Tshirts, you seem to be under the impression that Nintendo games dont apeal to Adult gamers...i think ive seen a few adults in my time playing, or speaking highlky of nintendo...chances are, some of the pro Nintendo fans in here are over the age of 14 (sorry, that excludes you Jumpman)
Tshirts, you seem to be under the impression that Sony and Microsoft wont have any games orientated towards kids...the \'kids\' market is extremely large, and when those kids grow up playing their \'kiddy\' games, knowing they love them, chances are, they are gonna stick with that company and continue to get their gaming goodies from it.
Tshirts, you seem to be under the impression that we think you are objective
Tshirts says~~Microsoft and Sony are planning 1.5 something billion dollars this fall alone aspiring for the adult market. I doubt Nintendo will even shell out a fraction of that amount of money considering they still have to maintain their target group(kids) by advertising on Saturday morning cartoons, and cereal boxes, etc. Keep in mind, the opposition has a great deal more money than Nintendo has, and they only have to focus on one group. As far as advertising "to draw this very important, crucial market" do you think Nintendo will be able to compete with the likes of the two behemoths? I am sorry, but I highly doubt they will be able to even break into this market let alone grab a fair portion of it.
Honestly, what have we seen from Nintendo so far in regards to them "breaking into the adult market". They simply do not have the softwares, the funds, and the ammuntion to go up against the likes of Sony and Microsoft.
hmm...break into the market...you know, i have one word for you...
Zelda...while i personally dont like this game, i am under the impression that quite a few
adults do...and definately enough adults to \'break\' into the industry...and, how many copies did Goldeneye and Perfect Dark sell...those games alone have garnered quite a following, and the Perfect Dark sequal (although not a launch game unfortunately) will draw many adult gamers to buy the console....break into the market...please, yo should be more worried about Microsoft breaking into the market
How can a title like Eternal Darkness(the only adult title this fall) even begin to compete with a MGS2, Silent Hill 2, or DOA 3, etc. Another thing is, the support from developers(for mature titles) for the system is too limited and many(Konami) are shying away from developement(MGS2, SH won\'t be ported) altogether. Simply put, without the right support, outlook, advertising, and softwares, they won\'t have a chance.
it doest really matter, there wont be enough gamers with GameCube\'s soon enough after launch to
need all the extra games. You dont think people who buy the gamecube are going to buy other games available. Chances are, people buying it at launch will have done their research, and will know what games they are getting. I also think if you have a look, the people waiting up all night in line for their GameCube, chances are they are going to be adults...especially in Japan.
A game like Mario will simply not draw the adult gamers and that is the point I am trying to make here.
that is absolute bull****. Mario is one of the most widely accepted games worldwide, you dont think if they put a new mario game out, it would sell...and sell to adults?
Neither titles are consider "mature" because they have characteristics suitable for children(family oriented). Another problem we have is although some individuals consider games like Zelda, F Zero, etc as "mature" titles, those types of games simply do not draw the adult gamers to the system.
does SSX qualify as a \'mature\' title??? i would consider it so, even though by your definition...and lets make clear, it is YOUR interpretation on the dictionary definition...it would fail, as it as elements that kids can enjoy? Adults love the game, kids love the game, your definition is flawed.
gah! Eik has pretty much summed up everything else
lets make this clear, i am
NOT a nintendo fan, and dont really like sticking up for them, but in my opinion, your reasoning is flawed. And if someone says something stupid about the XBox, god forbid, i would even stick up for that