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Author Topic: Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.  (Read 1515 times)

Offline Terry Bogard
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« on: July 09, 2001, 10:59:32 AM »

"My wife Works with the attorney that does commercial leasing for The Gamestop companies; Babbages, Funcoland, Supr Software and a few others. While investigating the release of PSO ver2 I came across some Xbox info. MS announced 800,000 units to be released in Nov. The Gamestop subsidiaries claim to have 500,000 of those units commited on pre-order. That leaves 300,000 to the MANY other outlets.

If this is true, it looks as if we might encounter another PS2 supply nightmare. There is just no way that Toys R Us, Circuit City, BestBuy, CostCo, and others will be able to get by on 300,000 units collectively.

The moral is, Keep a CLOSE eye on your reservations if you have them. Be sure you aren\'t bumped to a later shipment. Don\'t let them screw you. You reserved a launch day console. So you deserve to get it. "

Damn, if this is true, i am gettiny my ass on a pre order list at the EB nearest me. It\'s prolly true, hence the fact it comes from the IGN boards(yuck). I sure as hell think Xbox is going to do well, unlike MANY other people. Oh well, i wonder how many Gamecube reservations there are? Can\'t wait for Cube and Xbox, but one of them is going to have to wait until 2002. Xbox is looking alot better, i mean EGM may have bashed it, but still, there are  a few solid titles coming out, and they are simply going to rock:D

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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2001, 11:06:57 AM »
So. . . is it just enevitable that game consoles are hard to come by when they launch?  So is it a SONY flaw, or a fact of life?

Offline Terry Bogard
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2001, 11:14:33 AM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte
So. . . is it just enevitable that game consoles are hard to come by when they launch?  So is it a SONY flaw, or a fact of life?

Where i live, PS2 was a big ass deal, it sold out at KB, Kmart, and Meijers in about 2 or 3 hrs....maybe less, I live in a town of about 20 to 50 thousand ppl, and frankly things around here are EASY to find....PS2\'s are aplenty, GBA\'s are still kinda hard to find. Hell even some ps2 games, DC games are hard as hell to find around here. So, yes its  not to  hard to get consoles where i live.

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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2001, 11:53:16 AM »
SH1T! What\'s up with EB???? They still have my name on the calling list but arent taking reserves! I better get mine on launch day or people will die!

Offline Toxical
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2001, 01:05:42 PM »
lol, yeah, I love to anticipate the XBox :D
NOT. I think there are like 45,000 MS employees that get one Xbox 50% off, so that would account for a big chunk right o way.  :D

All i can say, i got a great console at home, and its name is PlayStation 2. That right! I brought home the bacon! :D

So lets see, I\'m not in a hurry to buy the XBox, although i will surely buy one, hopefully during the first week of availability, cause you guessed it, I’m a console "Whore". As for hyped shortages, no way, I think there will be enough to go around for everybody.

Note: ( I could be wrong about the shortages, i have been known to be wrong. :D )

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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2001, 01:07:39 PM »
Allocated units and actual reserved units are two different things.  If I were any of you though, I\'d go out to Software etc and make a pre-order right now because they are about one of the only companies taking money for future consoles.  Just about everyone else is going to offer a bundle.  EB, Gamestop, Amazon\\Toys\'R\'Us, and many others need the bundle packs to make a profit.  Console sales mean nothing to the retailers, it\'s all about game sales and if the games do not sell with the consoles, then it\'s just wasting their time.  Wait until the bundles are announced and then carefully decide.  It\'s up to you people to make the right choice.
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2001, 04:00:30 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
Allocated units and actual reserved units are two different things.  If I were any of you though, I\'d go out to Software etc and make a pre-order right now because they are about one of the only companies taking money for future consoles.  Just about everyone else is going to offer a bundle.  EB, Gamestop, Amazon\\Toys\'R\'Us, and many others need the bundle packs to make a profit.  Console sales mean nothing to the retailers, it\'s all about game sales and if the games do not sell with the consoles, then it\'s just wasting their time.  Wait until the bundles are announced and then carefully decide.  It\'s up to you people to make the right choice.

You mean Curcuit City \'you must buy Fantavision\' type bundle, of EBs GBA \'choose 2 games, and you must pay for it all ahead\' package. I can deal with the 2nd one, but I dont think I want to be forced into buying Mad Dash...

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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2001, 04:48:21 PM »
Well, ebgames.com had set bundles.  I\'m not sure how the in-store policy works, but who knows.  I know that it is 2 games, the console and something else with that though that you must pay for in advance.  If you can choose the games though, I don\'t see the problem unless you\'re strapped for cash.
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Offline QuDDus
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2001, 06:54:12 PM »
Well funco land said they could not take any preorders. Because no company was supose to take preorders. And I heard they where supose to cancell all the preorders taken, because ms does not want another ps2 incident to happen with ps2. Well that is what I remember when I tried to preorder.
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2001, 06:55:43 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX
Well funco land said they could not take any preorders. Because no company was supose to take preorders. And I heard they where supose to cancell all the preorders taken, because ms does not want another ps2 incident to happen with ps2. Well that is what I remember when I tried to preorder.

It\'s good to hear that someone learned from other\'s mistakes.  Although that is a big bummer if everyone drops their lists.

Offline Sublimesjg
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2001, 07:43:21 PM »
last i knew the Babbages here just people on a waiting list

there is no way they can drop their lists or esle they won\'t know how many consoles to send to stores - thats the point of pre ordering mostly

well anyway i think that the xbox will run into the same problem as PS2 since its just as hyped and is appealing to quite a lot of people in America since its new and powerful - there will be a lot of casual gamers pre ordering
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Offline astroglide
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2001, 07:50:03 PM »
babbages took preo-orders for a short while then stopped. word was that sony put pressure on them. no one is taking pre-orders on the xbox right now because:

a)microsoft won\'t let them  or
b)sony won\'t let them.

you know where i pre-ordered my ps2?

kay b toys!

this was when babbages told me the earliest i could get a ps2 thru them would be after xmas. the manager acted like kay b was shady when i told him i pre-ordered thru kay b. 9 days after the release, i got mine. good enuf for me.
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Offline QuDDus
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2001, 09:48:01 PM »
Originally posted by astroglide
babbages took preo-orders for a short while then stopped. word was that sony put pressure on them. no one is taking pre-orders on the xbox right now because:

a)microsoft won\'t let them  or
b)sony won\'t let them.

you know where i pre-ordered my ps2?

kay b toys!

this was when babbages told me the earliest i could get a ps2 thru them would be after xmas. the manager acted like kay b was shady when i told him i pre-ordered thru kay b. 9 days after the release, i got mine. good enuf for me.

Well I was told ms won\'t let them. I don\'t think that sony thing has any real factual base to it. I mean if they do that . Then that is sad, but i don\'t think they did.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2001, 10:38:04 PM »
I\'ve asked at Funco / E.B / Babbages / K\'B and none of them was taking pre-orders for the Xbox. So, I imagine MS has made a no pre-order rule, because all of the above mentioned places was allowing GC pre-orders.

Offline Soul_Reaver
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Xbox already has a massive amount of pre-orders.
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2001, 02:07:20 AM »
I was on a pre-order list for the xbox at babbages.  I had to out 50 dollars down and I was number 153 on the list.  They dropped the list and refunded everyone\'s money, and im glad they did it.  Being 153 my chances of getting one from babbages was slim.

 then they started taking names and numbers and when they get permission to start preordering you retain the spot you have on the calling list.  SO NOW im like number SEVEN!!!  

True their is no "officail" preorder list...but they are treating this "non-officail"  name taking process as a preorder list anyway.  The lsit at my babagge\'s is back in the 150\'s and all I can say is.....Im happy that Im now number seven and got out of the 153 dillema that I was in:D


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