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Author Topic: Link\'s True Awakening...  (Read 2456 times)

Offline Ryu
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Link\'s True Awakening...
« on: August 25, 2001, 11:37:15 AM »
First, before I get into my lengthy introduction into this heavily controversial topic, I have to make sure that you are all in the proper mindset.  To be sure that you are, I have one question to ask:

What do you think of when you see this picture?

Now, before you think of an answer, I want you to forget all about the b|tching and complaining that has taken place over the past 4 days or so.  I want you to forget about your opinion of the "new" Zelda game.  I want you to form an opinion about this game before I go on.  Got a good idea?  No?  Well, I\'ll get things rolling first.

When I take a good look at that picture, I remember the first time I ever played a Zelda game.  For me, that first trial came in the form of Zelda: A Link to the Past.  Honestly, as a younger child, I thought the game sucked.  I didn\'t understand what I had to do, I didn\'t know what the tools were for.  Traveling through the world and not being able to traverse many areas because of my characters frailty was just unacceptable in my opinion.

However, once I watched a friend of mine play for a good solid two hours, that\'s a lot when you\'re a kid and you\'re not even touching the controller, and after he advanced through roughly 2 dungeons as I sat just eating away at the story, I was intrigued to say the least.  Immediately afterwards, I jumped outside, friends copy of the game in hand, and started swinging my arms forward as if I had a sword of my own attempting to save the fair princess and bring the Tri-Force together to thwart the evil-doer\'s plans.

Never before had I ever stumbled upon a game this rich and eventful with an original lush enviornment as the staple for the game\'s ongoing story.  The puzzles chipped away at my sanity for hours as I searched for the next area to explore and the next great sword that will do the most damage.  Tools, sweet beautiful tools that assisted me through and through with those difficult challenges while also showing me that being creative with how you play is just as important as defeating the more powerful enemies.

With a firm set of how Zelda should be in my mind and an understanding of how original, cartoony, and innovative this world truly should be, I first set eyes on the original demo screenshots of the Ultra 64 and a little game being displayed called Zelda 64.  After stepping out of the pool of urine beneath my feet and waiting an entire two years before actually laying hands on my own copy, I was finally playing Zelda in 3D.  However, for some reason, the game failed to grip me in the same way A Link to the Past did.  What was it?  Link had not changed, but the world around him had.  That same cartoony story book feel that was present originaly had been lifted away.

As an adult, I\'m not sure if I cared much about that fact as the game was still a great deal of fun, but to me, it just didn\'t have that essence I had come to know and love from the previous games.  Where was the cartoony little sounds I had come to love every time I fell down an area?  Where was the odd dances performed by our hero to recieve new items and advancing the quest?  Since when did Link ever need a horse?  These things sound petty and very trivial and I know many people who would say that the 3D Zeldas are better than anything available today, but I really don\'t see the artistic creative world that I had envisioned in these 64-bit games.

Enter the Legend of Zelda demo from SpaceWorld 2000 for the Dolphin.  Wow.  What an amazing technical demo.  Wait a second, technical demo?  That\'s right, Miyamoto and all of Nintendo claimed that the Zelda video was nothing more then a real-time tech demo.  Nevertheless, hordes of fanboys were quick to plaster the video into the faces of Sony and MS bigots all over the net.  The phrase "Technical demo" never seemed to enter the minds of these gamers and instead promised it would be a sign of things to come.  However, this couldn\'t have been further from the truth.

One year passes and Spaceworld 2001 rears it\'s ugly head up and into the faces of gamers all over the world.  The mature Link that seemed to have been envisioned by so many from last years Spaceworld event would soon become a fond, yet painful memory.

Now, what do you see when you examine this picture?  I see a world that was born in 2D and now represented fully, and more importantly, accurately, in 3D.  I see trees that are the same design as before with a cartoony world that I had originally fallen in love with.  However, would this game be the same Link we had come to love when A Link to the Past was released?  Not exactly.  Instead, this Zelda combines the overworld style present in A Link the Past with the same combat system of Ocarina of Time.  Nintendo has taken the best 2 versions of Zelda ever created and combined them in a successful amalgam of unique style and unique gameplay.

Shigeru Miyamoto has grabbed the original Zelda and thrust it upon us in a world where originality comes second to polygon power.  Miyamoto has placed us in a world full of uniqueness and presented us with original gameplay that is so great nowadays as to put most games to utter shame.  Zelda was the original pioneer of adventure games and now it has returned in a faithful representation of its roots to slay that evil "improved graphics equals a better game" fallacy.

"Link looks like a girl."

What\'s your point?  With over a year and a half to go before it releases and you\'ve already formed a solid opinion of how great the game will be based on the main characters stylistic look?  Since when was Link a tough Elvan adult?  As far as I can remember, Link has always been a young boy trying to do the impossible.  Why do you think he needs an item to help him lift a vase?  Perhaps understanding that he is actually supposed to be a child is a thought that escapes most of us thanks to the fact that we recognize Link in 3D moreso with the current games rather then what has been released in the past.  Have we forgotten and chosen not to remember what made this game great in the first place or what made Link a great character?

Don\'t tell me his eyes, his face, and his hair were Link\'s most heroic assets.  When I see this Link of the present, I see exactly what he originally was intended to be: A young clever child.  To say that your opinion was incorrect would be an incredibly biased thing to say, but I am asking you to see it from my perspective.  Don\'t try to see Link as a girl, or a doe-eyed freak, but rather as a 3D version of what was once loved from the past.

You can all pine away at the misinterpretation of your labeling ways, but I for one see Link as nothing more than a young clever child that represents what we always wanted to do as a child.  Perhaps now that most of us are older, we can\'t help but see Link as a little sissy girl, but to me, that sounds simply jaded.  Hopefully, when the game nears completion, you will all grow to understand and love this fresh representation of the past.  

Until then, I\'d love to hear any comments on this.  Please, feel free to keep this as a IDO* topic.

*Intelligent Discussions Only
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2001, 11:52:10 AM »
You said it all, man, as usual. This was the best move possible for Zelda, in my opinion. I was upset first, but after looking at the videos, you can appericate where the series is going, in my opinion.

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2001, 11:57:08 AM »
Ditto. I love the "new" direction Zelda is taking, although I still wish Link\'s character design were improved a little (modeled after the Link from SNES instruction manual perhaps).
August 26th, 2002.

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2001, 12:17:44 PM »
Good ponts raised...but I have matured since the wonderful Zeldas on the NES and SNES, and I was hoping the games would mature with me....oh well........:(

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2001, 12:21:09 PM »
Wow, how long did that take you to right? My topic only took me 15 or 20 minutes. :p

My problem with the change, is there is no change. It\'s just Link in another 3D world except this time there is a super cartoony feel to it. It\'s still using the acclaimed Ocarina Of Time engine. It\'s still Zelda.

I think you over exagerated how Zelda 3 felt cartoony. There were very few moments when it felt like a cartoon besides the ones you mentioned. This next Zelda isn\'t going back to it\'s roots like you make it out to be, it\'s still in a 3D world ala OoT. That hasen\'t changed. Anything Miyamoto could accomplish gameplay wise in this cartoon form, he could do it in 3D form just as well.

You say it\'s unique and original, but in actuality it\'s trendy and the same as the 3D Zeldas. Cel-shading has been done before. In fact, it\'s getting kind of old now. Too many developers are using it now. It\'s trendy. It\'s a cartoon OoT. Not very unique or original if you ask me.

Also, if Miyamoto wanted to be unique, then why not just blow everyone\'s expectations by making a slightly more mature Zelda? The gameplay will still be the same, but this time it would have a more darker atmosphere to it. A more mature feel that everyone could appreciate. MM had it, and boy it felt great. It felt like Zelda was growing up and for the better. Going cartoony isn\'t being unique at all. It\'s not going back to it\'s roots, it\'s extremely trendy, fans will not like it(that has already been proven drastically), what good is it for?

In the end, this game is still Ocarina of Time. In my opinion, Zelda 3 has nothing on this game, and I know a lot of people feel this way too. In 3D, it felt more alive and free. The dugeons were far more complex as were the puzzles, and the spectacular Zelda gameplay was still there, just improved.

In conclusion, the game offers nothing new. Same Zelda gameplay, in a cartoony form. I\'ll still buy it though as it still will be a great game. I wish I could share your enthusiam Ryu, but I can\'t.

Offline CS2x
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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Wow, how long did that take you to right? My topic only took me 15 or 20 minutes. :p

My problem with the change, is there is no change. It\'s just Link in another 3D world except this time there is a super cartoony feel to it. It\'s still using the acclaimed Ocarina Of Time engine. It\'s still Zelda.

I think you over exagerated how Zelda 3 felt cartoony. There were very few moments when it felt like a cartoon besides the ones you mentioned. This next Zelda isn\'t going back to it\'s roots like you make it out to be, it\'s still in a 3D world ala OoT. That hasen\'t changed. Anything Miyamoto could accomplish gameplay wise in this cartoon form, he could do it in 3D form just as well.

You say it\'s unique and original, but in actuality it\'s trendy and the same as the 3D Zeldas. Cel-shading has been done before. In fact, it\'s getting kind of old now. Too many developers are using it now. It\'s trendy. It\'s a cartoon OoT. Not very unique or original if you ask me.

Also, if Miyamoto wanted to be unique, then why not just blow everyone\'s expectations by making a slightly more mature Zelda? The gameplay will still be the same, but this time it would have a more darker atmosphere to it. A more mature feel that everyone could appreciate. MM had it, and boy it felt great. It felt like Zelda was growing up and for the better. Going cartoony isn\'t being unique at all. It\'s not going back to it\'s roots, it\'s extremely trendy, fans will not like it(that has already been proven drastically), what good is it for?

In the end, this game is still Ocarina of Time. In my opinion, Zelda 3 has nothing on this game, and I know a lot of people feel this way too. In 3D, it felt more alive and free. The dugeons were far more complex as were the puzzles, and the spectacular Zelda gameplay was still there, just improved.

In conclusion, the game offers nothing new. Same Zelda gameplay, in a cartoony form. I\'ll still buy it though as it still will be a great game. I wish I could share your enthusiam Ryu, but I can\'t.

Jumpman took the words right out of my mouth. Imagine how great a brand new, gritty, dark, intricate Zelda game would feel. :eyemouth:   But that\'s now a dream, and it isn\'t going ro happen  :(

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2001, 12:46:11 PM »
like i said before...ive grown up...
i was young when i played the first 3 zelda\'s...
and i dont pee on myself when i hear of a new sequel for zelda because i was dissapointed with the n64 versions...

zelda is not for me anymore.....and im not upset about it....
it died for me a long time ago...i was hoping it would get resurrected on the gamecube,  but i do not like the style it took...

how would you feel if castlevania went cell shaded and simon belmont looked like a powerpuff fag with a shoestring for a whip?

i bet you all would be singing a different tune...

im not going to swallow whatever nintendo says or does...if i like it,  i like it..if i dont,  too bad...i wont buy it...its so simple...

im an artist..and i do not like zelda\'s new style...its not for me....i dont care how fun it is...link was never a fag....

even the original zelda\'s instruction booklet, never portrayed link this fruity....had they used the art style from the instruction booklets of zelda 3..or the strategy guides..or the ocarina of time and majoras mask artwork..or even the friday afternoon cartoons from the mario bros supershow...(for those of you that were alive back then)...i wouldve been happy...go to http://www.thelegendofzelda.com  now thats some cool cartoony artwork....but this new gay look is unacceptable...sorry....it end there for me.
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« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2001, 12:48:55 PM »
i totally agree with jumpman in this one..
i wouldve loved for zelda to take a darker more mature feel like in majoras mask....but it didnt happen...
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2001, 12:50:04 PM »
The CastleVania analogy is flawed for one reason. CastleVania has always been a dark game. Zelda has always been a more cartoon / comical game.

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« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2001, 12:55:48 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
The CastleVania analogy is flawed for one reason. CastleVania has always been a dark game. Zelda has always been a more cartoon / comical game.

well you know what lic?
i never thought zelda was comical in anyway...
when i was young, and i played the 1st 3 zelda\'s i thought it was nintendo\'s most serious and in depth game...

i hoped they would take that to a new level and instead they went 3 levels back in my opinion.
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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2001, 01:52:38 PM »
Damn, 1 hour passes, and I already need to reply to a lot.  This forum really is starving for a good discussion. :)


(modeled after the Link from SNES instruction manual perhaps).

Yah, I can see that completely.  However, I still like what we have seen so far.  Just imagine the facial expressions at different points.  If we have seen anything so far it\'s that this Link will show TONS of emotion in his face.


but I have matured since the wonderful Zeldas on the NES and SNES, and I was hoping the games would mature with me....oh well........

Zelda started in a cartoon world and he should stay in a cartoon world.  That\'s just my opinion though, sorry you have gotten older.  I prefer how I am though, old ass, fresh young mind. :)

Jumpman took the words right out of my mouth. Imagine how great a brand new, gritty, dark, intricate Zelda game would feel.

Just imagine how intricate this cel-shaded Zelda is going to be.  Imagine just how great a large bell tower shaded in a dark tone would look, or the clouds, or... well, that\'s for another post entirely. :)


Wow, how long did that take you to right? My topic only took me 15 or 20 minutes.

40 minutes total, plus 10 minutes to find the pictures.  However, it took me about 12 hours in all actuality.  Started it last night at about 1AM, wrote for about 30 minutes, slept at 3.40AM (was playing Counter-Strike), woke up at about 11.50AM, played Oracle of Ages till about 1PM, finished the article and left at about 1.20PM to go grocery shopping.  I love my writing schedule. :)

My problem with the change, is there is no change. It\'s just Link in another 3D world except this time there is a super cartoony feel to it. It\'s still using the acclaimed Ocarina Of Time engine. It\'s still Zelda.

There is a huge change.  The last game that we have seen where Zelda was truly in his roots was the Oracle games, but those were not released on any console. (I do not consider handhelds consoles).  Before that, it was LttP.  The series went from cartoony adventure to more serious exploration when it hit the N64 and now it\'s going back to cartoony adventure.  I consider that a big change.

I think you over exagerated how Zelda 3 felt cartoony. There were very few moments when it felt like a cartoon besides the ones you mentioned. This next Zelda isn\'t going back to it\'s roots like you make it out to be, it\'s still in a 3D world ala OoT. That hasen\'t changed. Anything Miyamoto could accomplish gameplay wise in this cartoon form, he could do it in 3D form just as well.

Just look at the screenshot I provided of LttP.  You think that looks like a mature game?  It looks like a damn cartoon to me and now that Zelda is going back to that, I welcome the change.  OoT was nothing like any previous Zelda before it.  The game was very different from LttP, but this new zelda looks a whole ton similar to LttP.  If we consider OoT to be the mature version of Zelda, then I consider LttP to be the younger cartoony version, which is the version presented anew.

You say it\'s unique and original, but in actuality it\'s trendy and the same as the 3D Zeldas. Cel-shading has been done before. In fact, it\'s getting kind of old now. Too many developers are using it now. It\'s trendy. It\'s a cartoon OoT. Not very unique or original if you ask me.

It\'s not the same as the 3D Zelda\'s because the worlds rendered look so dissimilar.  Cel-shading is old?  THen I guess sprites are old as well.  Damn, now that were at it, polygons are old too.  Every Zelda should be a brand new graphical design not done before.  [/sarcasm]  Cel-shading is not trendy, it\'s a means for developers to use that same level of detail found in a sprite in a polygonal world.  Admit it, a 3D Ryu is no match for his hand-drawn sprite representation and i believe the same applies here with this cel-shading technique.  Cel-shading allows link to get away with that cartoony expression on his face while still feeling in-place in the game world.  If a "Mature" Link winked, I\'d never buy it.

Also, if Miyamoto wanted to be unique, then why not just blow everyone\'s expectations by making a slightly more mature Zelda? The gameplay will still be the same, but this time it would have a more darker atmosphere to it.

Because Zelda is not a mature game.  It never was.  However, since you think it should head in that direction, then please, define mature for me.  I\'d REALLY love to hear how you think an Elvan with an earing fighting a half grown cactus "monster" could be more "mature."  You saw Link fight Ganon in the SW2K vid, but that was a demo of two human like beings, now what if Link was fighting a pig monster in that demo?  One that glowed every time you nailed it with a sword.  I rest my case on that one.  The world Link lives in is the world the game is defined by.  Link "maturing" does not mean the game itself will be "mature."


im an artist..and i do not like zelda\'s new style...its not for me....i dont care how fun it is...link was never a fag....

First of all, I think you can find a better adjective then "fag."  Please do so.  Secondly, since when did Link\'s looks and how fun the game was ever relate?

i never thought zelda was comical in anyway...
when i was young, and i played the 1st 3 zelda\'s i thought it was nintendo\'s most serious and in depth game...

So when you look at the first pic on this page, you do not see the cartoon qualities present?  You mean you looked beyond the world and into the gameplay and story moreso?  How come you can\'t do the same for the new Zelda shown at Spaceworld 2K1?  What if the game is just as dark and gritty story-wise with a gameplay engine as great as LttP.  Are you telling me you wouldn\'t play it because Link looks, something you learned to looks beyond in the earlier Zelda\'s, like a "fag"?  Nice contradiction in terms.

Oh well, some good replies so far.  Keep it up.
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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2001, 02:51:13 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu

So when you look at the first pic on this page, you do not see the cartoon qualities present?  You mean you looked beyond the world and into the gameplay and story moreso?  How come you can\'t do the same for the new Zelda shown at Spaceworld 2K1?  What if the game is just as dark and gritty story-wise with a gameplay engine as great as LttP.  Are you telling me you wouldn\'t play it because Link looks, something you learned to looks beyond in the earlier Zelda\'s, like a "fag"?  Nice contradiction in terms.

when i look at the first pic,  i see a game that looked awesome for its time...and took advantage of a lot of the snes capabilites...
i was 13 at the time and it intrigued me much....over the years,  i would expect better character design,  better looking levels,  and graphics that take advantage of the new consoles capabilities...

imo,  the new zelda has the weakest character design ever,  and the worlds ive seen so far are low polys...and lack in detail...

btw..link never looked this bad....even in the 8 bit systems...
he never looked like a powerpuff girl.....
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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2001, 02:51:49 PM »
There is a huge change. The last game that we have seen where Zelda was truly in his roots was the Oracle games, but those were not released on any console. (I do not consider handhelds consoles). Before that, it was LttP. The series went from cartoony adventure to more serious exploration when it hit the N64 and now it\'s going back to cartoony adventure. I consider that a big change.

Back to it\'s root? Like I said earlier, you over exagerate how cartoony Zelda 3 felt. It didn\'t really feel cartoony at all actually. The was pratically no story-line, the game just relied on it\'s steller gameplay. The gameplay also felt limited. I felt cramped while playing it. I\'m not saying it\'s a bad game, it\'s still probably in my top 10 for favs all time but Zelda:OoT felt more free. N

Who says this game won\'t be a serious adventure? As far as I can see, it\'s Zelda:OoT with cel-shaded graphics. Big change? Hardly. The cartoon feel was barely ever present in the previous Zelda game. Really, go back and play them again. You\'ll see that you blew the cartoon feel totally out of proportion.

Just look at the screenshot I provided of LttP. You think that looks like a mature game? It looks like a damn cartoon to me and now that Zelda is going back to that, I welcome the change. OoT was nothing like any previous Zelda before it. The game was very different from LttP, but this new zelda looks a whole ton similar to LttP. If we consider OoT to be the mature version of Zelda, then I consider LttP to be the younger cartoony version, which is the version presented anew.

No, I do not think LttP looks like a mature game, but it\'s far from cartoony, like I said. You were still adventuring, the dungeons were a lot simpler from the N64 versions, but were still great and felt similar due to puzzle solving, the dark-world has a moody feeling present, no cartoon feel though. So what if the trees looked the same? It\'s still Zelda:OoT at heart. Miyamoto knows that game put it\'s counter-parts to shame. That\'s why he\'s using it\'s game engine though slightly modified.

OoT wasn\'t exactly mature, it had the Zelda feel to it. You want cartoony? I see you never saw the reaction of Link when Princess Ruto asked him to marry her. That was cartoony. The little sound when got a new mask in MM-cartoony. Link\'s noises-cartoony. When Daruna danced-cartoony. In fact, the N64 Zeldas were just as cartoony as LttP, no doubt. Blah, the Zelda series has ALWAYS been kind of cartoony. No one ever said anything about the N64 Zeldas not following the style of their previous installments.

It\'s not the same as the 3D Zelda\'s because the worlds rendered look so dissimilar. Cel-shading is old? THen I guess sprites are old as well. Damn, now that were at it, polygons are old too. Every Zelda should be a brand new graphical design not done before. [/sarcasm] Cel-shading is not trendy, it\'s a means for developers to use that same level of detail found in a sprite in a polygonal world. Admit it, a 3D Ryu is no match for his hand-drawn sprite representation and i believe the same applies here with this cel-shading technique. Cel-shading allows link to get away with that cartoony expression on his face while still feeling in-place in the game world. If a "Mature" Link winked, I\'d never buy it.

The worlds rendered in the cartoony version look like OoT more so than LttP. That little tunnel where is was raining looks EXACTLY like the tunnel in the fields of Termina(though I doubt you know what that is?). It had N64 Zelda writen all over it. The dungeon scene kind of reminded me of the forest temple(or do you not know what that is also?).

I never said cel-shading was old, just trendy. Just because Zelda is cel-shaded doesn\'t mean it\'s unique. It may be different from the other Zeldas, but not different in general. Now a super realistic Zelda would be unique too(yes), but hey, Nintendo choose to go in the opposite direction for drug overdose reasons...

And it would depend on how an adult Link would wink. I wouldn\'t mind it if he had some attitude.

Because Zelda is not a mature game. It never was. However, since you think it should head in that direction, then please, define mature for me. I\'d REALLY love to hear how you think an Elvan with an earing fighting a half grown cactus "monster" could be more "mature." You saw Link fight Ganon in the SW2K vid, but that was a demo of two human like beings, now what if Link was fighting a pig monster in that demo? One that glowed every time you nailed it with a sword. I rest my case on that one. The world Link lives in is the world the game is defined by. Link "maturing" does not mean the game itself will be "mature."

By mature, I mean more realistic graphics wise and during some gameplay moments. Parts in the N64 Zelda had some dark, mature places in them, especially in MM. But hey, aslong as they keep the Zelda gameplay then I\'m happy. There is nothing that can\'t be done in the cartoon version that you could do in a realictic version. But the realistic version would have a more general appeal. Casual gamers would be more drawn to it. Hey, look at some Nintendo boards. Zelda fans are going crazy over the change. I can live with it simply because it\'s going to be Zelda in the end. :)

Woo, long post.

First of all, I think you can find a better adjective then "fag."

Actually, that was the first word that came to my mind when I saw this Link. It does look a bit...odd to say the least.

And Ryu, check out the art-work with MM(go to Zelda.com). Check out what Link looks like there. Admit it, he would look a lot better than the version were seeing.

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2001, 03:09:38 PM »
Ryu, you took the words right out of my mouth (it must have been when you were kissing me).  As ive been saying for quite some time, i think the game looks fun.   And i think the game will have more to it then what we have just seen.  I think Miyamoto will upgrade the battle engine greatly.

but anyhoo...for the past 4 days or so i have been commenting on how this new look was much more true to the original look of Zelda than the 64 games...and i think thats what they should have done, and what they wanted to do all along.  I guarantee you, if the 64 could have handled something like this, the OoT that you know, would have looked much more like this game.

gleh, my post is all screwed up, my thoughts are all over the place...i gotta get some sleep.  I say, get over the fact that Link looks homosexually inclined, get over the fact that you fell in love with the 64 version, and the Zelda tech demo...thats not what Zelda is, and its not what Nintendo wanted Zelda to be.  This is what Link should have been like the whole time, cartoony, and damn fun.

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Link\'s True Awakening...
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2001, 04:13:01 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
The CastleVania analogy is flawed for one reason. CastleVania has always been a dark game. Zelda has always been a more cartoon / comical game.

Zelda has never, EEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRR, been a comical game. Just had to point that out and that CastleVania is a HUGE rip-off of Metroid.

Bob, you didn\'t like the N64 Zelda, so I doubt you\'ll like this one because it is using the OoT engine.


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