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Author Topic: GBA sucks...HARD.  (Read 4175 times)

Offline Samwise
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2001, 04:56:07 AM »
Um, dude, I don\'t think I\'d use DOA3 as an example of new and original software...
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2001, 05:32:36 AM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
Long term investment?  I agree, but nobody goes to the store, sees a game system, and says to themself "oh I am going to buy this because it will last for 6 years".  Ppl buy it for the games, and the GBA is currently the biggest piece of junk doo doo on the market.  Halo, and DOA3 are brand new softwares.  Games like Mario 2, F zero, and a bunch of other stuff on the GBA are rehash crap and port overs with very little innovation.  There is a difference.  I don\'t care if you happen to be able to finally bring Mario 2 on the road.  Bottomline, these are games we have all played before.  The novelty of it being portable will wear thin and what you will have left is another crap rehash that will get boring fast.  It\'s an issue of "been there done that".  Where are the original, new experiences?  Where are the real sequels and truly innovational, daring softwares?  Why are we only being shafted with a bunch of ports and rehashes?  Until the GBA starts fulfilling my answers, I won\'t give it a second thought.


DOA3 and Halo are original titles?  You have a fighting game sequel. You have a FPS shooter. And while your complainin\' about ports, I guess you won\' even give two thoughts to Onimusha:Gemna? Its a damn port!

And if gaming isn\'t a long term commitment , why do you people get excited about Project Ego? Thats a long time to wait.

And I\'m sorry, none of the games now\'a\'days offer "new experiences". All it is a rehash of another game. Sure, sometimes they make it alittle better, but it isn\'t nothing "new". Very seldom do we actually see something "new".

Gaming was best when it was simple. When anyone could pick up a game and enjoy it. And yet, even though it was simple, you could still become a master at the game of your choice.  When gaming was simple, Nintendo made some great classic games and now they are giving people the option to play them on the game. It will have its fair share of original titles but it will also have great classics .

I\'m sorry, if you can\'t enjoy timeless classics. But, while you\'re reading the 100 page instruction manual that will come with Project Ego or whatever Xbox game, I\'ll be finally enjoyin\' my dream... Bein\' able to play Mario 2 while on the toilet...
Ah, life is good.

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2001, 02:00:22 PM »
Um, first of all, cut down on the generlization and stop putting words in my mouth.  I never said DOA3 and Halo were original.  I said they were brand new.  

Thanx for bringing up Onimusha because that is a brand new game also.  Even though it is a port, a lot of ppl still haven\'t played it and it is less than a year old.  What do you see on the GBA?  Crap and rehashes that are 6 - 10 years old.  Everyone and their mommas have played it on emulation, multiple systems or whatever.

I don\'t know about you, but I think it is stupid to buy a system and wait two years down the line to play the game you want.  I buy a system to play the games now, and currently there is nothing on the GBA that has entice me otherwise.  I am currently judging the system by its launch titles because quite frankly that is all there is to go by for now.  Down the line if things get better then I will pick up one.  Simple as that.

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2001, 03:34:41 PM »
Ah! I never saw Ethugg\'s post.

Originally posted by EThugg
1.You and them are both nuts. Banjo was pretty average.

2.If those extremely general similarities make it a \'copy\', then Banjo\'s a total rip off...

1. It couldn\'t of been average if they both think it\'s on par with/better than Mario 64. I\'m really starting to doubt if you ever played the game...

2. I should of said it PLAYS like Metroid with a wip then. They took some key elements from Metroid, that\'s obvious, but the differentials to seperate the games. It\'s not a completely copy though.

Now I know you haven\'t played Banjo-Kazooie. If Banjo is a rip-off of Mario, then CastleVania is a rip-off from Metroid.

There are some major differences which allows it to be considered not a rip-off(sue me for the bad wording). You learn new skills to get past areas, the levels are designed completely different, you can transform into creatures, cheat menu, ect ect.

It may be a copy, but a rip-off it\'s not. It\'s not a bad copy either. It takes every Mario64 element and improves on it while adding a lot of new stuff.


Thanx for bringing up Onimusha because that is a brand new game also. Even though it is a port, a lot of ppl still haven\'t played it and it is less than a year old. What do you see on the GBA? Crap and rehashes that are 6 - 10 years old. Everyone and their mommas have played it on emulation, multiple systems or whatever.

Onimusha is a port.
Mario Advance is a port.
Tony Hawk 2 is a port.
Rayman Advance is a port.
F-Zero is a port.

The GBA line-up has pleased most gamers, including me.
\'Nuff said.

Offline METALGEAR007
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #49 on: July 25, 2001, 04:02:09 PM »
ha ha ha jump er man do u like anythin ??????????????????????????:laughing: :D :o :nerd:
whats a blonde and the bermuda triangle got in common ? - they both swallow loads of seamen! ha ha ha

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2001, 05:18:19 PM »

Please think before you post something completely pointless next time. Thanks.

Offline -_____-
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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2001, 04:25:58 AM »
In reply to post 1:

What the heck??!!  You\'re the first person I\'ve seen that actually says that THPS2 sucks.  This is one of the greatest games ever!  Have you been on a car or plane trip lately?  THPS2 is the best thing you can have with you!  It almost never gets boring.  Castlevania is also a great game, but some people might find it boring because of the "huge one map" way of getting around.  If you get lost you might end up 15 minutes away from where you actually need to go.  BTW I still haven\'t beaten Dracula, he\'s annoying as heck.

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GBA sucks...HARD.
« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2001, 09:27:47 AM »
The DC and probably the PSX version of Tony Hawk 2 were great, but the GBA version is horrible.

It\'s so hard to see what way your skater if facing when your trying to do tricks. Getting used to the L&R buttons for doing most of your tricks is confusing, and it\'s hard getting used to the over head camera angle.

CastleVania has THPS2 owned, along with every other game released this year so far IMO.


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