I can go with "real-time". Suppose they found out Link could not be taken outside the poorly lit castle while maintaining the same high degree of graphical quality. Maybe it suffered from too frequent load times, pop in, short draw distance, slowdown with more than two active figures present, a noticeable lack of background detail out in the open. Perhaps the swordplay feature could not be effectively implemented at the level of graphics shown. As has been already stated, we\'re never going to know the real story behind the 180 taken if there is one beyond what Miyamoto has publicly expressed.
Or maybe Miyamoto got addicted to crack?
Maybe someone bombed Nintendo\'s main building?
Maybe all the people on the project quit because Microsoft offered them alot of money?
The possibilities are endless, but your theory has no proof to it while Miyamoto\'s explanation is the absolute right answer- they wanted to be unique. You seem to have difficulties accepting that for some unknown reason. It\'s a fact, there is no buts about it.
Of course no one should be taking my word on anything. I\'m merely offering speculation (backed by a few observations) on the reason why Zelda has taken such an odd turn with a result of annoying the hell out of a lot of serious fans. Being unique at the expense of looking like crap? I\'m just not buying it. Are you?
1. It doesn\'t look like crap, far from it. The desig might, but the game itself is gorgeous. It puts JSF\'s cel-shading to shame.
2. Observations? More like assumptions.
Hopefully you\'ll understand this time.