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Author Topic: Majesco, Saturn and Dreamcast  (Read 802 times)

Offline M4
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Majesco, Saturn and Dreamcast
« on: July 25, 2001, 02:11:41 AM »
I don\'t know too much about this company, however I do know that Majesco made the Genesis 3 and has rereleased the Game Gear (I just bought a GG through Amazon.com). Is it possible that this same company will produce and release Saturns and Dreamcasts within the next several years? How about any other Sega products (namely Nomad, 32X, and Sega CD)?

I really don\'t know much at all about this deal, so if I\'m off on any facts, pardon my lack of knowledge on the subject.
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then the piano lid comes down
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Majesco, Saturn and Dreamcast
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2001, 11:58:02 AM »
3 years ago, Majesco secured the rights to release the Saturn, most likely trimmed down, along with re-releasing some of the games.

Well, that Christmas went by, and we all wondered.

Then another Christmas went by.

Then the deal fell through!

It would be cool if they get the DC rights and produce it, althoguh I would mch rather see the Saturn get it\'s rerelease with some of the heavyweights at the end of it\'s life that not everyone got to enjoy!

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.


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