Sega cared about gamers. There, I said it. Deal with it.
True enough, but It\'s the gamers who didn\'t care about Sega.
Innovation is dead in large amounts, Sega, the consolemaker, is gone.
Actually, we have lost our console guinnea pig. Sega always tried to test the waters first and in a lot of ways, they did a lot of things wrong. Based on what they did, other consoles grew and built upon Sega\'s model. Who is left to follow now? Sony? They are most likely to have the first next gen console out now. They make innovative Hardware. However, innovative does not always mean good. What about MS? The company that takes ideas and then adds to them? The original
hack and add developers right? What\'s to add to if they test the waters first? It\'s quite simple, they won\'t. Finally there\'s Nintendo. King of delays, always the last on the new hardware chopping block. What they make will be innovative in some shape or form, but it won\'t by any means set the tone for the 256 bit generation.
Who cares anyways so long as the games are fun? I guess you can always be happy, AlteredBeast, knowing that no matter what you buy, you will always, theoretically, have a Sega
enhanced system.