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Author Topic: Shenmue to be on the Xbox?  (Read 2232 times)

Offline Ethan_Hunt
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« on: July 02, 2001, 12:15:37 PM »
Ok here is a link from computer and videogames,which suggest that the next shenmue,will be on the Xbox,because the ps2 isnt up to it!
Here is the link,take a look for yourself.

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Offline ElAsesino
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2001, 01:12:13 PM »
Well, if this rumor turns out to be true, then I\'ll definately be getting an XBox.

I don\'t see how PS2 isn\'t up to it, considering how DC can handle it.  Oh well, I don\'t care what happens, as long as the game comes out somewhere.
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2001, 02:05:00 PM »
Elassino did you not forget that XBOX has a HDD. PS2 is not up to it, nor is gamecube. Sure they could make Shenmue for those systems, but that would be waste, IMO

SEGA is not stupid, they know that the HDD can take shenmue to a whole new level of gaming that PS2 or gamecube simply can\'t match.

I wouldn\'t be the slightest bit surprised if Shenmue was indeed to be developed for XBOX.

Offline Toxical
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2001, 02:24:47 PM »
if Shenmue was to be continued i would like to see it for the XBox. I think the added textures would help this game. :D

Offline rastalant
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2001, 02:26:13 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
Elassino did you not forget that XBOX has a HDD. PS2 is not up to it, nor is gamecube. Sure they could make Shenmue for those systems, but that would be waste, IMO

SEGA is not stupid, they know that the HDD can take shenmue to a whole new level of gaming that PS2 or gamecube simply can\'t match.

I wouldn\'t be the slightest bit surprised if Shenmue was indeed to be developed for XBOX.

Isn\'t ps2 coming out with a hardrive with FFX?
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2001, 03:36:29 PM »
Originally posted by raslant

Isn\'t ps2 coming out with a hardrive with FFX?

Sure it will have a hardrive. But there is a problem here, Sega would be developing a game and hoping a certain amount of people are gurantee\'d to own a hardrive, then they have to hope those with the hardrive will be gurantee\'d to buy the game. That is alot of guess work and hoping just to sell a game. So it would make more sense for them to develop it for the Xbox, where they know their target sells.

There is no hoping that alot of people bought the hardrive and no hoping that those who did buy it will actually buy the game.

This is the problem that has and always will plague add-ons.

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2001, 08:07:24 AM »

Seems the only reason I\'ll be getting that 2 ton box is for my beloved SEGA.

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2001, 11:23:35 AM »
same with me data. That and add in a little Peter Molyneaux love and you will see what I want in X-Box. I see it as Sega\'s favorite system.

ELasesino, you will also have to realize that Shenmue is 1999. WHen the next one after 2 comnes out, something huge will have to be a part of it. Hardrive built in will only make sense.

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2001, 12:04:36 PM »
yea i think the HDD might sell well though and if so - i am referring to after sales... i hope a bunch of devs would take advantage of it and use it - thats a pretty big hope though

i personally will probaly get a HDD for my PS2
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2001, 05:48:55 PM »
oh damn...just imagine how good this game will look on these systems..grrrlrlrlrr

but i thought Yu Suzuki was a fan of the PS2\'s architecture and wanted to unlock its capabilities...eh well...we shall see now wont we

Offline Soul_Reaver
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2001, 12:34:05 AM »
Thast funny bob....Yu sazuki a fan of the PS2\'s hardware???  That was probully before he got introduced to the xbox:D  He is like sega\'s Miyamoto!  if he were such a fan of its hardware the he would have gotten SEGA to support the ps2 whole heartedly and we KNOW thats not the case is it.  We know were sega\'s heart is.....and its with XBOX.

Yu Sazuki is going to want that hard drive for his MASTER PIECES (hes ALL ABOUT INNOVATION)....and the xbox is the only system that we KNOW for sure people will have a hard drive cause its ALREADY in!!!

And NOW that the ps2 hard drive has been stated at a price of 150.00 dollars I think the chances of ps2 getting the series is doubtful....

And lets not forget the FIRST shenmue had online elements...Nothing to big but I BET Yu SAZUKI wants to do more stuff online....and doesnt the xbox have online capabilities right out of the box??  why yes.....yes it does:D  I guess SAZUKI does not have to worry about that either.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2001, 12:47:34 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
Thast funny bob....Yu sazuki a fan of the PS2\'s hardware???  That was probully before he got introduced to the xbox:D  He is like sega\'s Miyamoto!  if he were such a fan of its hardware the he would have gotten SEGA to support the ps2 whole heartedly and we KNOW thats not the case is it.  We know were sega\'s heart is.....and its with XBOX.


You really need to brush up on all this. Suzuki has stated plenty of times he wants to unlock all of the power of the PS2 because he was impressed with it, concerning porting over titles like VF4..

I also truly doubt Suzuki could influence all of Sega to pledge support to one console, when there is many divisions and he doesn\'t head up all of them or near all of them. Not to mention, Sega is a third party developer. They will develop for other companies. They do this, because they make more money like this.

There is  plenty of reasons on why Shenmue 3 could be on the Xbox, I will not argue those, as I actually expect it. But, I do argue that Sega\'s heart is with the Xbox, when infact, they are spacing titles out bewteen all the companies. While plenty have been announced for the Xbox, there is still quite a few Sega franchises un-accounted for (Sonic? Hello!) that could end up on any system.  I\'m also sure that if Sega\'s heart was dedicated to the Xbox, they would of gave MS a huge title such as VF4, because lets face it, that is a huge title and a gurantee\'d bit hit for Sony\'s PS2.

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2001, 12:51:33 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
We know were sega\'s heart is.....and its with XBOX.

If Sega\'s heart it with the Xbox, then why is Virtua Fighter 4, one of Sega\'s top franchises, coming exclusively to the PS2?  Why is the Sonic team programming on the NGC?  Sega supports all consoles just about equally.  I will admit that Shen Mue 2(sp?) has a great chance of coming out on the Xbox.  The only thing that would be stopping it is bad sales of the Xbox in Japan.  Only time will tell if the Xbox is successful, and until then, Shen Mue 2 coming to the Xbox is not a sure thing.

EDIT: Darn, Living-In-Clip beat me to it. :)
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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2001, 01:06:47 AM »
Last time I checked Vitial fighter was NOT a big seller!!  In fact I know it was not.   And Virtual fighter 4 may not be as well.And sonic is with nintendo for a very strategic reason....nintendo KNOWS how to juice the hell out of its character franchises....they have been using the same character since the FIRST nintendo.

To find out were SEGA\'s heart is you cant sit there and ask is it a matter of whether or not they are making games for other systems....you have to ask.....which system has sega given ITS TOP SELLING FRANCHISES TO?  and who\'s that???  XBOX

crazy taxi was a HUGE Success....and who are they making the next installment for??   xbox

sega sports makes sega MORE many than ANY of its other francises.....and who is getting there UNDIVIDED support??  xbox

Jet Set radio was a huge success....and who has sega given the series too???   xbox

I could go on and on.....this is no secret dude...sega is making MORE titles on the xbox than ANY of the other two consoles PUT TOGETHER!!  you can be in denial if you want....but its clear that sega\'s heart is with xbox....the EVEN spoke at MS KEy note at e3....nobody else\'s....but if they were behind sony so much....wouldnt they have spoke at sony\'s too???
and the ps2 is not an automatic success either...they have 9 million sales of a total 100 million consumer market that is STILL growing..  BUt you think sony has already won???  give me a break.....they are far from it....

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Shenmue to be on the Xbox?
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2001, 04:14:55 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
Last time I checked Vitial fighter was NOT a big seller!!  In fact I know it was not.   And Virtual fighter 4 may not be as well.And sonic is with nintendo for a very strategic reason....nintendo KNOWS how to juice the hell out of its character franchises....they have been using the same character since the FIRST nintendo.

crazy taxi was a HUGE Success....and who are they making the next installment for??   xbox

sega sports makes sega MORE many than ANY of its other francises.....and who is getting there UNDIVIDED support??  xbox

Jet Set radio was a huge success....and who has sega given the series too???   xbox


Okay, I\'ve heard it all. You actually want people to believe that Crazy Taxi is a bigger franchise then Virtua Fighter? Oh god...:laughing:

Virtua Fighter is the fighting game of choice by Japanese players and has quite a following in America, not to mention critics have always loved the series. But, yeah, I mean Crazy Taxi was what? 20 mintues of fun?

I\'ll give you Jet Set Radio is a good game, but it wasn\'t a huge success, sadly. It deserved to be, but wasn\'t. And even if it was, it wouldn\'t be near as big as Virtua Fighter 4, simply because that series has been around ALOT longer then Crazy Taxi or Virtua Fighter 4.

And while Panzer Dragoon is one of the most excellent franchises, beyond Sega hardcore fans, it isn\'t well known, due to the Saturn not being the greatest commercial success.

So why exactly do you come to a PS2 board to preach this Xbox propaganda? And at any rate, you come to a PS2 board where most of us are multi-console owners and plan on buyin\' an Xbox.
Doesn\'t make much sense.


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