The Nintendo games being mentioned are nothing great. For one, after reading reports in Edge, Gamesmaster and CVG
You get your information from those places? ...LMAO! I\'m laughing because I\'ve never even heard of them. They can\'t be too reliable then.
I can conclude that Luigi\'s Mansion has great graphics, but lame gameplay (read these mags if you don\'t trust me.)
You can\'t conclude anything without playing the game. PlanetGameCiube and IGN happened to think Luigi\'s Mansion was a great game. And do you honestly think the whole purpose of the game will to suck up ghosts? HA! Miyamoto is not an idiot, there will be more to the game then you think.
[quopte]Waverace, is well, nice. [/quote]
It\'s by far the best jet-ski game coming out for any console if it plays like the original(which I hear it does).
Starfox Adventures is nowhere near complete and looks very, very childish.
So? Who cares what the game looks like? People who buy games should worry about the gameplay and nothing else.
BTW, Jak and Dexter looks very, very childesh too.
Reports also reveal that Eternal Darkness is a strictly average horror game, decribed in Edge.....
"This is no Silent Hill2, but an average attempt....ect."
I wouldn\'t of replied to your idiotic post, but this pushed me to do so.
EVERY other gaming site is raving about Eternal Darkness. It\'s gameplay is solid the camera angles don\'t bother you like they did in RE.
I\'d say this game could be a revolutionary game in the survival horror genre. Just read this preview. more thing, the game is over 45 hours long. How long is the average survival horror? 5 hours max(atleast for me). I don\'t have any doubt when I say Eternal Darkness will be the best horror game out this fall.
And...Pikimin!! Wooooo! Pokemom!! Yay!!!
This line proves your a fanboy. Just because it sounds like Pokemon does it mean like it will play like it? NO.
I hate blind fanboys.
Smash!!! The same (alomast exactly) But with much better graphics and ONE MORE CHARACTER!!!
omg! It sounds like every other sequal to a fighting game to date! WOW!
In case you still don\'t understand, then every sequal to a fighting game is like that. Tekken 3 is a perfect example. Had improved gameplay and graphics over Tekken 2, and not many new characters.
Again, your just making yourself look like an idiot when you say something so moronic like that. Please refrain from replying, I don\'t want to be dragged down to the same level as you.
Damn you JediMaster! You beat me to it. Next time will be different though.