"My wife Works with the attorney that does commercial leasing for The Gamestop companies; Babbages, Funcoland, Supr Software and a few others. While investigating the release of PSO ver2 I came across some Xbox info. MS announced 800,000 units to be released in Nov. The Gamestop subsidiaries claim to have 500,000 of those units commited on pre-order. That leaves 300,000 to the MANY other outlets.
If this is true, it looks as if we might encounter another PS2 supply nightmare. There is just no way that Toys R Us, Circuit City, BestBuy, CostCo, and others will be able to get by on 300,000 units collectively.
The moral is, Keep a CLOSE eye on your reservations if you have them. Be sure you aren\'t bumped to a later shipment. Don\'t let them screw you. You reserved a launch day console. So you deserve to get it. "
Damn, if this is true, i am gettiny my ass on a pre order list at the EB nearest me. It\'s prolly true, hence the fact it comes from the IGN boards(yuck). I sure as hell think Xbox is going to do well, unlike MANY other people. Oh well, i wonder how many Gamecube reservations there are? Can\'t wait for Cube and Xbox, but one of them is going to have to wait until 2002. Xbox is looking alot better, i mean EGM may have bashed it, but still, there are a few solid titles coming out, and they are simply going to rock:D