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Author Topic: Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6)  (Read 5375 times)

Offline Tshirts
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #60 on: August 04, 2001, 05:26:37 PM »
Hey maybe you Nintendo guys should take your heads out of your asses and listen for once.....

I was talking about how simple the graphics are and not how I want cars, houses, villages and sh*t in a space shooter.  Damn grow a brain or stfu!

Offline hyper
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #61 on: August 04, 2001, 05:41:29 PM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
I swear Nintendo fanboys are the most emotionally discharged bunch!  Dood it is a simple opinion!  I am sure many will agree with me that the game is not the "most graphically impressive game ever"...

Its a fockin opinion......

What you posted weren\'t opinions; they were lines of misinformation. All we\'re doing is correcting you.

The graphics have been declared in game by Factor 5 and by all other major websites, including IGN. I think you\'re pretty much alone in this one.

About not many things going on in RL... take a look at the second picture here. See the numerous tiny specs in there?? What do you think those are??

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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #62 on: August 04, 2001, 05:54:03 PM »
*sigh*  First, it\'s people comparing DOA3 to RL2, despite the fact that these are two TOTALLY different games trying to accomplish two TOTALLY different things and now it\'s people (ONLY you) saying RL2 is purely FMV.  That\'s sad.  Really sad.  Why don\'t you just accept the fact that the graphics ARE just as good as is shown?  These shots are ALL in-game footage and the bump-mapped movies look JUST as good as the screens shown.  Every stinking net source and magazine publication says these graphics are this good, yet you are the ONLY moron not believing it.  Even the most hard-pressed MS fans and Sony fans have come to appreciate these graphics, except for you.  You are the ONLY one denying just how good this game looks out of all of the official sources, fanboys, and general graphics whores all over the net.  Why are they all wrong and you are ultimately right?  If there is a net source that does agree with you, please, show me a link as I have shown mine.  These graphics are all in-game.

Note that all of the above scenes are running in real-time on the GameCube hardware, as are all released screenshots of Rogue Leader. Any reports to the contrary are false.

That quote says it all.  End of discussion.  Raslant posted the source up above by the way so i don\'t have to.

Also, here is a question on the IGNinsider Q&A with the resident Gamecube IGN experts in regards to Gamecube\'s ability to play these screenshots WHILE PLAYING:

XenOtaku: People have been telling me that Rogue Leader does not look as good as the still pictures do. They say that the game is very blurry when you\'re close up to things. Is this true? And will many GC games feature the blurriness that plagued so many N64 games?

Matt: That\'s ridiculous. The game actually looks better in motion because it runs at 60 frames per second while pushing all of that geometry. Trust me, the first time you look around the ****pit of an X-wing with your camera stick as you fly over the Death Star, you will be floored. And screenshots simply don\'t do that experience justice.[/i]

If you are an Insider, you can look at the link here:  http://insider.ign.com/articles/301939p1.html
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« Reply #63 on: August 04, 2001, 10:45:36 PM »
Please watch this clip:
Rogue Leader Trench Run 10mb

This is real-time. Now tell me that does not look incredible for ANY console. This could be GCN\'s killer app if marketed correctly.
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #64 on: August 05, 2001, 04:58:29 AM »
The pics are awesome, yes, but not all in a game are the graphics.
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Offline IronFist
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #65 on: August 05, 2001, 03:40:15 PM »
Just a little fact for you Tshirts.  FMV does not mean "graphics using the game engine."  The DOA2 winning poses are not FMV.  FMV is an actual movie that was recorded and played off of the CD/DVD.  Wild Arms 2 is a great example of this.  Their movies are done in FMV.

Here are two definitions of FMV that I found on the internet:
1.  Full Motion Video.  Video streams such as AVIs and MPEGs are examples of FMV.

2.  (FMV) Video that runs at the same rate at which it was filmed.Moving video images and sound available on a computer; usually stored on CD-ROM because of the large size of the files.

DOA2 uses the ingame engine to do its movies and winning poses.  I just thought you would want to know.
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2001, 04:22:08 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu

9 million pps?!  Aw gee... If your DOA3 number was accurate, this kind of puts those numbers to shame.  Thank god they aren\'t.


  Ya know Ryu, if you were a wrestling fan, I\'d throw in a "if ya smeelll what Ryu is cookin"....but you\'re not a wrestling fan so...back to my corner.
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Offline astroglide
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2001, 06:31:59 AM »
it\'s been said before but i must say it myself: wow!

if nintendo can get more "mature" games like this(not a dis of mario,zelda,etc...at all!) then i will have no problem setting a gamecube right beside the ps2 up on the old entertainment system....

EDIT: I just read all the posts to this thread....without naming names some people are getting really sad when  they just can\'t admit this game looks awesome and instead have to bring up other systems or games...we ALL have a lot to look forward to with all three consoles that will be out. and that\'s all i have to say about that.
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #68 on: August 06, 2001, 09:40:00 AM »
First of all, those are definitely in game FMV shots.....

Sorry, but there is no such thing as in-game FMV. Please think a little more, a try to come up with a better argument than that.

When you take a look at the gameplay pic, it is not that impressive. The environments are way too simple. No trees, cars, ppl, or other sophisticated moving objects like you would usually see. It is bland and lifeless. This gives the programmers more room to work on the textures, models, etc. I mean if the game was in a Shenmue like world and it still retains this graphical quality then it would be the best looking game ever. As it stands, it is not. Impressive? Yes. Best looking game ever? No way! Not by a long shot!


There was no trees or cars in the Battle Of Hoth, Bespian, and especially out space! God you\'re one major retard. I know you hate Nintendo, but that\'s no reason to start bull**** in this thread. Get a life.

um so you are saying they are gameplay pics? All of them? LOL what a fockin joke!

Your the only joke in this thread, T****s.

They look like "tech" demos to me.

That\'s because you\'re a ****ing idiot.

In DOA2, the fmv in game graphics uses up to 3 million pps while the actual gameplay uses much less. Same case here.

Your clueless on this.

Every one of those pics with a little wingmen space in the bottom left of the screen is an actual gameplay shot. \'Nuff said. Everything else is in realtime.

It consists of layers and layers of long empty backgrounds and buildings at best. I say take the environments of a game like Shenmue or even Zelda, where they have houses, trees, forests, animals, cars, buildings, villages, and such, and if they can retain that much detail with the same graphical quality then it will be the best game graphically ever. As for now? No way!

Read above. It\'s Star Wars, not The Lion King.

As for you Jedi? Are you seriously getting emotionally distress over my comment? Gawsh grow up man its just a fockin game! Haha

Please don\'t be telling someone else to grow up, your one of the most immature people on this entire board.

And you gave an example of how they bumped map snow to the point of realism....

um its snow you are talking. How hard is it to make snow "look real". Like I said the graphics are way too simple. Take a look at Project Ego where they individually create every blade of grass and leaves....now that is impressive.

Then we have the buildings.....

It is a star wars environment so of course they don\'t have to re-create a whole city with moving cars, windows, trees, ppl, etc.....I mean all the focus is on just that one building....

The environments is way too simple....

Then when they fight outer space there also isn\'t much going on. All you see are stars and planets and the focus can simply be place on the fighter pilots and such.

Too simple......

That was more like a demonstration of your enormous stupidity rather than an example...

I swear Nintendo fanboys are the most emotionally discharged bunch!


So now your calling other peoples fanboys when in actuality you\'re the biggest fanboy here?

I never said anything about CGI graphics. I said in game FMV...do you know what that fockin means?

You gimp, that\'s because there is NO SUCH THING AS IN GAME FMV. There\'s FMV cut-scenes...there\'s realtime cut-scenes...and then there\'s gameplay. NOTHING MORE.

GAWSH! :laughing: <---making fun of Tshirts when he gets ubset.

Although it is in outer space.....the environments are too simple thus the developers are able to focus more on the models than the background.

That\'s what there doing, duh. Last time I checked a destroyer ship consists of over 7 million polygons.

Man if the guys who made Shenmue were able to use a background that consists of only a bunch of stars, trust me they would come up with something as graphically good if not better than RL.

Assumptions assumptions assumptions.

Hey maybe you Nintendo guys should take your heads out of your asses and listen for once.....

Or maybe you should just realize the ****ing facts?

I was talking about how simple the graphics are and not how I want cars, houses, villages and sh*t in a space shooter. Damn grow a brain or stfu!

THEY\'RE RE-CREATING STAR WARS, EINSTEIN! Last time I checked the space in all the Star Wars movies were pretty simple too.


So I\'m a little late, sue me.

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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #69 on: August 06, 2001, 10:28:11 AM »
ugh I love how many of take what i said and totally twisted it.  Gee thanx!  Real nice.

First of all, the graphics to me are real impressive.  Are they the best I have ever seen?  No!  That is all I am trying to say.

About FMV........

Granted I used the term wrongly, but ppl do you use "fmv" to describe cinematics during gameplay.  Those are in game graphics using the graphics engine but most are not gameplay shots.  When you compare the gameplay shots to the cinematic ones, the graphics are drastically different.  I just think it is stupid how some fanboys are praising the game basing on cinematic shots.  I mean if I can go by Madden\'s "cinematic shots", then it will be the best sports game graphically on the market.

Again, the graphics are simple...

That is the point I am trying to make.  Of course I don\'t want cars, trees and stuff in the game because it is a star wars universe after all.  RL is lucky to have the environments so simple thus they are able to focus on more special effects, better models and less on background.  It is like taking a Streetfighter game and giving it infinite animation while running it on a black background.

Take a look at the snow stage....the environments are only snow!

Take a look at the space stage.....there are only stars and planets!

With these kinds of environments, the developers are able to create more and better models of fighers and the special effects is put in better use because the focus is only on them and not the background.


Best game ever?

C\'mon now.......there is no other space fighter to compare this game to other than the model 3 sega Stars wars game, and it is not that drastically much better than that game.  Funny thing is, that game is 6 years old.  I expected better from Nintendo.  ;)  Jk!

Offline Tshirts
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« Reply #70 on: August 06, 2001, 10:33:46 AM »
Actually 3 out of the 6 are cinematics......

Offline Tshirts
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #71 on: August 06, 2001, 10:46:06 AM »

I seriously think you have some issues lol

Everytime you get mad at a simple comment I made, I just laugh and think to myself "damn this guy seriously has no life".....

Haha...you are nothing but a joke man...

its just a fockin videogame system....get over it!  Don\'t let it get to you.  There are a lot of crap in life that we all have to deal with and videogames should be a form of entertainment.  I know you have thoughts of killing me just because I don\'t happen to think too highly of Nintendo.

Hmm maybe you need a gf....or better yet some real friends.  Hahahahhahahhahahhahhahhahahahhahahhahahhhahha sucka!

Anyway I don\'t hate you.  I just think you are a joke.  Actually I feel sorry for you.  *Hugs* I hope that makes you feel better.  Take care and don\'t be too hard on yourself.  lol

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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #72 on: August 06, 2001, 10:52:39 AM »
Originally posted by Tshirts

I seriously think you have some issues lol

Everytime you get mad at a simple comment I made, I just laugh and think to myself "damn this guy seriously has no life".....

Haha...you are nothing but a joke man...

its just a fockin videogame system....get over it!  Don\'t let it get to you.  There are a lot of crap in life that we all have to deal with and videogames should be a form of entertainment.  I know you have thoughts of killing me just because I don\'t happen to think too highly of Nintendo.

Hmm maybe you need a gf....or better yet some real friends.  Hahahahhahahhahahhahhahhahahahhahahhahahhhahha sucka!

Anyway I don\'t hate you.  I just think you are a joke.  Actually I feel sorry for you.  *Hugs* I hope that makes you feel better.  Take care and don\'t be too hard on yourself.  lol

Retard, I\'m not the only one making fun of you. Jedi, hyper, and Ryu are all doing the same. I guess they need g/f and real friends too. :rolleyes:

You call me a joke, but you back it up with ****. Your pathetic. Your insulting without backing it up, wtf?

And you assume that I have no life....HA! This forum means NOTHING to me. I come here when I\'m bored, and I\'m always on ICQ when I\'m here. I\'ve been out all week-end like every week-end with my friends, hence why I haven\'t posted in days.

Don\'t make dumb ass assumptions like those again. Your the one who needs a hug.

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« Reply #73 on: August 06, 2001, 11:09:36 AM »
Ahh I can finnally get back online.

Jumpman, who says that I don\'t have a gf;)

As for you TShirts, if we were to poll the forum, over 90% of the people here would call you one of the stupidest people here. You know why DOA recreated every blade of grass? Maybe its because they were standing on it and you could clearly see every blade;) Sure, lets bash Rogue Leader for not having detailed grass of every blade when it is flying hundreds of feet above the ground;)

Like I said, why would Bespin have trees dude? They might not even survive! And your a "foking" idiot if you are flying your speeder down the road with ships firing above you.

You are taking up one of the weakest arguements that I have ever seen. You can\'t possibly expect to win an arguement like this. saying "Ingame FMV" tells us that you think this game is too impressive to all be done in real time. We are like a stone wall and you are like a small troll trying to get around us.

We have no footholes:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
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Brand NEW Rogue Leader 2 Screens! (6) (merged threads)
« Reply #74 on: August 06, 2001, 11:32:39 AM »

I was going to respond to you with a long-winded post, but my breath is wasted on deaf ears when I speak to you Tshirts.  To think, with your first post, I actually had respect for you.  What a difference 100 posts makes.  You can moan all you want about the graphics, but they do look that good when you play the game, the game does play that fast, and the game will be very fun.  If you can\'t respect that, then there is no hope for you.  You can continue being the X-fanboy you are and I\'ll be more then happy continuing to be a game fan.  I can\'t wait till you actually play RL2 and see for a fact that the game does look just as good as you have seen in these screenshots, but then again, I wouldn\'t expect you to come crawling back to this forum and admit your own stupidity.  Just having the image of you running around with your tail between your legs is good enough for me.


Ya know Ryu, if you were a wrestling fan, I\'d throw in a "if ya smeelll what Ryu is cookin"....but you\'re not a wrestling fan so...back to my corner.

On the contrary, I AM a wrestling fan. :)


EDIT: I just read all the posts to this thread....without naming names some people are getting really sad when they just can\'t admit this game looks awesome and instead have to bring up other systems or games...we ALL have a lot to look forward to with all three consoles that will be out. and that\'s all i have to say about that.

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