Why is it you are attacking everyone? I\'m just curious.
They are friggin\' FMV pictures. There is nothing to be excited about. Read my posts way at the top of the thread, I said wait a few months and then get excited when we see actual ingame pictures.
Let\'s see here....
Yeah, sure, its only FMV, but as the resident \'Capcom Whore\' around here, it is my duty to inform you that the chances of this game looking awesome are 99.9 percent. Still, these screens are nothing to get excited about. Wait two or three months, then when we see the first actual ingame screen, get excited.
Now explain to me, how in that posts I was trashing the Xbox or Dino Crisis 3? I wasn\'t! No one judged the friggin\' game though.
And you wouldn\'t get called a Fanboy, if you was rational and didn\'t try to attack everyone and think everyone was bashing your precious Xbox.
You keep saying everyone here is a PS2 fanboy, then explain this.
Why do the Mods allow Jumpman to stay? He is a Nintendo fan.
Why do they allow AlteredBeast and me to stay? We are Sega fans. Hell, I was editor-in-chief for SegaDome.com.
Why are alot of us multi-console owners? Oh I forget, you are convinced we aren\'t.
Why do the Mods allow OGodlyThing to stay around? He is an Xbox fan.
Answer: Because, not everyone here is a PS2 fanboy, infact most aren\'t. Everyone has varied tastes and that is welcomed here. There is no need to go around trying to preach about a system that isn\'t even out yet. Just let people play the games they like and enjoy them. You should do the same. Just enjoy the friggin\' games and quit being so paranoid, that everyone is out to trash the Xbox.