According to the Canadian Press, the Xbox will hit stores as planned on November 8th, at $459.99 Canadian. Game prices were not mentioned, but the press release managed to mention the launch titles that have been officially confirmed for the system, which include Halo, Oddworld, Amped, Project Gotham, Dead or Alive 3, Mad Dash Racing, and NASCAR. That\'s only seven of the total 15 games for launch planned for the system in Canada, but, Raw is War was not mentioned on the launch list for either the U.S. Release or the Canada release.
This leads to speculation on whether or not Raw is War is still slated for the 11/8/01 release. We had been told that it "may" make the November 8th release in both Canada and the U.S., but right now it looks as though the game "may" not make make the launch date.
On side note here\'s a Smackdown tidbit:
On to some Smackdown! news, we all noticed the new set , logos, and music on Smackdown this past week on UPN. The big question on the JBI fan\'s minds is, "Will the new (insert stuff here) make it into the game?". Well, right now it\'s safe to say no. Right now it looks as though JBI is in the deep development stages and it looks like the whole \'look\' of the game is completed. I don\'t think THQ/YuKeS planned on the WWF having a set change mid-way through production. Although it may be possible to put the new set in, that might make the release date slip into late November or December. THQ is looking to release the game A.S.A.P. and making this big change would set them back. Also, the argument over "will Wcw stars be in the game?" has been settled. Basically, EA still owns the rights to WCW games. Now you\'d think because Vince owne\'s them now, that he could put WCW guys into the games right? Well, not exaclty. EA owns the rights to use WCW superstar names, logos and personalities. This contract was made under Turner ownership. So, if we want to see WCW stars in WWF games, THQ would have to purchase the license from EA , or come up with some kind of legal loophole and try and swing the deal from Turner and get it over to WWFE/Titan Sports. But, even if any of those scenarios were to take place , we would definately NOT see them in any of the upcoming games slated for release this year.