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Author Topic: First Dino Crisis 3 pics!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 2296 times)

Offline Samwise
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First Dino Crisis 3 pics!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2001, 09:07:50 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
have you been converted to a fanboy??  Ive heard the rumors but I did not believe them man....SAY It aint so.

Out of all the people here i did not expect you to ATTEMPT to rag on me dude.  Hopefully you will look back at your post and see what youve done wrong.
Ok, that was a bit harsh perhaps. But I can assure you I\'m not a fanboy and any \'rumors\' you have heard are BS. I don\'t even own a PS2 anymore because I sold it as I was disappointed with it, and thought it was too expensive. How is that fanboyish? I\'m a multiconsole gamer man. Don\'t believe everything you read.

BTW, I\'ve done nothing \'wrong\'. All I said was that those pics weren\'t all that great (mostly because they\'re not in-game) and secondly, that it wasn\'t even an issue of consoles - i.e. people don\'t say it\'s not all that, because it\'s on Xbox.

PS. I think I have mistaken you for some other guy. But if you are who I think you are now, then I\'m a bit disappointed.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2001, 12:00:22 PM »
Hmm... the closes thing to a fanboy is you, Soul_Reaver.

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« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2001, 06:46:42 PM »
Just what I would expect from someone like you dude...
I come here with a view different than others here and Im labled a fanboy.....how ironic!!!  especially from these forums....:rolleyes:

Have i bashed any other systems??? NO ...
just because I support and defdend my system of choice does NOT make me a fanboy....

Not once have dissed ANY other consoles since ive been here.  I will be the first to admit that all have some GOOD exclusives.  

But again I will DEFEND my console of choice as you would dude so again.....lay off.  

you are dismissed.

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« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2001, 07:07:01 PM »
dissapointed in me??  samwise Im dissapointed in you.  me read stuff about you ?? No, i talk to people in chat and youve come up once or twice.

All I said was that those pics are CONCEPT art....and they are.  People here are jumping to conclusions about a game through some concept art???  and you think this is a good practice????  Only fanboys judge games before they are made.....and only fanboys talk about "concept art" like its the real game.

not impressive ......they are not supposed to be...those pics were taken from a very smalll video clip at TGS....the game WAS NOT EVEN IN PRODUCTION AT THE TIME....but the concept art was their way of announcing that its being made.  The little clip did wooo the audience and thats all that mattered.  

yes it was not "in game"...but it was a good clip non the less.  People were excited that another Dino Crisis was coming there way.

i could careless about the fact that you sold your ps2.   You throw that little fact around like it immunes you to being a fanboy???  well it doesn\'t.  im not calling you a fanboy but once again you started this SAME CRAP YOU DID AT CONSOLE DOME.....trying to discredit me by calling me a fanboy.  

I dont appreciate it.  But you knew that from our past dealings didn\'t you???  and you still do it???  I thought we were cool but its obvious were not!!  So continue calling me a fanboy dude....At this point I dont even care...many people here have started to so Im used to it.  Its funny though....the people who do ....usually are themselves.....

But the people who know me from console dome know SOULY!!!  and they know you too....

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« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2001, 07:37:34 PM »
Why is it you are attacking everyone? I\'m just curious.

They are friggin\' FMV pictures. There is nothing to be excited about. Read my posts way at the top of the thread, I said wait a few months and then get excited when we see actual ingame pictures.

Let\'s see here....

Yeah, sure, its only FMV, but as the resident \'Capcom Whore\' around here, it is my duty to inform you that the chances of this game looking awesome are 99.9 percent.  Still, these screens are nothing to get excited about. Wait two or three months, then when we see the first actual ingame screen, get excited.

Now explain to me, how in that posts I was trashing the Xbox or Dino Crisis 3? I wasn\'t! No one judged the friggin\' game though.

And you wouldn\'t get called a Fanboy, if you was rational and didn\'t try to attack everyone and think everyone was bashing your precious Xbox.

You keep saying everyone here is a PS2 fanboy, then explain this.

Why do the Mods allow Jumpman to stay? He is a Nintendo fan.
Why do they allow AlteredBeast and me to stay? We are Sega fans. Hell, I was editor-in-chief for SegaDome.com.

Why are alot of us multi-console owners? Oh I forget, you are convinced we aren\'t.

Why do the Mods allow OGodlyThing to stay around? He is an Xbox fan.

Answer: Because, not everyone here is a PS2 fanboy, infact most aren\'t. Everyone has varied tastes and that is welcomed here. There is no need to go around trying to preach about a system that isn\'t even out yet. Just let people play the games they like and enjoy them. You should do the same. Just enjoy the friggin\' games and quit being so paranoid, that everyone is out to trash the Xbox.


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« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2001, 08:09:22 PM »
Me attacking??  if you notice im on the recieveing end dude....Im just defending myself.  

all those peole you just named get flamed on a regular basis too!  they get called fanboys of the particular system that they support cause its a system other than the ps2....do you want post of it dude????  you know there is an aundance of it.

Hey....I defend the s*** out of the xbox.  aint nothing wrong with that.  ESPECIALLY IN CONSOLE DEBATE.

My whole argument was this:

Some of you TRY to blow up every LITTLE thing about a console OTHER than ps2 to unneccessary proportions....

Some people here are passing judgement on xbox games( and probully other systems as well) from of all things.....CONCEPT ART????  what is up with that???
do you even consider yourself a true gamer?? cause if you did you too would see that something is wrong with that.

DID i mention you specifically on this issue??  HELL NO!
so why are you throwing yourself into this mix???

my beef is with samewise...Ive known him for a while now...we got history.  i did not up and front attack him did I?  If you read his post he attack me....and this was typical of his behavior at console dome to.

Stay out of stuff you aint in.  I never called you a fanboy and me and you dont have enough history for you to be jumping in and backing samwise up!  He can speak for himself good.....   why are you thrig to get into our beef???

Im rational...and I attack people who say dumb stuff.
and passing judgement on a game\'s CONCEPT ART is just plain dumb.
 I dont flat out and say you are a fanboy....   I came in and said why are you even doing this???  No one does it to ps2 games here!!!   why do they do it with GC and xbox games???

You talk to me like i dont know what im talking about?  Like im making this stuff up???  well show me...
show me a recent post where ps2 CONCEPT ART  was criticized???  I have not seen it....

and ive been reading post here for some time now....At least a year.

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« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2001, 11:05:04 PM »
Look Soul_Reaver. I\'ll now tell you the whole story - I was going to send you a PM but seeing how you have dragged me down here I\'ll give you my version in public.

At first I mistook you for another random Xbox fanboy that enters this forum and praises Xbox. Yes, that happens periodically. So I was not exactly in the mood to greet him (you) welcome with open arms. When I finally found out who you really were, you didn\'t exactly do anything to let me like you and apologize to you - you were flaming me, twisting words, swearing and acting all paranoid, telling everyone how biased we all are here, how your sources say I\'m a fanboy, I was mean to you at CD, yadda yadda yadda.

I\'m very curious as to who you talked to in chats, because obviously they were full of BS. I haven\'t always been as open to all consoles as I am now, but nowadays I can truely say I\'m not a fanboy. Why? Because I\'ll get an Xbox and GameCube if I can afford it. Even a PS2 if it\'s worth it. You see, it\'s all about the games. But you seem to have your opinion about me set in stone so believe what you will. I can\'t be bothered because I (and a lot of others) know the truth, but enough about that.

I do however think that you should take a deep breath of air. Read all the posts through rationally and tell me who you think stands out as being unreasonable and irrational. I\'ll not give you any anwser, you know what I mean.

So, a final plea. Please try and act a little more calm and talk to me instead of being convinced we (and I) are evil fanboys and that I have some mysterious beef with you. Because I don\'t.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2001, 12:17:38 AM »
we dont click.....and when I think about it.....weve never clicked.   If I  were to go back and get transcripts of all of my post that yu ever responded to... I think we will find that in 90% of your replys....you end up calling me a fanboy....unwarrented.

This whole fanboy situation started with YOU (as usual) and it started with this post:

Come on, even an Xbox fanboy can see those pics aren\'t exactly great as they don\'t show ingame footage (and aren\'t of good quality either). It\'s not a console issue.

Now if YOU go back and read you will find that I NEVER even mention the word fanboy before that post...  I simply said that people were being over critical considering it was concept art from TGS.  A JUSTIFIED statement.  But you replied with the above crap???  very typical of your NORMAL behavior.

So end the end people are saying that Im calling everyone here fanboy\'s and Im left defending myself  from every nook and cranny because of crap YOU started.  When did I call everyone fanboy\'s in this post???  NEVER.   how do you get something like that from my above statement about people being over critical??  You took my comments and once again BLOWN them clear out of the original context.  Hasn\'t this happened before???

It does not matter whether or not you thought I was some one else cause your comments were undeserving and out of line even if I was that person.

After dealing with you for so long and THIS happening OVER AND OVER I can see that this is part of your TRUE nature.   You dont care...I dont care....so leve it be....

I really have nothing else to say on the matter.

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« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2001, 03:22:55 AM »
Hey Soul_Reaver. Calm down. Read through these posts again. Slowly. You will notice that practically none of these post are against Dinocrisis3 or Xbox. Just saying they are FMV.

I know there is nothing wrong with defending your console of choice. I have no problem with it. My console of choice is the PS2, but I\'ll still be getting an xbox cause it\'s going to have some damn awesome games.

In my short 4 months in these forums I\'ve found most people are very non baised too one console. Sure, they might like sony more, but are still open too the others.

So just in future, you shouldnt get so worked up about it. Sure, defend the xbox if your pionts are valid, just dont get abusive :):):)
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« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2001, 03:40:15 AM »
I believe MM once said this is console debating. We are here to debate consoles, not each other. He was right. We are not here to debate who is a fanboy and who isn\'t.
No one trashed the Xbox or Dino Crisis 3. All anyone said is they was not impressed with a still picture from a FMV trailer.

You just need to calm down Soul. You are way to defensive and paranoid that everyone is tryin\' to trash the Xbox.

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« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2001, 03:52:32 AM »
didn\'t i say i have nothing else to say about it???  then why are you RANTING on about me being OVER defensing about the xbox...when ive made pretty much ONE claim:  some people were being over critical of concept art.  Which is a valid point thank you very much.

All my other post have been addressing this fanboy crap.  NOt this xbox bashing topic claim you say im doing.  seriously where are you getting this stuff?
You\'ve been acting like everyone of my post is saying:

 "yall are bashing the xbox"
  "STOP, STOP, for the love of god Please stop bashing xbox!!!"

.....?????  Ive only made one comment and the rest has been focused on these "fanboy" issues samwise brought up.

You are only making thing worse portraying me as doing something i clearly have not.

Stop.   Let this die already.

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« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2001, 04:04:20 AM »
You said you had nothing else to say so why keep replying?
We werent carrying it on. Me and L-I-C were just saying to calm down a little. Dont bash people.
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« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2001, 05:55:45 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
these pics are old....they are from TGS and are not screens from the game....it was a little clip put together to show people its coming to the xbox.(like that zelda demo for game cuge).

Stop being over critical....you make yourself sound worried that xbox might actually have some good games???  well they do.....get over it and stop bashing.

Dino Crisis 3 wasn\'t shown at TGS.  This was first shown during the Microsoft press conference at pre-E3.  I know.  I was there. ;)
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« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2001, 06:20:35 AM »
Oh God... do we really have to go through this melodrama?

Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
we dont click.....and when I think about it.....weve never clicked.   If I  were to go back and get transcripts of all of my post that yu ever responded to... I think we will find that in 90% of your replys....you end up calling me a fanboy....unwarrented.
That\'s funny - I only remember called you a fanboy once. And that wasn\'t even an accusation as such. All I said was that you seemed like a fanboy because of some specific comments you made in a post. 90% is a completely outrageous figure. Let it go will ya?

This whole fanboy situation started with YOU (as usual) and it started with this post:
Now I think YOU should calm down. I didn\'t say that YOU were an Xbox fanboy, I said that even an xbox fanboy could see that the footage wasn\'t that great - simply meaning because it didn\'t show anything IN-GAME. I was speaking generally and you just ASSUMED that I meant you personally. Stop that crap will you. I never even said that the FMV or \'concept art\' was crappy. That was again YOU twisting MY words. I said it wasn\'t great (not quality wise mind you) simply because of one fact: It didn\'t show in-game footage. So give me a break, this is getting really stupid.

Now if YOU go back and read you will find that I NEVER even mention the word fanboy before that post...  I simply said that people were being over critical considering it was concept art from TGS.  A JUSTIFIED statement.  But you replied with the above crap???  very typical of your NORMAL behavior.[/b]
See above. It was your usual overreacting behaviour. :rolleyes:

You took my comments and once again BLOWN them clear out of the original context.  Hasn\'t this happened before???[/b]
Funny you say that; that\'s EXACTLY what YOU did.

After dealing with you for so long and THIS happening OVER AND OVER I can see that this is part of your TRUE nature.   You dont care...I dont care....so leve it be....[/b]
Ah, come on and cut the crap. You\'re so full of BS on this, it\'s not even funny.

I really have nothing else to say on the matter. [/B]
Funny, me neither.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2001, 06:26:21 AM »
Hey Samwise, I know this is completely unrelated to the topic and everything... Bah, who cares. Who do I contact to get my  nick changed?
\"Heh... You got burned.\"


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