Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
Last time I checked Vitial fighter was NOT a big seller!! In fact I know it was not. And Virtual fighter 4 may not be as well.And sonic is with nintendo for a very strategic reason....nintendo KNOWS how to juice the hell out of its character franchises....they have been using the same character since the FIRST nintendo.
crazy taxi was a HUGE Success....and who are they making the next installment for?? xbox
sega sports makes sega MORE many than ANY of its other francises.....and who is getting there UNDIVIDED support?? xbox
Jet Set radio was a huge success....and who has sega given the series too??? xbox
Okay, I\'ve heard it all. You actually want people to believe that Crazy Taxi is a bigger franchise then Virtua Fighter? Oh god...

Virtua Fighter is the fighting game of choice by Japanese players and has quite a following in America, not to mention critics have always loved the series. But, yeah, I mean Crazy Taxi was what? 20 mintues of fun?
I\'ll give you Jet Set Radio is a good game, but it wasn\'t a huge success, sadly. It deserved to be, but wasn\'t. And even if it was, it wouldn\'t be near as big as Virtua Fighter 4, simply because that series has been around ALOT longer then Crazy Taxi or Virtua Fighter 4.
And while Panzer Dragoon is one of the most excellent franchises, beyond Sega hardcore fans, it isn\'t well known, due to the Saturn not being the greatest commercial success.
So why exactly do you come to a PS2 board to preach this Xbox propaganda? And at any rate, you come to a PS2 board where most of us are multi-console owners and plan on buyin\' an Xbox.
Doesn\'t make much sense.