Ehmm, maybe this is twisting the thread theme a bit but :
I just finished Onimusha ( Europe y\'know ) a few days ago,
and it struck me that it\'s got kind of a bad ending. Yeah, Princess
Yuki and Yumemaru are saved, but you get to know that Kaede
dies 14 years later, Nobunaga DOES conquer and finally Samanosuke..... well I guess I can assume from the end cutscene
that he get\'s lost in the demonworld. In other words he winds up
It really did something to me. I got a faint feeling of depression
after seeing that. I mean, the whole game you try to keep this
guy\'s healthbar as full as possible, but no matter what you do
he dies at the end anyway. Maybe I got a bit attached to Samanosuke. "As if he were a close friend" kind of way.
Aren\'t there rumours going on that Snake dies at the end of MGS2.
Are sad endings becoming a trend. ( Lara Croft died in part 4 didn\'t she ?)
But to come back to the good endings.... though one... maybe
Mickey mouse - Castle of Illusions on Sega Mastersystem 2.
I usually find videogames\' endings suck somewhat.
Ajoh : the MGS \'meryl lives ending\' = way tooooooo corny imo !