you but I\'m sorry I can\'t wait  6 months for a new game to come out for a console.  N64 had almost as many died periods with games as the jaguar.  Sure it may not matter to you but someone out there cared about 3rd parties.  Why did ps1 outsell n64 last time I heard 82million(ps1) to 36million(n64).
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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2001, 08:17:05 AM »
How well did the Metal Gear games sell on the NES?  Since he views it as a "kiddy" system, the game shouldn\'t have sold well, right?
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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Hideo Kojima bashes GC
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2001, 09:02:06 AM »
well, look at this, Capcom is making Resident Evil 0, exclusive to GC for a year. (Then it will be ported to every next gen) If Metrioid and RE0 do well, maybe it will open hideo\'s eyes. Now, I am buying a GC for these 2 games, and a few others. So lests all suport these games on GC, and give Hideo what for!
\"You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo\'! Ha! I\'m makin\' some crabapples for dessert now, Ya hear! Hell yeah, ha!


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