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Author Topic: Do you think the FF movie will tank?  (Read 1783 times)

Offline Knotter8
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2001, 05:00:12 AM »
Just finished my study \'Animation\' at an Artsacademy
with my CGI animation. Most of the other animation students I know, who usually like Disney/Pixar with
upcoming movies like Monsters Inc. and Shrek on the
oter side, are really eager for Final Fantasy.
So it\'s actually more along the likes of Toy Story in alo
ppls minds after all.
Imo Titan AE failed because it tried to please the younger audience as well.
FF will do well as long as it\'s not directed by dumb asses
like that guy who did the Mortal Kombat flicks.
BTW I hate it when directors have a good concept, but then mess it up trying to put in some kiddy stuff for a younger audience. Jarjar binks hint hint......
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Offline kimathi
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2001, 07:49:43 AM »
Even though I\'m personaly looking  forward to seeing  FF this summer, it might not do well financially. Terminator 2 got a budget of something like 150-200 mil and that was  considered a very large amount to make  movie back then so it had to make a profit almost doubling that to be seen as sucessful by investors backing the movie. The movie garnered such financial confidence by investors due to the previous sucess of the first Terminator, but  FF has no prequel to depend on for popularity. Even X-men only got a budget of  75 mil to make and that was considered a fairly safe initial investment for a movie. Even though FF looks like it will be a fun movie, it may end up like Kevin Costner\'s Water World, an expensive movie to make but barely breaking even at the box office and that is not looked upon as a sucess in the film industry.

Offline Kenny--73
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2001, 08:54:17 AM »
The FF movie didn\'t quite cost 200 million.  It was somewhere around 130- 150 million.   Square is hoping to make 80 million in the American box office.  I think that\'s a pretty low goal.  I\'m guessing that the movie will take in over 120 million.  The rest of the money, Square is planning on making from other countries.  

Oh and Scary Movie 2 bombed at the box office.  It took in about half of what the first one did.  And for a sequel, that is a very bad thing.  Sequels usually make most of their money in the first weekend.  Scary Movie isn\'t going to be a threat to the FF move. :cool:

Offline AlteredBeast
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2001, 09:27:31 AM »
First off, you guys know that I cannot stand the FF GAMES in their latest incarnations, but this movie looks kickass. Too bad that Nobody over 35 will see it and no one under 12 will either. It doesnt have the kid appeal with a touch of humor al la Toy Story, and doesnt have the more-mature humor with a tough of kiddyness al la Shrek. This is a teenager + 20-something movie.

Titanic cost 200million to make. They had to sell 400 million dollars in ticket revenue to be in the black. luckily it sold over 1.2 billion worldwide. I am estimating that it rakes in high its first week, 1 or 2, than quickly drops out of the top ten, maybe it will make 150 million, if it is lucky. but even then, Square and Sony have just lost a pretty penny on advertising and distributing.

Plus, FF\'s director will eat his words about how he wants to cast the main girl in other movies as a normal character, I just think the notion won\'t fly.

Scary Movie 2 was very funny though. Chris Elliot made the movie though, without him, it would\'ve sucked horribly.
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Man, that is good stuff.

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Offline CygnusXI
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2001, 09:38:22 AM »
Altered, I beg to differ.

I\'m 32 and my wife 33 and we\'re going on Wed. :)

See, it\'s not a age demographic so much as a genre. That, IMO, is why they decided to go with SCI-FI instead of Fantasy (The "real" FF).

Sci-Fi is a HUGE demographic and constantly growing, it covers almost every age group (with maybe 60+ excluded).

It will do well.
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Offline Coredweller
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2001, 10:20:31 AM »
For what it\'s worth (which isn\'t much) here\'s an excerpt of the Hollywood Reporter\'s review by Michael Rechtshaffen:
Unfortunately the visuals aren\'t the only aspect of the picture that appear to have been computer generated.

Boasting truly robotic storytelling and laughably artifical dialogue that even the voice talents of Donald Sutherland, James Woods, Alec Baldwin and Ming-Na Wen are unable to animate, this futuristic sci-fi snooze-a-thon will be detecting little evidence of a boxoffice life force, at least on North American soil.
OK, The HR is not known for their great reviews, and even their preditions of box office performance have been known to be way off.  (The Fast and the Furious, for example)  Still, they are usually not 180 degrees off.
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Offline Kenny--73
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2001, 10:35:06 AM »
I\'m pretty sure it\'s not going to bomb.  But who knows, we\'ll see. :cool:

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2001, 09:18:03 PM »
its has people of all ages interested...i watch TV shows doing specials on how its the first movie to come close to having realistic people, and how it might be the wave of the future...and old people are fascinated fascinated

Offline QuDDus
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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2001, 09:55:53 PM »
Originally posted by Kenny--73
The FF movie didn\'t quite cost 200 million.  It was somewhere around 130- 150 million.   Square is hoping to make 80 million in the American box office.  I think that\'s a pretty low goal.  I\'m guessing that the movie will take in over 120 million.  The rest of the money, Square is planning on making from other countries.  

Oh and Scary Movie 2 bombed at the box office.  It took in about half of what the first one did.  And for a sequel, that is a very bad thing.  Sequels usually make most of their money in the first weekend.  Scary Movie isn\'t going to be a threat to the FF move. :cool:

Scary movie did not bomb. It came in second place. I mean last year it did not have to compete with anyother movies. I mean cats and dawgs got hype all over the place. And Ai is no doubt going to draw in viewers. There are too many good movies coming out at once. And there is noway scary movie was going to dominate. it did 21million and cats and dawgs did 21.7mill.

Scary movie will continue to gain sales because of the first one. And ppl think it is a very funny movie. The onlything coming out to compete this week is FF oh yeah that Juilia Roberts movie. I expect that movie to open up good. FFx will be lucky to crack the top ten this week.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Do you think the FF movie will tank?
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2001, 10:34:33 PM »
I imagine it will bomb - but I don\'t care. I plan on going to see it, but I am also skeptical of it being worth watching. I\'m just going to see it, because it is based off a series I hate.


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