Nintendo\'s approach has always been quality over quanity and I think we will see more of the same with the GC in that relation. When you have that approach it limits alot of third parties out, because they can\'t just publish crap on the system.
MGS2 is not a system maker / breaker like Gohan said. Even if Xbox or GC got it, it would be along time after the PS2 got it , so it wouldn\'t be near as "cool" and so on. If people really want MGS2, they would of already bought a PS2 or will buy one. I really doubt they would wait for the GC version. No big loss.
And while the GC may not be getting Silent Hill, it is gettin\' Resident Evil 0 shortly after launch of the system, so it isn\'t like the system is void of survival horror titles. It has them. Its only Konami being hung up on this \'the games are to mature for the GC\' mentality.