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Author Topic: GBA sucks...HARD.  (Read 4231 times)

Offline EThugg
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2001, 01:00:05 PM »
1.You and them are both nuts. Banjo was pretty average.

2.If those extremely general similarities make it a \'copy\', then Banjo\'s a total rip off...
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2001, 03:00:13 PM »
Originally posted by Aaron

F-Zero was a totally new game. Not one track was the same from the original, the handling was totally different (With having to tap the A button in turns) and the music was different. Sure it looks like the other one for the most part, but it\'s not a port by any means, just an average sequel with zero innovation. I wqas quite dissapointed with it.

I haven\'t got to play it yet. I was just pointing out that the GBA could do SNES graphics. Thanks for pointing that out though, man. I just know I love the original F-ZERO . I was under the impression that the "port" was like the original F-ZERO .

Offline Halberto
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2001, 03:18:56 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Check out the IGN reviews. Banjo-Kazooie is regarded as the Mario killer while Crash is average is his first two attempts then makes a good comeback with three.(Crash 1 and 2 scored low, Crash 3 got 9, but Banjo got 9.6 from IGN64, a site where they aren\'t affraid to give bad reviews).

Wait, wasn\'t it you that called IGN crazy since they gave GT3 a good score? :rolleyes:

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2001, 09:01:39 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi

Wait, wasn\'t it you that called IGN crazy since they gave GT3 a good score? :rolleyes:

No, I called IGNPS2 crazy for giving GT3 a score it didn\'t deserve. Get yo facts straight.

And for no apparent reason...


Offline rastalant
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2001, 10:00:53 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

No, I called IGNPS2 crazy for giving GT3 a score it didn\'t deserve. Get yo facts straight.

And for no apparent reason...


Hey jumpman what would you have gave gt 3 compared to ignps2 score?:thepimp: :thepimp:
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2001, 10:20:09 AM »
Hey jumpman what would you have gave gt 3 compared to ignps2 score?

I don\'t get why people regard scores as the best judge of a games greatness.  I think Chrono Trigger is the best game I have ever played, but I would NEVER give it a 10.0, EVER.  There is obvious flaws in just about every game I have ever played and that\'s the way things are, which is also why scores are an irrelevant basis to judge games on.  Play it yourselves and read the actual REVIEW before forming your own opinion.  The score is nothing but a means for idiots to compare games on.  2 reviewers give 2 different games 2 different scores for 2 totally different opinion, yet they are judged accordingly and compared.  Idiocy I tell you, IDIOCY!
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2001, 10:26:52 AM »
Originally posted by raslant

Hey jumpman what would you have gave gt 3 compared to ignps2 score?:thepimp: :thepimp:

7.5, but I would also inform everyone that I hate racing games making my judgment bias. Almost every racing game sucks IMO.

I don\'t get why people regard scores as the best judge of a games greatness. I think Chrono Trigger is the best game I have ever played, but I would NEVER give it a 10.0, EVER. There is obvious flaws in just about every game I have ever played and that\'s the way things are, which is also why scores are an irrelevant basis to judge games on. Play it yourselves and read the actual REVIEW before forming your own opinion. The score is nothing but a means for idiots to compare games on. 2 reviewers give 2 different games 2 different scores for 2 totally different opinion, yet they are judged accordingly and compared. Idiocy I tell you, IDIOCY!

Preach on sista.

Offline rastalant
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2001, 10:42:08 AM »
Ryu and jumpman you guys have some good points.  It would take a lot for me to give a game a perfect 10.  Me personally I would give gt3 around 9.8 or 9.9 cause compare to the other ps2 racers it kills them and has so much depth to it.  Graphically nothing on the ps2 is the same level as gt3.  Thats why we have reviewers they have different opinions on games.:thepimp: :thepimp:
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Offline Tshirts
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2001, 12:25:23 PM »
You guys are too easily pleased.

Never in the history of videogaming have I ever seen more rehashes and port overs than what is on the GBA.  Where are the original games?  Why are you guys content with playing the same crap we have been playing for the last 6-10 years?  Every single one those games you can either get through emulation or dig them up in your closet.  Sure, its portable, but that is a novelty and should not be the determinance of the system\'s superiority.  Games are what matters and quite frankly the GBA undelivers.  Big time!

Offline JediMaster
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2001, 01:08:54 PM »
I\'ve heard rumors of a Super Smash Brothers for GBA (sweet). That game is also one to get.
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2001, 01:14:32 PM »
Never in the history of videogaming have I ever seen more rehashes and port overs than what is on the GBA. Where are the original games? Why are you guys content with playing the same crap we have been playing for the last 6-10 years? Every single one those games you can either get through emulation or dig them up in your closet. Sure, its portable, but that is a novelty and should not be the determinance of the system\'s superiority. Games are what matters and quite frankly the GBA undelivers. Big time!

Why do people constantly judge systems by their launch software?  I know if I bought Pilot Wings 64 and an N64, I would proclaim it has the biggest hunk of crap ever, but hey look, they got Zelda OoT and that was the best N64 game to date.  However, it didn\'t come out till many years after its launch.  Video gaming is a long term investment.  If you buy a system counting on it to be worth your money every week of every month with a new game that meets your expectations, then you are gravely mistaken with every console purchase you make.  You buy, you wait, you play, you have fun, that\'s what gaming is all about.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2001, 11:29:50 PM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
You guys are too easily pleased.

Never in the history of videogaming have I ever seen more rehashes and port overs than what is on the GBA.  Where are the original games?  Why are you guys content with playing the same crap we have been playing for the last 6-10 years?  Every single one those games you can either get through emulation or dig them up in your closet.  Sure, its portable, but that is a novelty and should not be the determinance of the system\'s superiority.  Games are what matters and quite frankly the GBA undelivers.  Big time!

CastleVania is a rehash? NO! It was one the single most fun games to come around in along time and in my opinion is worth the purchase of a GBA itself. Mario Advance (Mario 2) is one of the greatest platform games ever. Its great being able to take it on the road, when I want. Yeah, sure, I could get it via emulation, but I really don\'t want to sit and play them at my computer. And my NES is barely functional and my copy of Mario AllStars was stolen by family.

Easily pleased? Maybe so. As long as the game is solid, I don\'t care if it just a rehash. Because, the fact is, all games are really rehashes. If you want to look at it like that, then the Xbox is goin\' to have problems at launch. DOA3? Sheesh. Another fightin\' game..Damn rehashes. Halo? Ew. First person shooter - we\'ve seen plenty of those. The list goes on and on.

Ryu made  a great point, when you buy a system it is a long term commitment. People who bought the GBA pretty much knew what they was gettin\'. Classic Nintendo titles ready to go on the run. Some games are timeless. Mario 3 is timeless and I can gurantee you I will buy it when its released. Street Fighter 2 is timeless and when it comes out for the GBA, I\'ll buy it also.

Easily pleased? Maybe. Or then again, maybe I just love solid games that constantly entertain you no matter how many times you play them - something 90% of games are lacking today. I\'m content playing games we\'ve been playing for the past decade because they still deliver more fun then games now\'a\'days. You know, "fun", right? "Fun" is when you don\'t have to read a 100 page instructional manual, sit thru 10 mintue long cinemas, remember complex motions and then worry about things like if your memory card is full or not.

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2001, 11:36:04 PM »
Easily pleased? Maybe. Or then again, maybe I just love solid games that constantly entertain you no matter how many times you play them - something 90% of games are lacking today. I\'m content playing games we\'ve been playing for the past decade because they still deliver more fun then games now\'a\'days. You know, "fun", right? "Fun" is when you don\'t have to read a 100 page instructional manual, sit thru 10 mintue long cinemas, remember complex motions and then worry about things like if your memory card is full or not. --LiC

If I wasn\'t such a stickler to keep my signature the way it is, I would make it exactly that paragraph.  Damn fine way of putting it my man, keep up the good work. :D
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2001, 12:21:41 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu

If I wasn\'t such a stickler to keep my signature the way it is, I would make it exactly that paragraph.  Damn fine way of putting it my man, keep up the good work. :D

What can I say? I was feelin\' inspired.

Offline Tshirts
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2001, 04:34:57 AM »
Long term investment?  I agree, but nobody goes to the store, sees a game system, and says to themself "oh I am going to buy this because it will last for 6 years".  Ppl buy it for the games, and the GBA is currently the biggest piece of junk doo doo on the market.  Halo, and DOA3 are brand new softwares.  Games like Mario 2, F zero, and a bunch of other stuff on the GBA are rehash crap and port overs with very little innovation.  There is a difference.  I don\'t care if you happen to be able to finally bring Mario 2 on the road.  Bottomline, these are games we have all played before.  The novelty of it being portable will wear thin and what you will have left is another crap rehash that will get boring fast.  It\'s an issue of "been there done that".  Where are the original, new experiences?  Where are the real sequels and truly innovational, daring softwares?  Why are we only being shafted with a bunch of ports and rehashes?  Until the GBA starts fulfilling my answers, I won\'t give it a second thought.


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