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Author Topic: PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry  (Read 1888 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2001, 08:45:17 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
saturn was crap. It was not a good enough  machine that it would have survived 5 years of gaming it would have killed itself. Nintendo would have still done fine by living off of past success. But gaming would not be where it is at if sony had not jump into the console mix.


Please pass me some of what you are smoking. The Saturn was crap? Have you ever played one? Or do you assume it was just crap, because it wasn\'t as "mainstream"?

Virtua Fighter 2.
Fighters MegaMix
All the great 2D Capcom games was on it and better then their PS versions.
The Panzer Dragoon Trilogy.
ClockWork Knight 1 & 2.
Nights! (One of the best 32bit games)
Burning Rangers
Sega Rally.
Virtua Cop 1 & 2

The list goes on and on (I didn\'t even list the Treasure games,etc)

If the PS had never came around it would of just forced developers to learn the Saturn hardware better and then we would of seen games like Resident Evil on the Saturn.. We wouldn\'t of seen cheap ports like CastleVania. Instead, developers would of been forced to actually take time and learn the system.

So , no it did not save the industry. It may of helped provide competion and so on, but it didn\'t save the industry.

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« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2001, 09:31:18 PM »
Saturn is the best system ever IMO. ANd that is not just because I am a huge Sega fan, it is because I love 2D fighters and 2D in general.

Some of MY Saturn games include (I would always like to have more):

Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Cop
Resident Evil
Tomb Raider
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Deep Fear
Sega Rally Netlink
Virtual On: Cybe Troopers Netlink
Duke Nukem 3D (netlink!)
Sonic R
Sonic 3D Blast
Shining Force 3
Shining Wisdom
Radiant Silvergun
Thunderforce V
Dracula X
Panzer Dragoon 2 and Saga
Daytona CCE
Mr. Bones.
and on
and on
and on.

Don\'t talk to me about Saturn being a crappy system. Saturn had online games, did your PSX do that? I am guessing you think so highly of your PSX because you bought the BJ-1000 peripheral. SO you could play Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation in the dark.

Saturn catered to RPGs way before PSX even had it\'s first one in the US. Before 1997, PSX only had 4 RPGs in America. BTW, there are several games above that I listed that were also on PSX, but almost NONE of them looked nearly as good as they did when on Saturn, Saturn was just better built.

the games you listed would have moved to Saturn or PSX and would still have easily been able to be done. Thinking that PSX was the reason those games came out is laughable, since those games are all from huge developers anyway. What Sony did for the gaming community was lower it\'s standards so low that every crapfaced dev. out there would work on it, just because Sony would put there approval on any junk shoved in their face. This is not to say that there werent good games on PSX, but the crap to good ratio is worse on PSX than on anything else made, besides PS2 as it stands currently.

I owned more US Saturn games in the 3 years it was out then I ever have for PSX.

Eric Jacob
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Offline IronFist
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« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2001, 09:54:39 PM »
I agree with almost everything you said, Altered.  The Saturn did have a lot more power than the PSX, which really showed in its 2D games.  I think it would have been way more successful than the PSX was if it wasn\'t for the Sega CD and 32X.  After those two add-ons, people were afraid to buy a Sega product.  I think that if Sega didn\'t make those two mistakes, they would still be making consoles today -- and probably more successful than Nintendo.  Sony was lucky that they came into the video game industry when they did.

I don\'t agree with this though:
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
What Sony did for the gaming community was lower it\'s standards so low that every crapfaced dev. out there would work on it, just because Sony would put there approval on any junk shoved in their face. This is not to say that there werent good games on PSX, but the crap to good ratio is worse on PSX than on anything else made, besides PS2 as it stands currently.

Like Ryu said, the PSX being so easy to program for, and Sony being so easy on the developers and approving almost anything made it easy for even the smallest companies to get involved in the video game industry.  I think Ryu explained it best, so just read what he said:
Sony allowed for many no-name developers to enter the industry with the Playstation. Thanks to their easy to program for system, they were able to make or break lots of different companies. Just how popular was THQ before the Smackdown series? Or Neversoft before the Tony Hawk series? Sure, there has been a lot of crap, but hey, there has been a lot of great games along the way as well.
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« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2001, 10:00:46 PM »
thats what I said IronFist!

Sony had almost 0 quality control. Which is why there are so many crappy games on PSX.

you did back me up ya know. :D

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2001, 10:06:55 PM »
Saturn didn\'t suck at all. It just never had a chance, because Sega just missed the boat all together. I think with the right moves, if it were just Saturn and N64, I think Sega could\'ve had a legitmate chance to beat N64. But Sega is a terrific deleper that\'s been ran by the most incredibly inept and flat out retarded people. They gave themselves a tainted reputation with their Saturn screwups, and that\'s why Dreamcast is dead now.

Also dude, saying Saturn had netplay is like saying N64 had RPGs, You could get Saturn\'s Modem and play online with the twelve other people in the known universe that own one:D

Seriously though Altered, I\'d love to see your Saturn collection. I have one of the black beauties, but only three games, and no place around here sells them anymore:(
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« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2001, 10:10:25 PM »
thats about 1/2 of my games, but some of the others are pretty crappy.

If you\'re 3 games are Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, and Daytona, I am punching you in the face through my phone line. :)

I could send you some of my doubles if you want, just pm me.

Eric Jacob
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Offline Weltall
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« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2001, 10:14:31 PM »
Close. VF1, VC1 and Myst:( A friend gave all this to me. I do have a NIGHTS controller though.

How long would your offer stand? I\'m very strapped for monies right now, so I can\'t buy any games right now. But once I get a little set aside, yeah, I might buy some of your doubles.

Do you have an extra Resident Evil?:D
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« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2001, 10:21:23 PM »
no charge, they are ust sitting in one of my game shelves and it\'s not like I have anytihng to do with them.

I do have 2 Resident Evils, but that game is just uncommon enough to have to pay for it :)

I do have a couple good ones, though.

Eric Jacob
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2001, 10:45:18 PM »
Just about every person in this thread commented on just how great Saturn was so I\'m not going to repeat those FACTS.  I will say this though:

Whatever great mature games Nintendo would never touch, the Saturn would have.  MGS for example, Silent Hill, I\'m sure we\'d see the dancing Konami games such as BeMani and others appear there as well.  I\'m also sure that Sega would be VERY impartial towards the little developers trying to make a name for themselves.  EA would still be with Sega, of course meaning VIsual Concepts, a much better company then EA will ever be, would be dead right now.  As for FF, I could even picture them going to the Saturn for a game or two after FF7 for their CD-based format and their superior polygon pushing powers.  We all know Squaresoft are graphics whores.

Point is, when developers are limited in what they can do, they want the most freedom a console developer can offer and thus the console that offers the most freedom will be their console of choice.  Of course Sega\'s standards are much higher then Sonys, but nowhere NEAR as much of a b|tch as Nintendo\'s are and I think because of that, a LOT more games would hit the Saturn DESPITE its difficulty of programming.  Not to mention that the Saturn had 2 full YEARS on Nintendo\'s release of the N64.  If Sony had nothing to say about anything in the console world and stuck to TV\'s FOR consoles specifically, I can almost GUARANTEE a win by Sega last generation.

That would make an interesting debate... "If Sony never existed, which console would have won the 32/64 bit era?"  I wonder who is CRAZY enough to do it... I\'d sure as hell reply!
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« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2001, 11:07:15 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
That would make an interesting debate... "If Sony never existed, which console would have won the 32/64 bit era?"  I wonder who is CRAZY enough to do it... I\'d sure as hell reply!

Did it.;)

Go reply..:laughing:

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« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2001, 01:27:02 PM »
I don\'t have a problem with FMV being in videogames.  The only problem I have with Sony is the fact that they are using it as a vocal selling point for most of their major games.  I mean, when you look at the commercials for these games, all they show are CGI graphics.  Of course the typical mainstream buyer will go ooohh and aaahh, thinking those are actual in game graphics, and will most likely be enticed to buy it.  Before all this, in the 16-bit era, the only way a game will sell is if it is actually good.  Mainstream buyers wasn\'t the main buyers, and it is the hardcore gamers, who want great games, that are the determining factor of a console\'s success.

Granted, we have Capcom milking franchises prior to Sony, but the only game that they milked was Mega man and it was a solid series despite being rehashed.  EA can get away with it because their titles are sports and most gamers would prefer to have updated rosters every year.  Sony basically set a "trend".  More developers were jumping to the gun just because Sony was doing it and making a lot of money.  Milking the series was commonplace, and many developers were definitely influenced by Sony\'s stance.  Why spend years to improve a sequel when you can just dish a crappy one out and still make the same amount of money.  The mantra still holds true today.

I am sorry but Neversoft and THQ are not "small in house developers graced by Sony".  THQ is a multi million dollar company that buy expensive franchises such as Ren and Stimpy.  Neversoft derived off of Shiny entertainment and if I can recall correctly their first game was on the Sega Saturn and not the PSX.  Besides, the developement kit for the PSX wasn\'t much more than the Saturn, and if these developers, with limited funds, can afford a PSX kit, they sure as hell can afford the Saturn\'s.  If its anything, Sony\'s lack of quality control paved a way for a sea of crappy titles on the PSX.  Little Joe can spend two days making a videogame for the system, send it to Sony, and easily have them approve it.  Whereas, he would be shot down by both Nintendo and Sega.  That is part of the reason why the PSX has the worse crap software to good ratio of any console to date.  I am also hard press to find any quality, small, niche game from a struggling company on the PSX, whereas I can name you a plethora of crap softwares from almost any genre.

Regarding Square on PSX.  The games that are not backed by the corporates at Sony are actually the best Square has to offer.  The subdivisions that made Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Tobal 2, and Xenogears were in no way funded or helped by Sony.  Those were full fledged, Square made games.  Games like the Final Fantasy series and Parasite Eve were actually a Square/Sony joint project where Sony does the advertising and additional funding while Square works on the project.  These games are usually rushed in hopes of meeting the deadline that Sony usually sets.

About Namco.  I am sorry but you are blind if you don\'t think they are the biggest Sega ripoffs.  I mean, back then any game that Sega would release there would be a Namco version of the same game.  It got incredibly ridiculous.  Sega released VF, Namco counters with Tekken.  Daytona = Ridge Racer.  Time Crisis = Virtua Cop.  The list goes on from flight simulators, to Skateboarding.  Basically anything Sega does Namco would copy.

The only reason why everyone loved Sony and embraced them was because of Bernie Stolar.  He was a gamer for the gamer.  Bernie pushed hard for RPGs and niche games from Japan, but after he left Sony, they were nothing but a bunch of corporate d*ckheads who don\'t know jack about gaming.  I mean, they tried to kill 2D gaming because it was "too old fashion".  Bernie is the only shining point over at Sony.

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« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2001, 05:59:25 AM »
American Sega fans know how reasuring it was to have Mr. Stolar  as CEO, then those Japanese corperate ****heads fired him.
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2001, 07:38:35 AM »
I\'ll say this If it weren\'t for SONY, FF7 wouldn\'t be FF7, Nintendo would\'ve turned down that idea.  There would be no Saga Frontier or Xenogears, and probably no FFT.  Sony gave Square the ability to put out FF8 which had some good things and other things that are uncharacteristic of Square.    The Tobal series would\'ve been shot to hell as would Bushido Blade.  SONY\'s lack of quality control opened up the innovation valves ( in some cases ) to rival those of the PC games. But some of the thing that came THROUGH the valve should\'ve been sent back --Return to Sender--
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PLAYSTATION saved the GAming Industry
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2001, 04:31:01 PM »
IMO if the PS1 wasn\'t introduced then Sega would have 3 reasons for being on top.

1) CD format is inexpensive to produce compared to cartridge
2) Nintendo\'s licensing fees were very high, so game companies had trouble making money.
3) Mature theme games would go Sega\'s way.


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